Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 248: Two new talents

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Lu Chen's post had just been posted, and the popularity was still high, but it didn't take long for his post to be pushed down.

Lu Chen saw that it was Qiu Ye Ningshuang... his apprentice's!

Qiu Ye Ningshuang: Don't send me emails anymore, I just want to practice hard! Here is a unified reply, the advice my master gave me.

It is recommended that there is only one, and the 100% pain system should be used alone.

The gang of people downstairs replied, and the enthusiasm was extremely high.

Moreover, the building below was very tidy from the second floor, calling Ningshuang "Senior Sister" in unison.

Lu Chen is also a black line. When did he accept so many apprentices?

"Senior Sister, Master is too cruel. But this method is really good. After the pain system is turned on, I will go all out to deal with every enemy."

"Senior sister, please, when can you tell Master, accept me as a disciple, I have fresh chrysanthemums! (Funny life saver

"I also signed up for the chrysanthemum contribution!"

"Master really has the foresight, we have long advocated the full pain system, so that we can better feel the game."

Pala pala...

Lu Chen also collapsed. This online game is less and less cherishing his chrysanthemum...

Suddenly, China Server, and even other national servers, suddenly set off a wave of craze, turning on the full pain system in the game!

This is probably related to Ningshuang's post.

At the same time, Lu Chen started to stay away from these lunatics and continued to level up.

After the level was higher, Lu Chen's upgrade speed was not so fast. Now it takes more than 100 million experience to upgrade to the first level. Currently, there is only a 48-level copy of the "Ten Thousand Demons Tomb" with relatively high experience, but it is only a general copy.

It takes five or six million experience in one trip.

"Ah, it's so slow to upgrade the last few levels." Lu Chen shook his head, and this copy was almost spitting out.

No way, in order to reach level 50, you have to brush if you vomit.

"Forget it, continue to brush, it's better than playing wild monsters." Lu Chen said helplessly, "After 50, I will fuse a few new species by the way."


Twelve days later, Nine Days World ushered in the second large-scale official event. The preliminaries for individual competitions held in each country's clothing have begun.

Almost all members of the Wild Waves Guild have signed up, regardless of whether they can get the ranking, but at least they can increase their actual combat experience.

The game is temporarily based on the district service of the main city of Xianshan as an area. Anyone can enter the arena temporarily appearing outside the main city of Xianshan, and the system will immediately assign an opponent.

Said to be random, in fact, it is really random. As long as it is not a closed beta player, the player may encounter opponents of any level and any equipment.

Because anyway, I will meet in the end.

Each player must participate in 3 games every day. According to 400 million players, China Server will eliminate 350 million players on the first day!

This is a real national competition!

The major broadcasters are also doing their best to broadcast the duel.

"ESD Xiaoyaofeng has completed all three games. His strength is one of the best in our district. I think he has every hope of entering the national 256 strong list."

"Actually, the royal prince is still very strong. He is now at level 38 and equipped with luxurious equipment. He easily completed the third game and successfully advanced."

"Wow, the people of Kuanglang are very strong, and a dozen of them have already decided to advance."

"The veteran TT is still strong, and their players almost rarely meet opponents on the court."

The next day, after the three games, there are 6 million players left!

On the third day, 760,000, and on the fourth day, only 80,000 players remained!

On the seventh day, all the people who entered the 256-member list were selected.

These people are undoubtedly the strong among the strong, the elite among the elite.

To many people's surprise, the Kuang Lang Guild, which was once considered to be a soy sauce by an unknown man, was selected this time by 4 people!

Handsome, Yiyi, Ningshuang, and a small group leader "unlimited firepower".

There are also some elements of luck in this, such as Leng Nuo and Chic. It is a pity that I met a professional player or the apprentice of a certain closed beta player. It was a pity to lose when the level equipment was suppressed.

After deciding on the top 256, all selected players will rest for a week and wait for the final battle.

Players in the entire server were watching individual competitions, and Lu Chen finally took a break.

After nothing else, Lu Chen upgraded the legion order again and arrested 10 novices.

This time Lu Chen caught the red-robed ghost in the 48th level dungeon...

Speaking of it, the red robe ghost is not much better than the eight-headed image, but this thing is really powerful, the attack is full-spirited, the movement speed is fast, and it is immune to physical attacks. The talent is to reduce the opponent's attack power!

With such a strong talent, Lu Chen was able to integrate...

The spirits and ghosts are all fused, and Lu Chen is completely not picking it now. The zombies in the underground mines, the swamp carrion in the desert oasis, and the vampire giant bats in the Miasma Path are all fused together.

Renaifeng, Lu Chen took off his human skin, looked at his own image now, and fell into contemplation.

In addition to the previous appearances, its tiger head and even the eyeballs are now gone. This is the effect of combining the ghosts. The whole body of the originally crippled person appears to be rotten and shriveled. The effect of a corpse, and the two huge fangs exposed in the mouth and pointed ears are the appearance characteristics of a vampire giant bat.

"Asi... It's getting more and more evil."

But it didn't matter. Lu Chen wanted to change his image now. The key was that the talents of these wild monsters were pretty good.

After fusing so many new species in one breath, Lu Chen suddenly found a problem.

Now his quality is 7 stars, and the total number of activated talents cannot exceed two quality stars. That is to say, Lu Chen can only activate 9 talents at present.

After weighing, Lu Chen determined the 9 talents he was using.

The seven previously used, werewolf, tiger demon, poisonous spider, green snake, macaque, flower demon, and dead corpse are all retained. In addition, the ghost’s "respondent bloodline" and the vampire giant bat's "bat demon blood" are added.

After upgrading, these two talents have become quite powerful.

[Talent 8 "Wraith Bloodline" (Tier 6): Shock, reduce 15% physical and spiritual attack intensity of enemies within 40 meters in diameter, reduce enemy attack speed by 10%, and increase casting preparation time by 10%. 】

[Talent 9 "Batman Blood" (Level 6): Vampire, absorb 12% of the damage caused by physical attacks, and increase the healing effect by 20%. 】

These two skills are very easy to use, especially the blood sucking of the bat demon blood. This has always been the passive that Lu Chen wants very much. Although the current blood sucking ratio is not high, the effect is very impressive with his high attack.

There is no one else in the territory, and it doesn't matter if Lu Chen is exposed as he is.

In the past few days, he has been busy upgrading the Legion Hall, and after upgrading, he will put an extra Tier 3 Spirit Source core into it.

There are also upgrades to the scale of individual copies.

The 5-person copy of the previous level 25 can now be upgraded to the 10-person team of level 30.

When everything is set up, the final of the All-Server Personal Competition has officially started!

On this day, Lu Chen also reached level 50!

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Level 50...it's time!"

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