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"My God, what is that!" In the distance, people looked at the red dragon flying in the sky in horror.

"Not good! The entire Blood Fiend Castle has turned into a sea of ​​flames."

"Guais ​​and players don't know how many died! It's terrible."

"Does the monster attack the city?"

The anchors in the major live broadcasts rushed to the Castle of the Blood in the 13th area. The scene has become a sea of ​​flames, and there are entities everywhere, which is hard to calculate.

"My God, what is going on here? It's horrible."

"Look at the sky, what is that!"

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the sky. At this moment, a two-winged red dragon was hovering in the sky.

"Yes, it's Fire Dragon! Where did the boss come from?"

"Is that a mount?"

"How could it be a mount? Have you ever seen a mount attacking? It seems to be heading towards Lingxiao City. Could it be... Slaughter City?! Go back to the city and inform the players to prepare for defense!"

This news spread quickly among players, and many players even did not hesitate to change zones and came to watch the legendary "Fire Dragon Slaughter City"!

Lu Chen didn't plan to massacre the city. In fact, he didn't plan to kill so many players. He mainly tried his skills.

Who knew that this guy attacked so fiercely, spraying flames like a flamethrower, spraying for a long time without interruption, igniting the entire area.

"Damn, I'm just experimenting with skills..." Lu Chen shook his head, as if he was playing a big game again this time.

But speaking of such an experiment, Lu Chen found that the orange mount was really awesome. Not only did it have attributes and attacks, but it was also so strong!

"If you upgrade with a red dragon, this speed would be too exaggerated." Lu Chen thought for a while, and then shook his head. The attributes of the red dragon are related to the owner. If it weren't for his strong attributes, the red dragon would not attack. So strong.

Back in Lingxiao City, Lu Chen found thousands of players standing on the city gate, all looking at him... To be precise, he was looking at the Red Dragon. After all, he was sitting on the back of the Red Dragon, and no one could see from below. he.

"Look, everyone, that guy is here! Ready to attack!"

Many players release their skills below and try to attack the red dragon, but the flying altitude of the red dragon is so high that even the farthest shooter can't reach it.

Lu Chen shook his head, put away the red dragon, spread his wings and fell.

When people saw this scene, they stopped attacking.

"Huh? That person... is nameless?"

"Where is the red dragon?"

"Isn't it the nameless who put away the red dragon, is it nameless... the pet?"

Lu Chen landed on the city wall, looking at all the players, and said loudly, "Don't get excited, that's my mount. I just tried the skills just now. I am very sorry for the friend who accidentally injured..."

Now, who cares about accidental injuries and not accidental injuries? As soon as Wuming finished speaking, the surrounding area exploded.

"Impossible, that is a mount? I have never heard of a mount that can attack!"

"Brother Wuming, is that really your mount?"

"Nine-day full service, including the foreign service, one is counted as one, there is absolutely no mount that can attack."

"Actually, the purple mounts of the players in the internal beta are officially given away. The only ones that have been confirmed to be able to get the mounts are the Blood Fiend Great Ape that the nameless brother hit! The nameless brother, how did you get these mounts?"

Faced with crazy questions from the players, Lu Chen raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"It's difficult for me to tell the location of the copy. I can only say that it is in the sky, but after the fight, I can't find it."

A group of people almost fainted.

"I rely on, in the sky, doesn't that mean that only people with flying mounts or wings can enter?"

"Anonymous is really step by step, step by step. I guess that even people with flying mounts will not be able to enter. You have seen so many closed beta players, and you haven't seen anyone with such a mount."

"Brother Wuming, what is the quality of your mount?"

Lu Chen didn't mean anything to these ordinary players, and said with a slight smile, "Orange mount."

"Also, everyone, pay attention, I will shoot a batch of mounts tomorrow, and those who are interested can participate in the guild auction of Mad Waves."

In addition to the five orange mounts, Lu Chen also shot a lot of green, blue, and even purple mount fragments. The price of these items is definitely not cheap, and it is necessary to hold an auction specifically.

Announcing the news, Lu Chen disappeared in front of everyone.

After replenishing a large amount of miscellaneous Qi Spirit Gathering Pill in the city, Lu Chen secretly left Lingxiao City.

After returning to his own territory, Lu Chen first changed a spiritual source in his territory, replacing the third-order spiritual source core with the fourth-order spiritual source core he hit this time.

Then opened the backpack to check the trophy this time.

The Five Elements God's Forbidden Land is very difficult to find, and the difficulty is also very great, but correspondingly, the harvest is equally amazing.

Basically every mob will drop some pieces.

Lu Chen calculated that there were 170 green mounts that could be synthesized, 40 blue mounts, and 12 purple mounts.

There are also matching fragments in the equipment column of the mount. There are a total of five equipment slots for a mount, and there are 200 fragments on Lu Chen's body!

Of course, the most important thing was the summoning stone of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Tiger, Lu Chen summoned the cub of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Tiger.

Counting this new member, he now has 12 beasts.

"I rely on, we still have to expand the number of the legion and upgrade the level of the legion, so that we can upgrade the size of the dungeon and get more spirit."

Fortunately, what Black Tiger lost this time is the nine-star material. One nine-star material directly exchanges 100 million prestige, and the talent fragments increase the star point for a total of 10, which can exchange 1 billion prestige!

"It should be enough..."

Next, Lu Chen took a close look at the five mounts. Each of these mounts had the same attributes, and they all had their own skills. However, the five mounts belonged to the five elements, and their skills were inclined to different sides.

Fire dragon belongs to fire, split sky belongs to metal, split sea dragon whale belongs to water, Leviathan belongs to soil, and king of bones is wood.

Leviathan controls the oceans in the West and belongs to sea monsters, but it is lost to the five elements. It seems that it may be caused by the seabed to make waves on the seabed.

"Gold, wood, water, fire and earth... the five elements are all there."

Lu Chen also had nothing to do, or on a whim, he opened the equipment synthesis interface, "I have all the five elements, can I synthesize something?"

In fact, Lu Chen didn't report any hope. This may just be a reaction to playing too much game. The system can be synthesized. He has all the mounts that are played by God's favor at the same time. Try it and it won't die...

However, the accident happened at this time.

【Mounts fusion...50% success rate, all materials will disappear after failure. 】

Lu Chen was so scared that he almost jumped up.

This Nima, he just clicked for fun, can it really be synthesized?

But this is not the point. The point is that there is only a 50% chance of success. Once it fails, the material is gone? Then his five orange mounts are gone.

Based on Lu Chen's understanding of his fortune, a 50% success rate is mostly a failure...

[Put more additional mounts as sacrifices to increase the chance of success. Orange mounts are synthesized, and purple mounts are placed at the lowest. 】

Lu Chen finally saw a glimmer of hope and hurriedly took 40 purple mounts as sacrifices!

He cried as he let it go, "Nima, it's all money! Ouch, I'll go, it hurts more than 100% painful system full-on..."

In the end, the success rate reached 90%... and this is not 100% success.

Lu Chen waited nervously for the final result.

[Ding, the synthesis is successful...]

Lu Chen lay on the ground collapsed and let out a long sigh, "Thank God, I almost killed myself..."

"In other words, what exactly is synthesized?"

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