Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 224: Game and reality

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Yinfu was cheering, and finally resisted "the most terrifying BOSS in history." A BOSS played for almost a day is indeed scary enough.

After receiving the news, foreign service players also sighed that this BOSS was too abnormal.

Some national costumes that were also breached in the main city of Xianshan started to look forward to the presence of this BOSS.

This is the case for players. They often feel that they will be stronger. If the printing service has not been played, it does not mean that they cannot.

I have lost 1,000 gold before playing, and it's really going to burst. God knows what baby is going to burst.

Lu Chen looked at the comments and shook his head slightly. He was not interested in going around each foreign service.

After a tiring day, Lu Chen should also rest. After the game, Lu Chen saw that the door of Lu Yi's room was open. Now she was lying in the game cockpit and playing games.

Lu Chen walked over and knocked on the game cockpit, "Fatty, go to the yard to move around."

"Brother, wait for me, we will end after playing this boss."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and sat by Lu Yi's bed waiting for his sister.

Lu Yi still spends a long time online every day, but now Lu Yi is no longer playing games in order to make money when she was in Longteng. She can now enjoy the fun of the game, and Lu Chen is also very pleased with this.

Ten minutes later, Lu Yi's gaming cockpit opened. She came out of it and saw her old brother lying on her bed, "Brother, let's go."

Their house is the largest yard in the community, about the size of two others’ houses. Su Xiaowei said that the extra space here could not be planned, and the mountain was developed and incorporated into their yard.

Of course, the price of their house is also relatively high, but Lu Chen bought it cheaply.

In the yard, Lu Chen has installed some simple fitness equipment, such as a horizontal bar and parallel bars on the wall.

Lu Chen has never used those expensive fitness equipment. The point is that he just wants to move his body, not bodybuilding, so he can just get something simple.

Lu Chen rubbed his hands. No one saw it in his yard anyway. He first stretched his muscles and bones with a set of martial arts punches.

In the past, Lu Chen's martial arts boxing was nothing more than ghost painting. After all, he was not a professional, so he moved his body.

But this time, when Lu Yi saw Lu Chen punching, her eyes were full of surprise.

Brother's movements are very standard, and his punches are clean and neat, and the whole set of punches looks impressive.

"Brother, when did your martial arts boxing become so professional?"

"Huh?" Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Speaking of it, I also feel a little strange. I feel that my body is lighter than before. Whether it is strength, toughness, or agility, it has improved a lot."

"Brother, it should have something to do with your daily exercise. In fact, the last time you beat that manager with a fist, I was scared to death."

Speaking of the last time, Lu Chen remembered clearly, "Maybe it was because he was more angry at the time, but..."

In fact, there is a feeling that Lu Chen didn't say.

This feeling is even more obvious when he fights military physical boxing, that is, he seems to feel that he is back in the game.

In the nine days, the brain has been directly feeling and controlling the quantum-replicated body. The feeling in the game is actually not much different from that in the game.

Especially after a lot of actual combat training, Lu Chen has become accustomed to that feeling.

He seemed to find a touch of feeling in the game just now when he was hitting the military physical boxing.

Although he doesn't know how to practice techniques or skills, he can feel his body, as if it is more flexible, more powerful, and more arbitrary than before.

Is it related to games?

Lu Chen didn't say it in the end. As long as people with normal minds, they wouldn't think that playing a game can make them stronger.

The brain enters the game, but the body does not enter the game.

Perhaps it's just because the brain manager has fought so many battles, and the experience and experience are very rich, so that certain actions are more standardized, and then affect their own feelings.

At this moment, Lu Yi said suddenly, "Brother, in fact, many people have the feeling that they have more control over their bodies after playing for nine days."

"Huh? Really?"

"In fact, it's normal. Nine days is like a brain training simulation device. Training the brain for a long time, of course, has stronger control." Lu Yi said disapprovingly, "Brother, in many science fiction movies, consciousness training is used to achieve learning and training. the goal of."

"Maybe, we can even be as strong as in the game."

What Lu Yi said makes sense.

But after thinking about it, Lu Chen ruled out this possibility, "Impossible, the foundation of the Nine Heavens Technique is spiritual power, we can't have spiritual power, so it's impossible to become so scary."

"Also, brain control alone is useless. If the muscles can't perform certain actions, you won't be able to use it even if you know how to use it."

Lu Yi shrank her neck and stuck her tongue out, "That's right, hey, I was just playing, no one would expect to play a game to cultivate immortals."

"Don't just talk or practice, you also do activities, play games all day, and be careful of muscle atrophy!" Lu Chen frightened.

"Come on! Then you teach us military sports boxing."

"Okay, then you follow me and make your first move... Raise your hands a little bit, stand firm under your feet, and keep your abdomen in your chest!"

"Brother, is it a bit awkward for you to make a girl stand up? Hey, don't move my waist, itchy."

"Who is tickling you, I will let you tuck your abdomen! I was supposed to tuck your abdomen and raise your chest. It wasn't your brother who showered you before? You are shy at an airport!"

"That was before! Hahaha, itchy."

"So ticklish, it must be fat."

"You are so fat, no way I will tickle you to see if you can hold it!"

"Look, I'm not at all... Hey, it's too much, don't take such hard work, hey, hey, you stinky girl, don't run!"

Brother and sister laughed and talked in the spacious yard.

In the past, they only knew that they were running for their livelihoods, and it has been a long time since they had such fun playing.


That day, Lu Chen finally managed to go to bed early, and woke up the next day with strength and energy max!

"Sure enough, the routine of work and rest is better, and I'm full of energy playing games."

After entering the game, Lu Chen first returned to his territory and spent 200 gold to upgrade his personal copy to a "level 25 copy", and then went straight to the underground mine.

"Since it's here, just take away the sacred beasts here." Lu Chen's current attributes are not afraid even if he meets Baihu.

On the first level, Lu Chen easily passed the level and killed the Abyssal Corpse King.

Lu Chen looked at the Devil Blade, but he didn't increase his growth points.

"It may be that the monster level here is too low, so let's open the second layer."

[You will open the second layer of the Underground Abyss, are you sure? 】


As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, the headache came.

There is a new announcement from China Service All Service.

[Congratulations to Sopranos for opening the second layer of the Underground Abyss (level 25), and the player Sopranos to win the title "Adventure King"! 】

All of a sudden, Huaxia Service became lively.

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