Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 181: Fairy mountain animal

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After Lu Chen waited for his skills to cool down, he happily ran to the edge of the blood demon's protection range.

A dozen flying swords were shot from the surrounding area of ​​"Dead Monkey, Look at the Sword", as well as group attack skills such as blasting experts' fragment attacks.

Lu Chen never expected that these players would be so overcast...

One didn't pay attention, there were several swords in Lu Chen's body.

"Hahaha, finally hit, dead monkey, come and hit your grandpa!"

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, first smashed a ditch with a stick, then turned back and continued to attack the defensive formation.

The faces of a group of players who have escaped the chasm of the ground are full of incredible.

"Damn, here, this monkey has a brain disease? Will he fight back if he is beaten?"

"Nima, this product does not follow the routine!"

"This BOSS does not have a hatred value system? This is too ridiculous!"

"Is it set to attack Xianshan first?"

Lu Chen didn't care about that much anymore. Lao Tzu had a showdown. He wouldn't be dragged away by the players anyway, but he didn't expect that the players would make up so many reasons.

The action team failed again. They returned to the city and reported the results of this action to the years.

"I saw it, that monkey...too damned, not enough. Since it is set like this, we can't pull it out. Then there is no need to go to death for nothing."

"Now I can only delay as much as possible and see if I can last 12 hours."

Lu Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. After the showdown, no players came to trouble him. That's okay, then wait for the defensive formation to break the fairy mountain.


After playing for two full hours, Lu Chen didn't know how many miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pills he had knocked.

With a loud noise, the valley vibrated and the earth shook.

The Wuxianzong Qiankun Spirit Guardian formation suddenly turned into a solid shape, like the surface of a glass ball. In front of Lu Chen, a crack burst instantly, eyeing all areas of the mountain guard formation.

"Broken... It's only three hours!"

"It's over, I can't stop it now."

"Hey..." Seeing this scene, countless Huaxia players felt desperate in their hearts.

In the big formation, the five illusory figures began to fade. The five people looked at each other and raised their weapons one after another, pointing to the center of the fairy mountain.

The five weapons emit dazzling light, and the light converges at one point in the city.

All players, including Lu Chen, were watching this scene in shock.

The place where the light converges is the Fengyutan in the center of Xianshan!

Suddenly, the calm Fengyutan, gradually ripples, from slight ripples to floating waves, to violent swaying waves, and finally, the entire Fengyutan, the lake is surging!

"How is this going!"

Both the Chinese players and the foreign server players who watched the video were all shocked by this scene.

Seventy-two Heavenly Flame Pillars, suddenly, 72 Heavenly Flame Pillars soared into the sky!

The immortal at the top of the big array looked down on the whole city, and the voice echoed the whole city like Hong Zhong Dalu.

"I'm waiting for the five souls to disperse, and I can't fight side by side with everyone, but Xianshan still has the last hole card, I hope you can seize the last chance!"

The immortal man raised his head and looked at the sky, and sighed, "Heaven and earth are unkind, ten thousand races compete, nine days are turbulent, and the strong is respected!"

"My human race is weak, and Yu Xiuxian is struggling to walk along the way. However, pursuing the path of heaven will not happen overnight."

"You need to remember, don't forget the original intention, always have to go, don't be afraid of dangers, just touch the road!"

After the man finished speaking, he finally turned his gaze on Lu Chen, who was the happiest monkey who slashed in a big array.

Lu Chen was taken aback for a while, that guy clearly saw himself!

"Become a demon and become a god, just in one thought!"

After the fairy said, together with his companion, his body turned into countless light spots and dissipated in the air.

Lu Chen furrowed his brows. Is this guy's last sentence meant for everyone or for him?

Before I can think about it, things have changed in the main city of Xianshan!

Seventy-two pillars of heavenly flames rushed straight into the sky, and the sky suddenly rolled over, and the wind was strong.

The whole world became dim.

"What's the matter? The Immortal Venerable just said that we still have a hole card? What is it!"

"I don't know, but looking at the driver seems to be awesome."

"The moment Xianzun spoke, I almost forgot that this is a game."

"I also feel pain. Is the difficulty of the nine-day game so high, and it has something to do with the turbulence of the nine-day game?"

"Don't worry about that, save Xianshan first, I don't know what our hole cards are!"

Lu Chen knew exactly what Xianshan's hole card was, but what the fairy said just now made him a little difficult to calm down.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen shook his head, "I'm too sensitive. This is a game. Tianxing must make the game as realistic as possible."

After entering nine days and 50 days, Lu Chen found that he was really swimming a little too much into the game.

At the beginning of the three silly deaths, it is no wonder that his eyes turn red. He knows that the new three silly is not the best choice, but he has not replaced them...

When he was bored, he would fight with Ten Beasts, chat with Xiao Min, and rhubarb... all of this made him more and more involved in the game.

"Huh~!" Lu Chen let out a long breath, "I think too much, let's see how sacred the beast is!"

Fengyutan, the lake suddenly surges into the sky like a fountain, and the view from a distance is like a waterfall!

The sky was thundering, the sky and the earth were dim, and occasionally lightning flashed, seeming to illuminate a vague figure in the "waterfall".

"Roar!" A roar came out from the water curtain, shocking people.

"Damn!" People looked at the sky vision excitedly and nervously.

In the next moment, a white figure broke through the water curtain from a height of several tens of meters and rushed towards the Gorefiend!

And the Gorefiend unwilling to show weakness, spread his wings, Yang Tian laughed, "Hahahaha, you finally came out! It's a pity that you still can't stop me from washing the fairy mountain!"

Two figures, one white and one black, crashed at low altitude, and the fluctuations in the airflow caused some people to stand unstable!

"Oh my God……"

"Yes, yes, Aurora White Tiger? Is this the body of a divine beast?"

"It's not the body, look at the name, it says "Aurora White Tiger Remnant Soul"!"

"How could it be that the sacred beasts we encountered in the misty forest are not so powerful."

"Maybe there are levels of cannibalism, but a cannibalism is already so strong, it's really hard to imagine how strong the divine beast itself is!"

At this time, Lu Chen saw the lineup of the beasts.

It was an unusually huge white tiger with a strong body, wide-eyed tiger eyes, and a big mouth in the blood basin, leaping towards the blood demon.

"Yes, Aurora White Tiger!" Lu Chen couldn't help but breathe quickly, "But this guy's strength is stronger than the Azure Dragon and Black Dragon in the Misty Forest!"

Lu Chen didn't think that the Aurora White Tiger was stronger than the Black Dragon and Qinglong. Perhaps the remnant soul also needs to look at the strength of the soul left behind, which leads to the same remnant. One can only be in the misty forest, and the other can become the guardian of the fairy mountain.

"Well, anyway, I must get the white tiger cub!" Lu Chen stared at the white tiger.

At this time, the two super bosses collided in mid-air, and they separated at the touch of a touch. After the two landed, there was another violent earthquake.

In the collision just now, it seemed that neither party had the upper hand, and both parties were very angry, and both roared.

The Gorefiend Invasion event started for 3 hours and 17 minutes, and the battle between the two super BOSS has begun!

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