Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 231: Full-level closed beta players officially declare war

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After the dungeon came down, the Ningshuang experience skyrocketed, rising by more than 8 million, directly rising to level 32.

"Master, I'm upgraded!" Ningshuang danced excitedly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I have something to do in two days, and I will take you to a few more levels in these two days."

"Master, will you not be online in two days?"

"Come on, but I don't have time to take you, I'm going to settle some things."

"Yes, with the internal beta players...?" Ningshuang asked

"Yes, I don't know if you noticed it. Someone was watching us when we entered and exited the copy."

"Ah? I didn't seem to want to see a few people watching us just now, but do they want to make copies themselves?"

Lu Chen didn't explain too much, "Some people still don't give up, so let them give up completely this time. To get this done, I want to see my own strength, and secondly, there will be fewer people who will trouble you in the future. some."

Ningshuang was moved suddenly. Although she didn't say much without a name, Master was still worried about her safety.

Although his death was linked to Master's reputation, Ning Shuang was still moved by the nameless practice.

On this day, Lu Chen had been bringing Ningshuang to the City of Hundred Ghosts, bringing Ningshuang to level 37.

In just one day, Ningshuang's level was no longer inferior to those who had been apprentices earlier.

The next day, Lu Chen directly brought Ningshuang to level 40!

It can be said that Ningshuang's level is already the highest person except for the closed beta players and the unknown.

At the same time, Lu Chen's own level also rose to 46, only to fight 4** monsters again, his profit was very small, so the level stopped at 46.


The peaceful days passed quickly. The third day was a weekend. On this day, I experienced a short and peaceful nine-day official website, because one thing was completely boiling.

The anchors from all major live broadcast rooms flooded into Lingxiao City in District 13. Because the 10 main cities of Immortal Mountain merged into one Lingxiao City, Lingxiao City in District 13 is actually the area where Lu Chen is located.

As soon as Lu Chen went online, he felt that his surroundings were a little unusual. Today, there were a lot of people in Lingxiao City. At a glance, there were huge crowds.

"What's this for? The official website activities? Even if the activities do not go to District 13." Lu Chen was a little confused, and at this time, he received Leng Nuo's voice transmission.

"Boss, have you seen the official website? The top team of internal beta players declared war on you today! They said that as long as they see you out of Lingxiao City, they will be killed!" Leng Nuo's tone seemed very anxious.

"Oh, I didn't go to the official website, I went online directly."

"Boss, after seeing your strength, they dare to declare war on you with such a big fanfare. I think they are here prepared. You must be careful. We are now organizing all level 30 players to rush to High Peak City."

Lu Chen thought for a while, but didn't stop them from coming.

"Stardust and the others will also come, they said they want to fight alongside you, you must not leave the city now, wait for us!"

Ningshuang was also online. She was offline at the same position as Lu Chen, and she quickly found Lu Chen.

"Master, Master, you are here! The official website has exploded, and they are going to block you outside the city! I heard from the TT guild's closed beta players that they have hundreds of people, many of which are transferred from other districts. A full-level player!"

"They also posted a challenge post on the official website, saying that they have applied for the emergency blockade of Lingxiao City. Teleportation, mounts and wings cannot be used in the city. They want you to never get out of Lingxiao City!"

"I have called people from the TT Guild to come and support."

After two days of getting along, Lu Chen felt that Ningshuang was quite nice, and he was really worried about him.

"It's okay, I just want to find them too, since they take the initiative to find the door, it just saves trouble."

At this moment, Lu Chen's phone rang again, and Lu Chen saw that it was Li Muhua.

"Lu Chen, I guess you definitely didn't read the official website forum! I didn't expect that there are so many full-level players... Now that you are out of the city, we will come to support you right away. Oh, don't you think we are a burden. We have a lot of players here. The master tester should be able to help."

"By the way, Black Hawk, the Red Guild is also on the way here, they said they absolutely can't stand by and watch this time!"

The black shadow is a team of the China Special Police Force, and the red is from the Southern Military Region. At the beginning, two of the four sacred beasts in the Hanbok were given by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was a little depressed. He originally wanted to go heads-up by himself. Why suddenly things turned into this way?

A group of people ran out to help themselves, which is how unconfident in themselves.

However, Li Muhua was very kind, and Lu Chen couldn't bear to refuse him in one fell swoop. If the kid knew that Lu Chen had agreed to the violent wave, he didn't even oppose the TT Guild to come, and he didn't let them come, then some explanation might have been given.

"Ahem, um, don't make such a big move." Lu Chen tried to persuade Li Muhua.

"No! They deceive people too much! We couldn't help before, and now we also have closed beta players stationed here, so we can definitely not stand by!"

Lu Chen almost spit out blood, this guy's attitude is too determined...

"Actually, I am not very afraid of them..."

"That's not okay. They are too much. More than 500 full-level players will suddenly block you. If you are a brother, you must not leave it alone. Don't say it. We will take care of this. 15 minutes. , Our three legions are in place!"

Lu Chen just wanted to say something about Li Muhua and hung up the phone.

I'm going, what's the matter... Lu Chen held his forehead with one hand.

Shouldn't the besieged people ask for support, and then the support side will make all sorts of excuses, why come to him, it becomes to tell them not to come, but they want to come...

"Master, did something happen? It doesn't matter, I called my dad and asked him to take all the teams under his control..."

"Stop! Don't, don't!" Lu Chen hurriedly stopped Ningshuang. He had enough headaches, so don't let other people get involved.

"But Master, there are 500 of them, and they are all full-level players. I heard that they have used several orange suits! That's why I dare to challenge you so blatantly."

Lu Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "I just wait for them to buy enough suits. Do you think your master does not have an orange suit?"

"Huh?" Ningshuang was stunned for a moment. After spending two days with the master, she didn't seem to see an orange suit on him. Only the famous long stick can turn orange when necessary.

"Well, I just took you to level up before, and I should also teach you how to fight today."

At the same time, several guilds are rushing to the city of Lingxiao.

Crazy waves, iron blood, TT, black eagle, red, about several thousand people.

Half an hour later, the army gathered in Lingxiao City.

"Boss, we are here!"

"The nameless brothers, our three legions are also here, this time we can definitely help."

Ningshuang brought Lin Xun to Wuming, "Master, this is the president of the TT Guild, Brother Xun, my master!"

Lin Xun was also a little nervous seeing Wuming, "Hello Wuming, this time we know about this, we don't know if we can help, but we will definitely go all out."

For a while, Lu Chen was surrounded by thousands of people.

He was very melancholy, how to put the enthusiasm of these guys...

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