Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 213: Min's magic

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As soon as he entered the copy of Eye of the Gods, Lu Chen first saw the countdown reminder.

"Limited time copy? Give benefits?" Lu Chen asked in surprise, but when he looked up, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

The road ahead is full of wild monsters!

There are so many wild monsters here, densely packed, and people with dense phobias will feel uncomfortable when they see it. This is just the road before the dungeon, who knows how many monsters are behind.

These monsters look like huge eyes, with various colors of light, purple, green, and black all over their body. The eyes move around on the body, very crippled.

"It's disgusting if it's disgusting. I'm used to it anyway." Lu Chen took a deep breath. "Please, my only request is...Don't hurt yourself anymore, I can't stand it!"

There are too many wild monsters here, and they will be drawn to a large group if they are not careful. Lu Chen didn't dare to brush it without knowing whether they were anti-injury.

"There is a team of 110 over there..." Lu Chen spotted six big eyeballs patrolling, all of various colors, and he immediately made a plan.

"Different colors might have different abilities... it must be verified one by one, and then definitely do you want to attack the wild."

"Return to Lao Tzu's body first!" Lu Chen took off his human skin.

"Xiao Min, hide me!"

After being invisible, Lu Chen felt a little guilty looking at hundreds of big eyes. This was truly "in full view".

"Can't see me, can't see me!" Lu Chen took a deep breath and quietly followed the patrol team.

Their patrol route is fixed, patrolling about 100 meters back and forth in front of the entrance.

When the team reached the top of the patrol route, Lu Chen used his huge body to block the return route of one of his eyes.

"I got stuck, got stuck, got stuck..." He was invisible, with a large cross-sectional area, and he stuck one of his eyes. After a while, the black eye was ruthlessly thrown down by his teammates. .

Seeing the other eyes walking away, Lu Chen quickly started fighting.

"Even if there is an anti-injury, the mobs can't prevent a 100% anti-injury." Lu Chen attacked directly.

To be on the safe side, Lu Chen shut down the werewolf bloodline, poisoning, and even combo effects, and only used ordinary communication once.

-24112 (Critical Strike)!

Kill black eyes directly.

"Nima, there really is an anti-injury!" Lu Chen took a look at his own blood volume and dropped 2,400, which is about 10% of the anti-injury.

"But the blood volume of these eyes is too low, just over 8,000 blood volume, sure this is a level 42 elite?"

[Kill the Eye of God (Level 42), capture 1024 points of heaven and earth aura, obtain Tier 4 talent fragment 1, obtain 4 star evolution point 1, and obtain the spirit of spirit creatures. 】

【Ding, get the item "God's Eye Particles"*1. 】

"It turned out not to be an elite, I didn't pay attention just now! The income is very low, but it actually loses the spirit of the spirit creature!" Lu Chen said excitedly, as long as it can drop the spirit, it is worth the money.

"What is the God Eye Particle..." Lu Chen checked the object.

【God's Eye Particles (Material)】

["The only material to open the "eyes of the sleeping gods"."]

"Huh?" Lu Chen frowned.

The Sleeping Eye of the Gods is the level 40 purple magic weapon. Lu Chen is now equipped with it. At that time, this equipment said, "The Eye of the Gods can see certain things that the naked eye can't see. It's a pity that it is sleeping now. ", Lu Chen didn't care, he just treated it as a general description of the item, planning to make a mystery.

But now, it seems that there is a way to turn "the eyes of the sleeping gods" into "the eyes of the opened gods"...

Lu Chen hurriedly tried to use God Eye Particles.

[100 particles of God Eyes can try to wake up once, and the probability of success is five out of 1,000. 】

[The number of particles of your gods is not enough to wake up. 】

"100 can only be awakened once, and the probability is five out of a thousand! I rely on, according to this ratio, I may have to fight 20,000 gods particles, if you are not lucky, it is not enough!"

No wonder this dungeon is a countdown dungeon, it is meant to hit the gods!

Lu Chen didn't like this kind of probabilistic event, because he thought he was not so lucky.

"It's only two hours, one by one is too slow, but these monsters have counter injuries, I attacked in a group, and I died first!"

Just as Lu Chen was depressed, Xiao Min suddenly spoke.

"Boss, I won't let you die, I will protect you!"

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment.

"Yeah, Xiao Min can't help me withstand a mortal injury in 120 seconds!" Thinking of this, Lu Chen had a crazy idea in his mind.

"I almost forgot Min's skills! Time is money, well, try it once!"

Looking at the large number of eyes of the gods ahead, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Xiao Min, report to me the cooldown time to avoid death every 10 seconds."

"Yes, boss."

Lu Chen took a deep breath and activated the flame sword magic weapon effect. He picked up the wishful long stick and slammed it down into the army of wild monsters.

"Split the ground gap!"

150 meters long and 15 meters wide, the damage area of ​​the ground-breaking gap reached an astonishing 2,250 square meters!

A huge gap almost covers the entire corridor.

-16400, -16327, -17243, -15768...

Countless numbers floated from the top of these wild monsters. Lu Chen's eyes were full of damage values. If this were to be viewed with a computer, it is estimated that most of the screen would be occupied by these numbers.

It caused such terrible damage, even if each eye could only hurt 10%, it would cause incalculable damage to Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen's blood... did not move at all!

"Boss, "Freedom from Death" has been activated just now, and the cooling time is now 119 seconds."

Lu Chen was so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time.

His idea worked! Because he used the Divide Divide, no matter how many units he hit, the system finally determined that he only made one attack.

And those anti-injuries from the Eye of God are also counted as one anti-injury.

The damage could be hundreds of thousands, or even millions, enough to kill Lu Chen in seconds.

However, Xiao Min's immunity to death resisted this injury!

[Kill the Eye of God (Level 42), capture 1024 points of heaven and earth aura, obtain Tier 4 talent fragment 1, obtain 4 star evolution point 1, and obtain the spirit of spirit creatures. 】

【Ding, get the item "God's Eye Particles"*1. 】

[Kill the Eye of God (Level 42), capture 1024 points of heaven and earth aura, obtain Tier 4 talent fragment 1, obtain 4 star evolution point 1, obtain spirit creature spirit, and obtain pure aura 1. 】

[Kill the Eye of God (Level 42), capture 1024 points of heaven and earth aura, obtain Tier 4 talent fragment 1, obtain 4 star evolution point 1, and obtain the spirit of spirit creatures. 】

【Ding, get the item "God's Eye Particles"*1. 】


Lu Chen's system information was refreshed crazily, and he didn't have time to look at it. Anyway, he only knew that the experience bar that should have been unresponsive to kill these 1,000 experience eyes actually moved for a while.

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