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In addition to the perverted anti-injury, the other abilities of the iron beetle are not too strong.

There are only physical attacks, and four to five thousand avatars.

Lu Chen didn't dare to do it himself. His attack cost tens of thousands, and the poisoning lasted for a long time, and the two types of poisons sustained tens of thousands of damage. Unless he turned off these talents, he would die if he did it!

If you really turn off all talents, then there is no need to be greedy for that attack.

"Fortunately, the attack is not high, otherwise it will be invincible." Lu Chen thought for a while, "Xiao Min, give me invisibility, I want to concentrate on controlling the clone!"

"Good boss!"

The clone cannot use any skills that consume pure aura, but it also has some passive skills, such as poisoning, crit, and attribute bonuses, which can all be inherited.

"Turn off all talents first, Nima, this thing can't be turned on, otherwise it will kill yourself every minute."

If it weren't for the battle, Lu Chen would want to change the Ruyi long stick. He still has several level 40 purple weapons in his backpack, and it's best to make a non-critical attack.

After the clone grabbed the hatred, Lu Chen deliberately prevented the clone from attacking and was only responsible for being beaten.

"Other people attack!"

The army of wild monsters launched a large-scale attack, and the blood volume of the ironclad sandworm dropped by hundreds to hundreds.

And there is a benefit to playing like this, because they don't lose blood fast.

After destroying the BOSS's 100,000 HP, the clone finally died. Now that the skills are still cooling, Lu Chen immediately asked the little lion head to kill the monster.

"Grab the hatred, then don't attack!"

After getting the order, the little lion head slapped 7000+ damage, and then ran around the boss.

Sansha tried his best to output with the boss, but unfortunately, after playing for a long time, there was no obvious slap on the head of the little lion.

A group of people besieged the BOSS, and then they lost their blood quickly. To kill the BOSS's 1.2 million blood, after all, it was not enough.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly thought of the legion camp!

After the Legion Hall was upgraded to Level 2, a new building, the Legion Camp, appeared. The Legion Camp was a resting place for the Legion’s subordinates. Here, the Legion’s subordinates can recover faster, including blood volume and physical strength, and the Legion Unit can stay in Lu Chen. Teleport between location and camp.

At the beginning, Lu Chen saw the feature of "can teleport legion members" and did not hesitate to build this building that was of little use in the short term.

"By the way, first teleport the injured units back, let them quickly regain blood, and then pass them back!" Lu Chen had a flash of light, "Hahaha, I'm so stupid, I almost forgot to have this good thing!"

Subsequently, Lu Chen began to send legion units one by one.

First send half of the army back, wait for them to recover, and then send back.

At this time, the other half of the wounded troops will be transmitted, so that the members of the legion will take turns to return their blood and strength.

The lion head had already suffered a lot of damage, and his blood volume was less than one third. Lu Chen saw that the cooling of his clone had been completed, and immediately teleported the little lion head.

"Little lion, you go back first! Doppelganger!"

The clone and the little lion head take turns to top the monster, the others output with all their strength, and when the blood volume is low, they will be sent back to recover.

As for Lu Chen himself, he was in a state of invisibility the entire time, and he was only responsible for directing the battle.

According to this method, after almost an hour of fighting, the giant body of the Ironclad Sandworm finally fell to the ground!

"Hahaha, it's finally dead!" Lu Chen appeared excited, "Damn, this boss is more troublesome than the bosses I have encountered before, 1.2 million blood, actually played for almost an hour!"

I have to say that the setting of Nine Days is quite interesting and fully embodies the principle of one thing falling one thing.

If there is no legion, Lu Chen will definitely not be able to pass this boss.

[Kill the Ironclad Sand Worm (Level 50 Wilderness Senior BOSS) (Level 50 Story BOSS), capture 450,000 heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 6 talent fragment 1, obtain 6-star quality point 1, and obtain pure aura 1. 】

[Ding, get the item "God Core" (task item)]

Ironclad Sandworm is both a wild boss and a story boss. If you accept the mission, it is the story boss. Now that Lu Chen activates the mission, the ironclad sandworm will be defined as a story boss.

The story BOSS only drops some mission items, not others.

"Damn, after spending so much energy, I didn't lose anything!" Lu Chen said disappointedly, "Let's take a look at what's missing first."

[God Core (Quest Item)]

[Repairable "Broken Amethyst"]

The broken amethyst was in Lu Chen's hands, and he merged the two props.

[Obtained item "Eye of the Sleeping Gods" (40 purple)]

Lu Chen opened the item to check.

[Eye of the Sleeping Gods (40 purple)]

[Location: Magic weapon]

["The Eye of the Gods can see something that the naked eye can't see, but unfortunately it is sleeping now"]

【Strength 480 Agility 500 Physique 600】

[Magic special effects: The blessing of the gods makes you ignore the 30% injury. 】

"Damn, it's actually a purple magic weapon!" Lu Chen said in surprise, "but as a level 40 purple magic weapon, the basic attributes are okay, but the special effects are a bit too bad."

Regardless of the effects of the special effects, these basic attributes were given away for nothing. Lu Chen immediately opened the third magic treasure position, equipped with the "sleeping eyes of the gods".

"That's not right, what about my quest for the Twilight of the Gods?" Lu Chen was a little strange. If it weren't for the Twilight Quest for the Gods, would he spend so long fighting the iron beetle?

Just as Lu Chen was depressed, the body of the iron armor insecticide disappeared, revealing a huge pit under it.

To be precise, it is a copy entrance.

"Could it be that the clue is below?" Lu Chen thought for a while, and finally resolutely jumped off.

While entering the copy, Lu Chen received system information.

[You have entered the hidden copy, the eyes of the gods! 】


Not long after Lu Chen entered the underground dungeon, four or five closed beta players flew in the sky.

"Strange, what about the only mad and nameless?"

"Any player who enters the world of yellow sand, the first level encounter is the iron beetle, that guy is super anti-injury, and he can just deal with the madman!"

"Look, the shrine is below!"

Several people saw the small stone house and swooped down quickly.

It turned out that this was not a stone house, it was actually a shrine, but Lu Chen didn't know it at the time.

"Huh? Haven't the broken amethyst been brushed out yet? Has someone come to kill the iron armor again?"

"No, that broken eye of the gods is the worst among the 40-level purple magic weapons. The iron armor is so hard to fight against insects, who would specifically brush that."

"Yes, unless there is a temporary transition, no one can use a magic weapon. Is it the only thing they took?"

"Impossible, we have seen all around, they are not around here."

"Strange, are these two people gone!"

If Lu Chen were still here now, he would be very strange that these people could not see the entrance of the dungeon close at hand!

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