Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 230: First time apprentice

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The news of Wuming Brother accepting disciples spread like wildfire. If you want to know the unknown information, Xiaoming's live broadcast room, the official live broadcast of Kuang Lang, is the best place to verify.

"Brother Xiaoming, is Wuming really accepting disciples? How does Wuming charge?"

"Who the **** is so lucky to be able to worship the nameless brother? I really cried with envy."

Xiao Ming immediately recounted the process of accepting disciples that day, and the group of people were shocked to hear it.

"80 million... my goodness, I knew before that money would be fast in nine days, but I never thought it would be so fast."

"Did you see, don't envy everyone, not everyone can approve the teacher Wuming Brother, first of all, you have to have 80 million..."

"It's actually a beautiful woman, does Wuming want to develop a relationship between master and apprentice?"

"Now, there should not be too many female fans of Brother Wuming. When it comes to Brother Wuming, the reaction of a few girls is more exaggerated than talking about the top-notch niche."

"Don't compare Wuming Brother with Xiao Xianrou, Wuming Brother is really a man!"

"The cost of 80 million apprenticeships, and the nameless has to hesitate again and again, well, is this the world of the rich? Forgive me for incomprehensibility."

Haishi, the headquarters of the TT club, Lin Xunzheng is chasing behind Li Qiu Ning, "Qiu Ning, can you mention our TT from time to time? If you encounter an unknown person in the future, you know it at any rate."

"Of course I will. I have promised my dad to introduce TT to my master."

"One bite for my master, just now I've just been apprentice to the teacher, you changed your mouth very quickly."

"Hey, of course I am called Master, and now only I can call him that!" Li Qiuning looked arrogantly, "I won't tell you, I have to go to bed early today, my master explained that I will take me to leveling!"

Watching Li Qiuning leave, the smile on Lin Xun's face gradually became a little bitter.

After staying with this girl for so long, it is impossible to say that he is not moved. It's just that when he gets more and more familiar with Qiu Ning, Lin Xun is more clear that he has no hope.

Heroes are sad for beauty, so why don't beauties love heroes.

Although he is the president of TT, he can only be regarded as a member of the group after all. After all, he cannot stand on the pinnacle that no one can reach like that man.


On the day when he returned to the martial arts, Lu Chen asked Stardust and they found out that after their closed beta players completed the closed beta, Tian Xing gave each one a purple mount and a purple magic weapon.

Those mounts were not hit by them at all...

As for where to reach the purple mount, Stardust is not very clear.

These Lu Chen can only give up the idea of ​​looking for a purple mount.

The next day, Lu Chen took his apprentice and took the Golden Retriever to the level 40 map.

Qiu Ning looked particularly excited, she touched the golden retriever's hair for a while, and then lay on it to feel the softness, "Master, where did you get the golden retriever."

A naturally beautiful woman can be so headstrong, no matter how she toss, she looks beautiful.

Being able to become an obscure apprentice, Ningshuang's sense of happiness can always be expressed, making people feel clearly.

"I can't remember exactly which boss from the evil city ruins."

"Sand city ruins? I've been to my father's guild before. At that time, a few closed beta players took us, but I haven't heard of any BOSS that dropped the mount."

"The guild under your dad?"

"Oh, there are several professional guilds under my dad group. I was originally in TT."

TT is definitely a first-line team in China. I didn't expect this guild to belong to Ningshuang's father... Lu Chen found out that his apprentice was really a rich second-generation apprentice.

Fortunately, the second generation of the rich are not necessarily bullies. After learning that Yiyi is not Lu Chen's girlfriend, Qiu Ning actually ran over to apologize, feeling very angry and good character.

"That copy is interesting, each of us has to test the attributes, and we have to start a pain system test."

Lu Chen nodded, "If I guess right, there will be more places to turn on the pain system in the future. You have to be prepared. Oh, yes, you didn't hit the mount. I think it's possible that you didn't turn on enough. Reward level."

Ningshuang thought for a while, "Master, how many levels of rewards have you offered?"

"At that time, it was opened at level five."

"Five levels! Impossible! We only opened two levels..." Ningshuang looked shocked. "The internal test player said that if the level exceeds the dungeon, the test results will be seriously discounted, and the final score is not as high as ours, so he Let us test one by one."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Is there still such a saying? I am not very clear. I went there at about level 30, forgot."

Lu Chen didn't talk much, not to mention talking to strangers. Ningshuang was very familiar with him, but he was actually a stranger to Ningshuang.

"Master, where are you going to take me to upgrade? Are we the two?"

"Well, too much experience is not worthwhile, let's go to the City of Hundred Ghosts." Lu Chen said lightly.

"Oh, I know that. Many of their closed beta players and apprentices go there to upgrade."

"Well, there is a lot of experience there, but...a bit boring."

bored? How did you hear Lin Xun say that the dungeon is quite dangerous. If the players in the closed beta are weaker, they may be destroyed...

The two chatted with each other, and finally reached the city of a hundred ghosts.

Now Ningshuang's level is 31, which is quite high, but she has to do things if she receives money. Lu Chen plans to take her to a few levels first.

Entering the dungeon, Lu Chen summoned Xiao Min first.

Ningshuang saw a ghost suddenly appearing next to him, and was startled, "Ah! Master, what is this! Is it a ghost!"

Lu Chen really doubted whether his original judgment was accurate. Who said that Ningshuang would not be surprised.

"This is my pet."

"Pets? Why are there such pets? I have never seen them before."

"She is a purple ghost pet, the only one in the whole server, but I don't know if there are any players in the closed beta."

Ningshuang was stunned for a moment. This is the person who has seen the world. The only one in the whole server can say so easily... the only one in the whole server. This is the only one with hundreds of millions of players. The average person will be able to blow for a lifetime!

"Xiao Min, possess Ningshuang and give her invisibility. Ningshuang, you follow me."

"Good boss." Xiao Min flew around in front of Ningshuang, plunged his head into Ningshuang's body, and with a bang, Ningshuang became invisible.

When Lu Chen turned around, he was also taken aback.

Ok? How can I still see Ningshuang, although it is a little fuzzy, it is definitely visible.

"Xiao Min, are you invisible?"

"Boss, we are already invisible."

Lu Chen thought about it, and then he remembered that it might be because he had the eyes of the dark gods, he could see things that the naked eye could not see...

Dark gold equipment also has this hidden attribute! Even the invisibility can be detected, the eyes of the gods are a bit strong.

"Ningshuang, follow me."

Ningshuang looked at Master nervously. This was the first time she had seen Master play a copy. It should be said that she was the first in the whole server to directly watch Wuming copy.

What is the secret of Master's upgrade?

I saw that the Master directly opened the Sky Flame Pillar, and the surrounding wild monsters fell down one by one before they could get close.

The first BOSS, the ghost king, the master directly split the ground gap, a series of combos, and a Z Flame Slash to easily harvest...After the first BOSS, it only took 3 minutes!

Ningshuang's whole person is not well.

"My goodness, what kind of exercises are Master's exercises? It turns out that Master uses such a combo. It's too easy!"

Easily even her die-hard fan can't stand it anymore.

Play a copy? If it doesn't exist, let's visit Huayuan!

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