Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 187: The thriving Renai Peak

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The event is still a few minutes away, but the monster army is still trying to break through the fairy mountain.

After losing the blood mist effect, the BOSS in the wild will not be assimilated. Lu Chen finds the BOSS very easily.

"You can recruit 10..." Of the several BOSS in the Xianshan area, Lu Chen wanted to recruit the Ice Roar Tiger and Abyss Zombie the most. The Ice Roar was range control and very useful.

"I am a six-star now, I don't know if my star is enough to recruit that guy."

Lu Chen simply jumped on the tree to look for it. Not far away, he saw a really hot cracking tiger. Considering the limited time, if the player came out, he would **** the boss from him. Lu Chen didn't pick it anymore. He won one first.

However, after pulling out the legion order, Lu Chen received a system prompt, "The opponent's star rating is higher than yours, and you cannot surrender by force."

Lu Chen didn't bother to fight it, so he drove off.

"The Real Hot Burst Tiger is actually a 6-star unit, isn't that Frost Roaring Tiger the same as me? Mad, still can't recruit! You can only find the Shadow Gale Tiger."

"Forget it, just wait for the upgrade of StarCraft before letting the subordinates inherit the skills."

The number of Shadow Gale Tigers is the largest among the three hidden BOSSs. Lu Chen, riding the Golden Retriever, quickly recruited 10 Shadow Gale Tigers.

Now Lu Chen’s army has 10 tigers, 8 heads and 3 silly, plus eleven mythical beast cubs chasing and playing around in the territory. The huge golden retriever shook a tree violently, and Xiao Min floated around... …

The deserted and desolate Renai Peak actually seemed a little bit lively.

"Haha, finally there is so much popularity."

After the number of legions reached the target, Lu Chen upgraded the legion hall.

The hall expansion requires a lot of materials, and these are just handed over to collect them, but the legion level has already been up.

The second-tier legion can have a second spiritual source, and Lu Chen tried to use the "third-tier spiritual source core."

An irregular crystal with silver light flew into the air, and then flew around Ren'ai Peak for a week, chose a location, plunged one end into the ground, and disappeared.

Lu Chen was not afraid of Lingyuan running away, as long as it could provide a steady stream of pure aura for the territory, it would be where it wanted to be.

[Spirit Source No. 2 is already in place. 】

"By the way, upgrade the original spiritual source to a higher level."

[No. 1 Spirit Source (First Tier 2): 66/20 (Spirit Source Fragment) (requires ** Legion Hall)]

【Extract pure aura effect by training is increased by 60%, which can be superimposed. 】

[No. 2 Spirit Source (Tier 3 Level 1): 0/10 (Tier 3 Spirit Source Fragment)]

【Extracting pure aura through practice is increased by 230%, and can be superimposed. 】

【Current source effect: gain 5.3 points of pure aura every minute. 】

The advantage of the third-order spiritual source is that just at level 1, the effect has reached 3.3 times, ignoring the legion hall level restrictions to a certain extent.

"Damn, this speed is pretty good!" Lu Chen said in surprise.

In 10 hours, you can get more than 3000 points of pure aura! 21 minions can get 60,000 pure auras in 10 hours!

The pure aura problem of mythical beast cubs is greatly relieved!

Turning on the Legion option, Lu Chen also found that the ** Legion had one more building that could be constructed.

【Legion Camp】

The legion camp is a resting place for the legion’s subordinates, where the legion’s subordinates can recover faster, including blood volume and physical strength, and the legionary unit can be transported between the location of Lu Chen and the camp.

"Equivalent to the legion camp is for rest... This is actually quite useful. Whether it is cultivation or collecting materials, it requires physical strength, and it also has a teleportation function, which is very convenient."

The legion camp must be built!

After the legion is upgraded, Lu Chen's personal copy can also be expanded.

Single-player dungeons can be expanded into squad dungeons, and the number of wild monsters can be increased five times.

After the scale was increased, the copy fee was also increased five times. The first time is free, the second time is 500 copper, and the third time is 15 yuan.

Previously, a personal copy could create 500 gold for Lu Chen every day, with an income of 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. After the expansion, this number will definitely double, multiplying by 5 to calculate, 2500 gold a day, and an income of 150,000 to 200,000 yuan!

With such a calculation, the income of the personal copy is a bit scary!

"The level has not changed for the time being, now level 20 is still the mainstream."

"Look at how many essences are in the copy now."

[Reserves of dungeon essence: 12343/1500000]

In the past, the upper limit of the dungeon’s reserves was 300,000. Now it has become 1.5 million, but only 12,000 Essences have been collected.

These are essences with no attributes, and they need to be synthesized to use them. They are definitely not enough for the little guys to upgrade.

"Let's put it here, after the expansion, the collection speed will be much faster in the future."

This time the dungeon upgrade, the possible benefits that Lu Chen is looking forward to, a five-person dungeon is so high, so the benefits of a group of 20 people, a group of 40 people, or higher levels will be unimaginable. !

"150,000 a day, 4.5 million a month! This is to lie down and make money." Lu Chen thought the more and more refreshed, "By the way, let's see what level of army is needed for the next expansion."

The next level expansion is a 10-person team instance, which requires level 4 Legion Hall.

"The 4th level legion wants to upgrade the legion order to rank four... I'll go, it seems that the reputation is not enough now."

Now it costs 4 million to upgrade the legion order, and it has been doubling, and more than 100 million prestige is simply not enough.

"Well, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Four or five million a month is fine. Take your time."

The new legion, the attributes of the new copy have been released, but the construction must be completed. Lu Chen was busy commanding his men to start collecting materials.

As soon as the poor ten tigers were recruited by Lu Chen, they acted as porters, cutting trees and moving rocks with the eight heads and three fools.

Lu Chen finally had time to look at the new equipment he had hit.

【Tianyan Pillar (Purple Magic Weapon) (First Order)】

[Upgrade: 0/10 (purple magic weapon fragment)]

[Magic effect: centered on the user, within a diameter of 30 meters, at most 72 sky flame pillars are formed under the enemy's feet. The sky flame pillar preparation time is 1 second, the duration is 2 seconds, and it causes 4* spiritual attack per second ( 432 points) spiritual damage]

【The magic weapon requires 1000 points of pure aura to activate, and then consumes 500 points of pure aura every second until the active shutdown effect or the pure aura is exhausted. 】

"Oh, this is a magic weapon for spiritual attack."

It seemed that the attack was not high, but Lu Chen thought of Tiger Roar for the first time, and he immediately launched the Tiger Roar to keep himself in the Tiger Roar state.

In the equipment description, the damage really became 12000+ spiritual attack damage.

12,000 in one second, 24,000 in two seconds! It's still spirit attack, even super BOSS like Aurora White Tiger and Gorefiend, the spirit defense is not very high, the general blame is almost equal to the order.

"This tiger roar is the real magical skill!" Lu Chen said with emotion.

In nine days, the character has many magic weapon equipment positions, it seems that one person can equip multiple magic weapons.

"The first magic weapon is still purple. It's very good. Put it on first."

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