Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 249: It is strong!

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Shimen World, it’s been a long time since Lu Chen recruited Xiao Min, "Xiao Min, I'm home."

"Boss, are you going to that place?" Xiao Min tilted his head to look at Lu Chen.

"Well, I remember there might also be a hidden copy here." After completing the "Kill the Watchdog" mission released by Xiao Min, Lu Chen got a "Dead Door Key", which Xiao Min said. The copy is a 50-level elite copy.

At that time, Lu Chen didn't go there when he was only in his 20s. Now he can go.

Lu Chen still remembered that there was a terrible creature in this copy. At that time, Senabis used the dust beads to help it accumulate power.

Moreover, that guy seems to be closely related to one of the three major dungeons!

Walking directly in front of the large formation that Senabis had arranged, Lu Chen found that the dust beads were still floating there.

It's just that without the spiritual power nourishment, the dust bead is not so dazzling, like an ordinary crystal ball suspended in the air.

"Boss, you take the dust beads." Xiao Min said suddenly.

"Huh? Didn't you say that I can't take it last time?"

"Boss, Luo Chenzhu is also a pseudo-sacred tool, you already have the ability to control the pseudo-sacred tool suit, and Luo Chenzhu is no longer a problem.

Lu Chen was quite pleasantly surprised, he could actually collect the dust beads? In other words, there has always been a fake magic weapon here, but he has never come to get it...

"Xiao Min, why didn't you say it earlier..."

"Boss, Xiao Min can only remind you of something, but can't suggest you what to do. I can only say when I get here."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "So that's it, I misunderstood you."

After speaking, Lu Chen walked to the Luo Chenzhu and directly picked up the Luo Chenzhu with one hand.

"View properties."

【Dust Beads (orange pseudo-artifact magic weapon)】

[Strength 100, Agility 100, Physique 100]

[Special Effect 1: Automatically collect surrounding pure aura "wearer level*1" points of pure aura every minute]

[Special Effect 2: Increase the probability of killing an enemy to obtain pure aura by 200%, and increase the number of pure aura from killing an enemy by "wearer level/2" points. 】

【Special effect 3: Spiritual power storm, increase spiritual power by 1000 points in 300 seconds, and fill up the pure aura of the elixirs, the cooling time is 30 minutes. 】

【Special effect 4: Take it, it will permanently increase the pure aura by 300 points, and it will consume the dust beads after taking it. 】

The leg of basic attribute garbage, but this is not the point!

Seeing the attributes of the Luo Chenzhu, Lu Chen was stunned!

"This is so special, it's a divine weapon!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that the attributes of the Luo Chenzhu were so abnormal.

The first two special effects, I don't know how many times the pure aura collection speed can be increased, and they are collected every second, 50 points per minute! There is no need for Lu Chen to take the time to stop and practice!

After killing the enemy, you will get pure aura almost 100%, and at least 26 points!

Spiritual power storm is also very powerful. Although Lu Chen has found the bug of "Tiger Howl", it is easy to increase his spiritual attack. It is still greatly improved, but the spiritual power is improved by the spiritual storm, which not only improves the spiritual attack, but also The upper limit of the pure aura reserve has been raised, so that when he uses the technique, Lu Chen doesn't need to worry about his pure aura reserve!

After opening the equipment position, Lu Chen hurriedly "invited" Liu Chenzhu to a new magic treasure position!

"This is really strong! Haha, I feel more at ease with the dust beads."

Before I got the copy, I got a fake artifact. This was a good start. Lu Chen was in a good mood, and quickly took out the secret room of the door of the undead, opened the copy, and stepped into the door of the undead.

The monsters in the gate of the undead are all level 50, and the wild monsters here are all energy-state spirits. Lu Chen has rich experience in fighting the spirits, and he arrived in the boss room within half an hour.

In the BOSS room, there was a BOSS that Lu Chen had never encountered before.

This is a huge skeleton. Even sitting there, the height is at least 15 meters, and it is estimated to double when standing up.

The throne under it looks very dazzling. It is densely inlaid with skulls and crossbones. What is strange is that the eyes of each skeleton are bright... The entire throne makes indescribable whining sounds from time to time, it seems that some The sound of something crying.

This throne seems to have life!

The skull wears a crown and armor, proudly leaning on the back of the king's seat, and leaning against a weird broadsword on the armrest.

The broad sword has a giant skeleton hand that stretches upward to form a hilt, and the entire huge sword glows with a faint white light.

"Boss, be careful, that is the bone king Renoric! It is very strong!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Is it strong? How is it better than the Devouring Devil Tiger?"

Xiao Min hesitated for a moment and said, "Boss, this guy... is not a remnant soul!"

Hearing these words, Lu Chen suddenly felt straight.

Heaven-swallowing Devil Tiger, Purple Flame Ni Phoenix, Aurora White Tiger, etc., even though Lu Chen wanted to kill these bosses now was already a problem.

But what Lu Chen knew very well was that no matter how strong the sacred beasts were, they were nothing but cripple.

The trivial chauvinism is already so ferocious, if he encounters the ontology, it is not that Lu Chen is presumptuous, he has no confidence!

And this time, although the guy Lu Chen met was not at the level of mythical beasts, it was the body!

And this is probably just the outpost of the three hidden dungeons, so the difficulty of that hidden dungeon is even more difficult than that of the Twilight of Gods!

Lu Chen took a deep breath and stared at the Bone King, "Whether it is the main body or the broken soul, I have to pass this test!"

"Xiao Min, possess!"

"Good boss!"

Lu Chen didn't dare to take care of this guy and stepped into the battlefield carefully.

"Hahahaha, it's you! I remember you!" The Bone King actually spoke first, "I know that you defeated Senabis, and you also took away the dust beads!"

Lu Chen sneered, "Aren't you nonsense, I won't kill Senabis, where's the key to the door of the undead, it sounds like you are smart."

Bone King Renorick slowly stretched out his hand and held the giant sword. The skeleton claws on the giant sword stretched upward several times in an instant. It patted the seat of the throne, "Very well, since you can get here, it has been proved Your strength."

"It's just that I'm the only one crazy, do you know why my throne is alive?"

The NPC knew that Lu Chen's ID was normal, and Lu Chen said disdainfully, "Who knows..."

The Bone King suddenly swung his great sword and concentrated on the throne fiercely.

At any time, the skeletons embedded in the throne were shattered by a blow, and then, a large number of undead ran out from it. They seemed to want to break free and escape, but the bone king grabbed it with one hand, and these dead souls began to scream in shock. Drill into the bone king.

It turns out that those skeletons look alive because there are tens of thousands of dead souls imprisoned!

Screams, wailing, and crying all merged together.

The Bone King greedily sucked these souls, and its figure was raised again, reaching 50 meters!

At the same time, a translucent shield is formed in front of it.

Lu Chen frowned, he had realized that the boss opposite would be the strongest boss he has encountered so far!

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