Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 225: Crazy God is more idle today

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A group of people on the official website were watching the live broadcast and found this system message.

"What kind of monster is the mad god?

"Another title, how many titles has the mad **** got?"

"It's a level 25 dungeon? Great! I am now level 27, and I am worried about not having a suitable dungeon!"

"In other words, there is a second layer in the underground mine, and no one has discovered it."

The reward of the King of Adventure only provides 10% of the basic life limit, which seems to be not a difficult title to obtain.

Of course, this is only for Lu Chen. After all, not everyone can pass the first floor of the underground mine in six minutes. Maybe some of the players in the internal test can do it, but they are asked not to enter the map below level 30, and naturally they can't complete it. challenge.

Lu Chen was also used to sending him on TV whenever the system moved. Now, there are not many people who don't know solitaire.

"It's not bad to get 10% more basic attributes."

The ground in front of Lu Chen suddenly collapsed into a huge pit. From the outside, it was dark. This should be the entrance to the second floor. Lu Chen didn't hesitate to enter the second floor.

On the second floor of the underground mine, the wild monsters here are still mine zombies, but the level is relatively high, but it is a pity that Lu Chen is now at level 44, and he won't lose anything when he hits these things.

Lu Chen quickly cleared the second level without pressure, and defeated the second level BOSS without losing anything.

[Your dungeon clearance time is less than 10 minutes, the dungeon will activate the hidden BOSS. 】

"Come on." Lu Chen waited there calmly.

Thinking that Lu Chen had struggled a bit when he was fighting the Abyssal Zombie, but now he is no longer what he used to be, so naturally he will not be afraid of the hidden BOSS of the 25th dungeon.


Three hours later, Lu Chen had already opened the seventh floor of the underground mine!

The seventh floor, level 50 copy!

These three hours were the fastest two hours for the announcement update of the Huaxia Service system. A total of five announcements were made, all of which were information about opening a new copy.

The announcements kept stimulating the players' nerves. After the seventh floor was opened, the players were completely crazy.

"Crazy God is going crazy, the level 20 underground mine was stupefied by him as a level 50 copy!"

"The underground mine has seven floors. No one else can open the first floor. Crazy God has reached the 50th floor by himself!"

"The crazy **** seems to have special time today..."

Except when he first opened a new copy, Lu Chen was awarded the title of Adventure King. After that, there was no new title on the fifth floor. Lu Chen was also depressed. He didn't give the title and wanted to be on TV.

Starting from the level 45 dungeon on the sixth floor, Lu Chen finally got the benefits of the dungeon.

The sixth floor of the underground mine is well shipped. There is a blue suit and a few purple suits. The attributes are very good, stronger than the monkey king suit, but unfortunately I didn't see the orange suit.

It's a pity that Lu Chen doesn't like these purple outfits anymore. Even if he needs to change his equipment, he should at least switch to a level 50 purple outfit.

These equipment Lu Chen planned to be strengthened and then thrown into the trading area.

The other good news is that starting from the second level, the Demon Blade can finally increase its strengthening growth value.

There are a lot of zombies in underground mines. After one layer is defeated, the Demon Blade has increased its growth value by 1000 points, and by the sixth layer, it has also grown by 5000 points.

The seventh floor is a level 50 dungeon. Lu Chen's clearance time is still within 6 minutes. With the demon set, Lu Chen's strength has greatly improved, and it is no longer difficult to pass a normal level 50 dungeon.

However, after finishing the seventh layer, the hidden BOSS didn't even appear, but the prompt that you can exit the dungeon popped out.

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, "Huh? Nothing? What about the beast? Did I miss something before?"

Lu Chen thought for a while. In order not to miss any clues, he had obviously carefully checked the copy before. With his eyesight, he shouldn't miss anything.

"Even the hidden BOSS didn't appear. Could it be that my time was too long?"

To be honest, Lu Chen wasn't in a hurry, so he was a little casual when he was refreshing the dungeon. The first few floors were hidden bosses in six minutes, so Lu Chen didn't have to be in a hurry.

"Forget it, try again, it will increase the growth value of Demon Blade."

Lu Chen thought for a while. He had been on TV so many times just now, so he simply let Xiao Min go invisible and quit the copy.

Outside of the dungeon, it really has become crowded, and many people can't wait to enter the new dungeon.

Many people are in the field team in order to enter the instance first.

"Are there any teams? Level 30 second-tier pharmacists seek the second level."

"The level 25 team has three missing two, a tank and a talisman." The talisman can provide auxiliary capabilities, but at present, the role of the counterattack is limited to this.

But in the underground mine dungeon, the array talisman is particularly popular, the most important thing is their attack method, Dao talisman attack!

Dao talisman attacks have 200% damage to zombies, which is quite scary. It can be said that the underground mine dungeon, the talisman is the most sought-after profession, as long as the talisman has lower level equipment, people are rushing to ask for it.

Lu Chen did not show up, and went directly to the copy.

There is a feature in the dungeon of the Hell Mine. You don’t need to go through the level again. As long as you have played the mine before, then the player can actively choose the number of players to enter the second-level player. When you enter the dungeon directly, it means you did not hit the last time. The layer passed.

In order to save time, Lu Chen directly chose the seventh floor and challenged again.

This time, Lu Chen worked a little harder and instantly reduced the time it took to less than 5 minutes.

This time finally came the system information.

[You cleared the seventh floor of the underground mine in 4 minutes and 49 seconds, and your strength aroused the interest of a creature underground. 】

[Please continue to improve the clearance speed! 】

"This certain creature... is it a sacred beast? By the way, I am obviously interested, why not come out? Do you want to be so proud."

Now that he had a clear direction, Lu Chen got serious.

"If it doesn't work within 5 minutes, that's good, press to shorten the score!"

The third time through the seventh floor!

As soon as he entered the dungeon, Lu Chen moved quickly and immediately rushed to the monster spot, dragging them to the boss room.

In order to shorten the time, Lu Chen used a second rapid migration and continued to pull monsters.

[You cleared the seventh floor of the underground mine in 2 minutes and 28 seconds, and your strength aroused the interest of a creature underground. 】

[Please continue to improve the clearance speed! 】

"Damn, two and a half minutes is not enough for you to show up? I'm really curious what kind of creature this sacred beast is." Lu Chen looked at the data in shock, gritted his teeth, and entered the seventh-level dungeon for the fourth time!

"Clone!" Lu Chenyi entered the dungeon and activated his skills for the first time. The clone of the demon coat can use skills.

The five avatars of Jiao, plus Lu Chen's deity, are divided into six routes, and the monsters are pulled at the same time.

After 1 minute, Lu Chen finally completed the challenge.

[You cleared the seventh floor of the underground mine in 1 minute and 44 seconds, and your strength aroused the interest of a creature underground. 】

[Your crazy killing has activated the hidden BOSS, please wait for a while. 】

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback, breathing quickly, "Please, it must be a beast!"

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