Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 186: Level 42 woman!

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The top floor of Haishi Shuangxing Building is the headquarters of Tianxing Game Company.

There was only one room on the huge top floor. At this time, the curtains of the room were all drawn, and the light in the room was dim.

There is a spacious desk in the room, with a man sitting on the boss chair and one person standing in front of him.

The man behind the desk has a low voice, "Is the identity of the only madman already exposed?"

The opposite person said, "Now players have different opinions, and it is difficult to make a conclusion. Unless the soloist or we officially announce it, I am afraid it is still a mystery."

The man snorted coldly, "There is such a thing!"

"Boss, that's also his chance. Within nine days, the chance is fixed, and we have no right to deprive it."

"Opportunity? It's only 3**! In front of me, it's just a jumping clown." The man seemed to be very dissatisfied with the growth of solipsism. "Damn it, if he is exposed sooner, the player can do it without us. Kill him to retreat!"

"By the way, how are our people upgrading now?"

"Many people have reached level 42!"

"You can start mentors and apprentices at level 42. Now there are a lot of rich people waiting for someone to take them. Let them move." The man said.

"Yes, I will notify them now."


The royal prince has been very depressed recently. When the blood demon invaded, he was so embarrassed that he was hung up early.

The nameless brother has more and more names, and his strength is also shocking. Facing this guy who robbed his own beast, the royal prince hated him, but there was no way.

If people can destroy their friendship, then they can destroy their royal family!

However, seeing Wuming's popularity, she has now risen to the first place on the official website celebrity list, even overwhelming the mad god, and even heard that several princess-level goddesses in the circle danced with excitement when she talked about the nameless.

The bad breath in the prince's heart was hard to swallow.

"The mythical beast should belong to Lao Tzu, those honors, the title of China's victory, and so many beauties should belong to Lao Tzu!"

The prince suffocated the Lafite in the cup.

At this moment, the people in the office were pushed away.

The prince looked impatiently at the gate. There was a coquettish woman standing there, smiling charmingly at him, "Are you the royal prince?"

"who are you?"

The woman walked into the office by herself and closed the door with her backhand, "From now on, you can call me Master."

"Master? What master!" the prince asked grimly, if it weren't for this woman to be pretty, he would have driven her away.

The woman smiled slightly, sat in front of the prince, unceremoniously picked up the bottle of Lafite 1982, and poured herself a glass.

"The mentoring system can be turned on at level 42 in Jiutian, don't you know?"

"Huh? What?"

The woman took a sip of red wine and smiled, "I'm already level 42. Because I'm bored, I want to take an apprentice to take it with me. Why? Don't you understand?"

The royal prince stood up all of a sudden, "You lie to someone, level 42? Dreaming!"

"I can only say that your team knows nothing about this game, don't you know if you go to the game?"

The two entered the game at the same time and met at the agreed place.

The woman in the game is no different from reality, but she is riding a kun, a kilometer long, suspended in the air...

The royal prince opened his mouth in surprise, "This, this is Kun! Is it your mount?"

"Purple mount, is it weird?"

On the royal prince operation page, I suddenly received a system message.

[Linglong Purple Heart (Level 42 Five-Star Imperial Sword) hopes to accept you as a disciple for a fee. The other party asks you to pay 20 million RMB. Do you accept it? 】

The royal prince looked at each other in shock!


Since the last time he encountered the Xianyuan mission, Lu Chen discovered that Tianxing might have known his identity a long time ago, but he didn't see what they were doing. Lu Chen was sure that they would not be titled because of their wild monster identity.

Now his strength doesn't need to be afraid of players encircling and suppressing him, he can't beat us to run, so Lu Chen doesn't care that much about whether the identity of the crazy **** is exposed.

Back at Ren'ai Peak, Lu Chen opened his backpack.

First of all, this trip he got several ancient materials, 5 ancient hearts, and 6 ancient fragments!

"Hahaha, great!" Lu Chen laughed, "Don't worry about using this, wait for the secret realm to take a look, and see if there is any more."

In addition, what Lu Chen cares most about is undoubtedly the "Aurora White Tiger Summoning Stone."

Click on the summoning stone, and two options appear, one is to obtain the ability to summon the remnant soul of the Aurora White Tiger, and the other is to obtain the cub of the Aurora White Tiger.

"Choose the cub!" Lu Chen chose the cub without hesitation.

The little tiger, who had always been white and fluffy, appeared next to Lu Chen, wailed twice with milky milk, walked crookedly to Lu Chen's feet and rubbed Lu Chen.

"Haha, the little things are so cute!" Lu Chen cupped Xiao Baihu in one hand.

"Don't be afraid of being alone, I still have many companions."

Considering that Xiao Baihu was only level 1 and would be bullied by those ten aggressive guys, Lu Chen directly divided 200,000 from his experience and raised Xiao Baihu to level 10.

200,000, for Lu Chen now, is no longer experience.

After checking Xiaobai's attributes, he was similar to the Qinglong and Black Dragon, and was higher than the other eight.

"It's the ultimate beast."

Lu Chen opened the taskbar and checked the missions of the God Blood and Demon Seed.

【Collect the four ultimate beasts: Cangtian Qinglong, Food Suzaku, Aurora White Tiger, and gilded Xuanwu. Task completion progress (2/4)]

"Hey, I got another one, beautiful!" Lu Chen touched Xiao Baihu, "Little guy, I will release all your companions. You guys will get acquainted first."

Lu Chen expected that the scene of everyone's happiness did not appear. Xiao Baihu saw a group of mythical beast cubs and immediately rushed into the enemy's formation and formed a group with the mythical beasts.

"I'm going, this sacred beast is really no worry!" Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, forget it, let them fight.

"By the way, look at the core of the third-order spiritual source."

After checking the items, Lu Chen figured it out.

To put it simply, a force can have more than one spiritual source. The spiritual source fragments are materials for upgrading the spiritual source, and the spiritual source core can be considered as a new spiritual source!

It's just that to place more spiritual sources, you need to upgrade your territory.

"Now that the 8-star materials are not available for the time being, sell a few first and upgrade the Legion Order."

This time, Lu Chen spent a huge sum of money and 8.4 million prestige to directly upgrade the legion order to the "second rank legion order (single soldier, and the color of the legion order also changed to blue.

[Recruitment order for the Third Rank Army (single soldier): 284431/3 million]

【Legion’s physical attack increased by 70%, life limit increased by 100%. Activate the inheritance system and activate the star reward system for members of the legion. 】

[Star-rated reward system: After the legion member kills a sufficient number of players, they can upgrade their stars and obtain attribute rewards. 】

The condition for rising stars is actually to kill the "player"! It really is the style of the wild monster army!

After the legion order was upgraded, Lu Chen only needed to recruit enough wild monsters to upgrade his territory.

"There are so many things that can be upgraded, um...I can first upgrade the star to six stars, and now I can use BOSS everywhere to recruit a few small BOSS to see."

Lu Chen used three ancient hearts to raise the star to six stars, and then went out to find the boss.

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