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Although the Ten Tigers are much stronger than ordinary monsters, they are still not enough to look at in front of this kind of super BOSS.

To ensure their safety, Lu Chen must hold back his hatred, and even control it perfectly.

Monkey King against blood! Lu Chen stunned the Sky-Swallowing Devil Tiger, and at the same time gave up his blood return and attacked desperately.

10 million blood is not a joke!

Even if Lu Chen could cause hundreds of thousands of damage with each attack, he would have to fight for a while.

Fortunately, now he has a group of men to help.

1.5 seconds of dizziness, Lu Chen desperately output, the tiger went down the mountain, and the flames zipped...


This skill is definitely a magical skill now, lasting as long as 30 seconds, so that the BOSS can only attack him.

Others attacked desperately.

BOSS blood volume 9 million, 8 million, 7 million...

However, 30 seconds is not enough. At 6.8 million HP, the guy will wake up again.

"The Devil's Will!" This skill can refresh a skill that has a cooldown of less than 10 minutes. It is definitely one of Lu Chen's killer tricks, but at this time he didn't dare to keep it a little bit, and used it directly.

Splitting the ground, the monkey king against blood, taunting...

3.8 million blood, and there are five minutes left!

Lu Chen's skills have been used up, he must wait for the next round of cooling, and at this time the Sky Swallowing Devil Tiger is about to wake up again.

"Damn, my hatred should be full, I hope it doesn't have any group attack skills."

However, the Devouring Devil Tiger has no group attack skills? Obviously impossible!

With a roar of "Roar", the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Tiger flicked its tail fiercely, and something similar to sword aura swept directly behind him in a 180-degree range.

There, three fools, ten tigers, and eight heads are attacking...

People say that the tiger's tail cannot be touched, and the damage of this tiger's tail whip is definitely not to be underestimated. It is very possible to kill the legion members directly.

At the moment of death, Lu Chen instantly teleported all these guys back to his territory!

"A lot of damage has been dealt, and more than four minutes should be enough."

Having said that, the problem now is that Lu Chen no longer has control skills or strong damage skills. He probably can only rely on basic attacks.

Lu Chen took six avatars into a frantic attack. The devil tiger's blood volume was 3 million, 2.5 million, 2 million...1.8 million!

There are 3 minutes left!

Lu Chen's nerves were stretched to the extreme.

In the last three minutes, success or failure is all in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the Demon Tiger turned around and was a whip. Lu Chen obviously saw the attack, but couldn't dodge it. He ate the whip abruptly with the three clones.

-11 million...

"Nima, the damage is really high!" Not only the damage was high, but also the paralyzed effect. Lu Chen had to stop the attack and waited for 1 second for the paralysis to disappear.

Although Lu Chen was possessed by the God of War again and transformed himself, Lu Chen couldn't bear it after being beaten by the Demon Tiger for a long time.

You know, the devil tiger's talent is five combos! No crit is already very scary.

It didn't feel obvious when he was in taunting state before, but now there is no ridiculous attribute bonus, and the blood regain bonus, Lu Chen's blood volume drops quickly.

"Xiao Min, be invisible!"

After Lu Chen became invisible, the Tiger immediately shifted the target and attacked another clone.

Not long after, this clone couldn't hold it and turned into nothing. Then, one by one, the clones were killed.

Demon Tiger has 800,000 HP! 1 minute 11 seconds remaining!

"Axi!" Lu Chen's eyes were cracked, "No matter what, let's fight it!"

"Flame Z-cut! The tiger descends the mountain!"

Lu Chen's blood volume is 110,000, and the demon tiger's blood volume is 170,000...

At this time, it really came to a desperate battle. The next attack of the two can kill the opponent in seconds, and the two will launch the final blow at the same time!

Between the sparks and flint, Lu Chen saw the opponent's paw and was about to scratch it, and finally woke up.

This guy has 10 million HP. How could his basic attributes be lower than his own? If they both shoot at the same time, they must die first!

"Move quickly!" Lu Chen rushed out to the right rear of the Demon Tiger.

In an instant, he briefly extended the attack range of the Devil Tiger, making it take a little longer for the opponent to attack him.

But just this lost time is the key to victory!

While Lu Chen was moving at high speed, a stick hit the Devil Tiger!

200,000+ damage!

[Kill the Heaven-swallowing Devil Tiger Remnant Soul (Seal God Beast-level BOSS), capture 5 million heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 9 talent fragment 5, and obtain 9-star quality points 5]

[Ding, get the item "Sky-Swallowing Devil Tiger Summoning Stone" (optional), obtain Tier 4 spiritual source core*1, obtain spiritual source fragments*80, obtain first-grade spirit gathering pill*20, and obtain magic treasure "Black Coffin" (purple) 】

Before Lu Chen had time to catch his breath, a copy of him had been sent out not long after.

Lu Chen was really tired. He hadn't experienced the kind of intense fighting just now for a long time.

To be precise, he had never experienced such an exaggerated battle even before.

There is no time to deal with it, hard steel must be used, and almost all of his magic weapons must be used.

In fact, Lu Chen still has a resurrection, but God knows how long it will take to prepare for a resurrection. If it takes a few tens of seconds, it won't make any sense not to resurrect.

In a battle of this intensity, Lu Chen not only had to maximize his output, he had to control enough, but he also had to control the clone, the legion, one could imagine how terrifying this hour was.

So much so that after coming out of the copy, Lu Chen could only make his body appear in a state of free fall.

40000 meters, somehow it can fall for a while.

Looking at the starry sky above his head quietly, Lu Chen had mixed feelings.

Who would have thought that there is a copy hidden in this sky? Taking a step back, if he hadn't killed the Gorefiend and exploded his wings, even if he saw it, it would be impossible to reach it for a while.

Fortunately, this time the Five Elements God's Forbidden Land was finally shocking. Not only did he get all five orange mounts, but most importantly, he took the Sky-Swallowing Devil Tiger.

"Ah... Almost exhausted... My bird mission is really something human can do." Lu Chen sighed sincerely.

But having said that, as Lu Chen completes more and more links, he is getting closer and closer to completing the mission of the God Blood Demon Seed, and he even thinks about it occasionally.

What is the final reward for such a terrifying task...

After resting for a while, Lu Chen spread his wings, turned around, and switched to flight mode.

After flying for a while, Lu Chen suddenly realized that he was really stupid. Isn't he tired of flying? Does he have a mount?

"Summon the flaming dragon."

Next to Lu Chen, a huge red dragon suddenly appeared. This guy looked 35 meters high at first, but now with his wings spread out, he might be a hundred meters wide!

Lu Chen jumped to the back of the fire dragon.

"Wow, this is so spacious."

"Open the mount panel."

Looking at the attributes of the fire dragon, Lu Chen was a little confused.

"Huh? How can this guy have attack power? Golden Retriever didn't have these data at the beginning? And the attack power is not low, plus the spirit attack has more than 20,000!"

Fire dragon not only has three dimensions, spiritual power, attack power, and equipment bar, but it is now locked.

"By the way, there are pieces of mount equipment."

Lu Chen immediately used the fragments to open a dragon claw position and equipped it with the dragon claw.

"Damn, do you have skills?"

[Fire Breath, causing two stages of 100,000 damage to a wide range of enemies, and triggering an "ignition" effect, causing 5000 damage per second for 10 seconds. 】

Lu Chen thought for a while, and drove the fire dragon passing over Shacheng.

"Fire breath!"

With an order, the fire dragon spewed raging fire toward the ground! The blood evil macaque on the ground, even players who practiced here just saw a red shadow, and were instantly killed...

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