Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 250: Break the bone king of the instance!

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The Bone King seemed to have undergone an evolution. The whole person looked different from before. His body became even bigger, surrounded by black energy, and a huge air shield was propped up in front of him.

"There are a lot of tricks, but I don't know how strong you are!" Lu Chen snorted, first attacked, "Move quickly!"

"Split the ground gap!"

Transformed into a 150-meter long flaming wishful long stick, in front of the Bone King, it does not look so exaggerated.

With a boom, the stick slammed down.

However, this stick just hit the shield of the Bone King.

Shield display, 563328/600,000

Not only that, any other effects of the ground-breaking divide did not work!

Divide, dizzy, completely neutralized!

The Bone King smiled slightly and grabbed it with one hand. From the ruined throne, some ghosts gushed out again, quickly filling the shield energy.

The shield shows that 600,000/600,000!

"What!" Lu Chen was shocked. The Bone King could absorb energy from the throne to replenish its shield? ! That shield is strong enough.

In this way, if the throne's soul is not consumed, it can always replenish the shield, and Lu Chen might not even be able to break the shield!

Moreover, the special effects of the Divide Divide failed, causing Lu Chen to be unable to control that guy. This was the most terrifying place.

Lu Chen was thinking about countermeasures, but the Bone King had already acted.


A thick sword aura shot towards Lu Chen. Although there was only one sword aura, it was so wide that Lu Chen took a breath.

"Nima, is this a full-screen attack!"

Yes, a sword aura split across the sky, covering the entire boss room, leaving Lu Chen with no way out.

Lu Chen stared at this sword qi, estimating the speed of the sword qi.

At the moment of his death, Lu Chen yelled, "Monkey King clone!"

This clone will only produce one clone, and the strength is the weakest, but at the moment the clone is activated, Lu Chen is in an invincible state, unable to be selected and attacked!

It was this few tenths of a second that made Lu Chen avoid this sword aura.

However, Jian Qi did not stop after crossing Lu Chen, but blasted towards the distance.

The BOSS room... collapsed! Jian Qi continued to sweep towards the entrance of the instance! The surrounding buildings, the rocks are all cut apart.

In the end, the chaos gate at the entrance of the instance was broken!

The original copy of the door of the undead was exposed in the mountains of beasts!

"What!" Lu Chen widened his eyes, watching this scene incredibly!

At this time, even the experienced Lu Chen still couldn't turn his head!

This sword directly destroyed the copy structure? ! how is this possible!

"Boss, don't be in a daze, do you remember that the original mission rewards had the source of a copy? This copy is also built with the support of a copy. This kind of copy can be artificially destroyed, but it requires extremely huge destructive power, or some kind of Special exercises."

Lu Chen certainly remembers the source of the dungeon, and his dungeon is still helping him earn a lot of resources and money every day!

From this point of view, then the Bone King's trick to "break the emptiness" just now is either a burst of attack power, or a specific technique that can specifically destroy the structure of the copy!

Bone King Yangtian laughed, "Hahahaha, I still want to thank you, the key to the door of the undead? Have you ever thought that the moment you open the door of the undead, it also means that I can come out of it? "

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect it! You prevented the dust beads from collecting energy for me, but you also let me out by yourself!"

"The dead soul resources here are too rich, I can enjoy them as much as I want. From now on, I will be the real king here!"

Lu Chen frowned. He didn't expect that the follow-up of this mission would actually have this kind of plot, which was completely beyond his understanding of the game.

Either Tianxing Planning is not a human being, and the brains are too big, or there are...some things that even Tianxing Planning cannot control!

The Bone King sneered and waved his hand, a large number of dead souls rushed towards Lu Chen whistling, Lu Chen was about to dodge, when he just stopped, he found that the dead souls rushed again.

"Damn, how can I avoid this thing?"

While talking, these souls bound Lu Chen one by one!

Can't move, can't use spirit pill, can't use exercises.

However, in this case, the Bone King did not attack Lu Chen. It opened its mouth and laughed, "You can't avoid my ten thousand souls, but don't worry, I can't attack you now, but You need to be here alone for a while."

After all, the Bone King actually left him and stepped away!

Ossing bone King's explanation, it seems that this skill is similar to spider silk entanglement, it can only be restrained, without damage, once it is attacked, it will be automatically released.

However, it was a bit surprised that the Bone King didn't take the opportunity to act on him.

Lu Chen took a look at the **** time, it was 30 minutes!

"Where is that guy going?"

Lu Chen looked back, and after a little discrimination, his face suddenly changed!

That direction... north of Lingxiao City!

At this time, Lingxiao City is holding a personal competition. At this time, it has entered the final battle of 256 people. There are not many players who are watching the game!

And because the previous players pursued to exercise their actual combat ability, many people may still open the full pain system...

"Not good! I let out a monster!"


"The game just now was very exciting. It seems that we have a lot of masters in China Server. In addition, congratulations to the above players for entering the top 64."

Outside of Lingxiao City, there are a total of nine temporary huge arenas, of which the middle one is the largest, which is 300 meters long! This central ring is temporarily not used, only the surrounding eight blocks are used.

Because, the final finals will be held shortly before they are eligible to play in this arena!

Tian Xing officials found the well-known host Nilan, and at this time she was presiding impassionedly in the center ring.

"We will play in the top 64 soon. We are getting closer and closer to determining the strongest player. Everyone is very excited, in fact, I am also very excited. But we also have to give the players time to rest. Sing a song for everyone, let’s take a short break."

Jiutian actually has implanted ads... and the popular king of heaven sings.

This nationally eye-catching competition has also attracted a large number of merchants, which also shows from the side that Jiutian's influence is increasing and the business opportunities are becoming more and more mature.

After Jay Chou came to the stage, he looked at the countless audience in the audience and smiled slightly, "Oh, everyone is anxious to watch the finals. Then I won't waste time, music teacher, let's get started."

The familiar music sounded, it was Jay Chou’s famous song "Nunchaku", and many players also cheered along with it.

"Quickly use the nunchaku, hum haha, quickly use the nunchaku, hum..." Jay Chou sang here, and he was stunned.

On-site accident?

No, Jay Chou slowly put down the microphone and looked into the distance in shock.

In that direction, there was a huge monster, and it was getting closer and closer between shots.

"Then, what is that..."

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