Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 214: Eye of the Dark Gods

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"Xiao Min, you are so strong!" Lu Chen said excitedly, "Hahaha, great, one wave of 120 seconds is much cooler than one by one!"

"This is how much you have brushed!" Lu Chen opened his backpack and found that there were 1,500 divine eye particles and 1,500 holy spirit creature essences in the backpack.

"Haha, there is less experience and less return, and there are 1.5 million, and there are divine particles and spirits, which is so cool!"

Finding this method, Lu Chen walked towards the depths of the dungeon excitedly.

"Split the ground gap!"

"Split the ground gap!"


In the dungeon, Lu Chen cleaned up the monsters in the passage "without injury" time and time again. For two hours, Lu Chen raced against the clock and swept 50 times!

After 50 waves of clearing the wild, Lu Chen now has 75,000 godhead particles in his backpack, as well as 75,000 alternative creature spirits!

Lu Chen didn't care about hitting so many divine eye particles. He planned to use 100,000 creature essences and let Ying Lu grow into his adolescence!

When the time came, Lu Chen was directly transmitted.

After brushing for so long, and it was a high-intensity brushing, Lu Chen also planned to rest.

"Does this Eye of the Gods still have a chance to fight? Why doesn't that iron-clad sandworm come out." Lu Chen didn't understand.

"No matter, let's see if we can wash out the magic weapon."

If you are lucky, 75,000 god-eye particles can always be washed out...


Imperial Capital, New Century Commercial Building, a beautiful woman is looking out the window in a daze in the office alone.

This person is the Linglong Zixin in the game, and her mood is not very good these days, the previous arrogant temperament seems to be gone forever.

Not long after, the office door opened.

There were two people standing at the door, a man and a woman. The woman was the Huajian Qingwu in the game, and the man did not show up.

Linglong turned her head and looked behind her, "Sister Qingwu, Brother Haotian, why are you here."

"We heard from Fen Tian that you are in a bad mood recently, come and see you." Qing Wu walked over with a smile.

Haotian smiled and walked over, "Linglong, don't worry, the big brothers have already released the words, once they come out, they will definitely clean up the nameless one."

Linglong nodded, "Fen Tian told me... Brother Haotian, where is Wuming now? Our people have never found them. Will they... change zones?"

"Change zones? Probably not, don't worry, there are our people in each zone, they may run away."

"Then why can't I find them all the time?" Linglong Zixin asked, her mind is full of that man now...Of course, it's not a good impression.

Hao Tian thought for a while, and said, "Maybe it was killed by the iron-clad sandworm, but my madness and nameless damage are very high, and it is impossible to survive with the iron-clad sandworm."

Qing Wu also said, "The Sand Worm is a story BOSS and a wild BOSS. Even if they don't find the amethyst in the shrine, the Iron Sand Worm will give priority to the player who enters the Yellow Sand World for the first time. They can't avoid it!"

"When we were fighting the iron beetle sandworms, we gathered a lot of people, including a large number of high-level pharmacists. It was only through unlimited drugs and blood. They couldn't make it through."

It stands to reason that Linglong knows more about nameless attacks, and the more you understand, the better you should know how restrained the iron beetle is.

However, Linglong Zixin always has a strange idea.

Those two people always feel that they are not playing cards according to the routine...

"They won't enter the copy of the eyes of the gods, will they? They won't wash out the sleeping eyes of the gods, will they!"

Qing Wu looked at Linglong worriedly, "Linglong, what are you talking about? You worry too much. Even if they have passed the iron beetle, no one can wash out the eyes of the gods. ."

Haotian also smiled, "Two hours of timed copy, 100 god-eye particles are washed once, one god-eye drops one god-eye particles, you can wash it out as many as you want. And, have you forgotten those The eyes of the gods are all piled together, and they have anti-injury, so even if you can't hit 100, how can you wash out the eyes of the gods!"

"At the beginning, the eldest brothers hit the dungeon of God's Eye, the strongest one, only hit 43 God's Eye particles, it can't be more."

"Eye of the Gods copy can only be hit once per person. If someone can wash it out, then write my name upside down!"

After listening to Qingwu and Haotian's explanations, Linglong Zixin also realized that she might be suspicious.

Wash out the eyes of the gods? It's simply impossible, and I don't know why the Heavenly Act should design such a link.

At this moment, someone suddenly rushed over.

"Fen Tian?" Qing Wu and Hao Tian looked at Fen Tian strangely, "Why do you roar in such a hurry?"

Fen Tianjianxian's face was a little ugly, and at first glance, something serious had happened.

"Fentian, what happened?"

Fen Tian took a deep breath, sorted out the excitement, and said, "I am the only one who mad at him. He has washed out the sleeping eyes of the gods...!"

"What!" Haotian, Qing Wu, and Linglong's eyes widened at the same time.


Jiutian's official website is boiling again.

"Have you received the system announcement? The first dark gold equipment on the whole server!"

"Nonsense, I must have received it. The full server announcement was swiped three times in a row, and I was so scared that I was slapped to death by the blame."

"Dark gold equipment, my goodness... wait, is dark gold better or orange better?"

"Of course it's dark gold. Although the orange equipment is scarce, the closed beta players saw the orange equipment of Wuming and Crazy Gods and did not respond so much. It is said that when the full server refreshed the announcement, how many closed beta players almost collapsed."

"My master said, there is only one dark gold equipment!"

Lu Chen was also very depressed. He sat alone in the shrine and washed the "sleeping eyes of the gods". With such a small probability event, Lu Chen had already washed out 40,000 particles of the gods, and in the end, he washed it out at 12,000. Out.

After washing out, the "eyes of the sleeping gods" became the "eyes of the gods", and the attributes were greatly improved.

Leaving this aside, the key is that the God Eye particles can continue to wash!

[100 particles of God Eyes can try to wake up once, and the probability of success is two in 1,000. 】

Routine operation requires 50,000 godhead particles, which can probably be washed out.

As a result, Lu Chen had not washed it out after using 62,000. When he had the last 1,000 divine eye particles, he almost had no hope, and the result was a little worse...

The equipment was not washed out, and Lu Chen hadn't had time to read it, but he washed out the system announcement... it was still a continuous rolling full-server system announcement.

[Congratulations to the player for getting the dark gold equipment "Eye of the Dark Gods"! The only mad will receive the title "Eye of the Demon Lord"! Congratulations to the player for getting the dark gold equipment "Eye of the Dark Gods"! The only mad will receive the title "Eye of the Demon Lord"! ……】

Lu Chen leaned on his forehead with one hand, and said helplessly, "Damn, come again...Do you want to make such a big move!"

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