Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 252: Nine's trump card

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At this time, in front of Lingxiao City, four players are dealing with the Bone King!

The average player has never seen these four people at all, but the top players once knew them!

These four are...Jiusi, Warring States, Shuangxi, Dongli!

It was the appearance of the four of them that allowed the top players of China to conquer the first and second small BOSS of the Tongtian Tower in advance.

How strong was the mad **** unknown at the beginning, but in the hearts of the top players, these four talents are the strongest players!

Only these four people are qualified to fight the Bone King!

"Jiusi, this guy’s shield is so hard to break!" The Warring States’ eyebrows were tightly furrowed. From the situation just now, that guy can continue to let the souls replenish their shield loss. After playing the bone king’s shield for a long time, Full state.

Jiusi also fell into hard thinking.

Speaking of it, they didn't want to care about any BOSS, but this BOSS is obviously different from the others. If it is allowed to slaughter players, no one will be able to get along for nine days!

"Damn it, do you have to use that trick?" Jiusi struggled.

In other words, these days, Jiu Si and they are obviously not idle.

Jiusi had already obtained the last item and was able to launch that move, but considering that they wanted Wuming to surrender, that move had always been intended for Wuming.

If it is exposed now, Jiusi is really not sure whether it can bring down the nameless.

"Hahahaha, it's just a bunch of ants, I said earlier, the strongest of you has been subdued by me!" The Bone King laughed loudly and grabbed with one hand...

Lu Chen, who was thousands of meters away, was still thinking about how to break free of the undead. Suddenly, the dead souls all over his body seemed to feel some kind of call, leading Lu Chen to shoot towards Lingxiao City from a far distance.

"Damn, what is this!" Lu Chen couldn't move at all, and could only let his body fly out like a cannonball.

Not long after, Lu Chen appeared outside Lingxiao City.

"Wow, look, it's Brother Wuming!" The sharp-eyed players immediately noticed this figure.

"This BOSS is too strong. I have never seen such a strong BOSS. Didn't a closed beta player say that the strength of the four superpowers is not necessarily under the nameless? The nameless brother is here, I don't know if I can turn the tide of the battle."

"Anyway, Brother Wuming is here, our chance of winning is one more point anyway."

Lu Chen was very depressed. Every time he came to Lingxiao City, he was highly regarded, and he was used to this.

It's a pity that this time, he was bound by the souls of the dead, so he was tied up.

"Hahaha, have you seen this person? You should all know it." The skeleton face of the Bone King grinned, "Even he is going to be subdued by me now, you still don't surrender to me!"

All around suddenly exclaimed.

"What! Brother Wuming...has been defeated? God of War will also be defeated?"

"what happened?"

"Brother Wuming seems to be unable to move, no, he is really subdued!"

Lu Chen was also a black line, so he was pulled over by the Bone King to advertise.

However, it happened that the appearance of the nameless made Jiusi, who had been hesitant, change his mind.

If even Wuming is not an opponent, then defeating the Bone King by himself is equivalent to defeating Wuming, and it is a higher level defeat. Then, what qualifications does that guy have to be unconvinced!

In that case, there is no need to hesitate.

"Bone King, don't think that you will be invincible if you defeat Wuming!" The Warring States yelled, then looked at his companion!

Lu Chen was even more depressed. I hadn't beaten him yet, how could he be defeated... The Bone King has the ability to try to loosen the **** of the undead!

Although he did not know the strength of the Bone King, Lu Chen was absolutely confident that he would not be defeated so easily.

Jiusi also nodded to the partners at this time.

The four were divided into the north, south, east and west, and they sacrificed magic weapons at the same time.

This magic weapon just appeared, and suddenly there was an exclamation on the wall.

"My God, four orange magic weapons!"

"One piece for everyone, and you didn't find out, the shapes of the four magic weapons seem to fit."

The four magic weapons are four irregular flat objects. When four people sacrifice the magic weapons at the same time, the four magic weapons move closer to each other and finally merge into a disc!

"The next **** card summons Kuafu!" the four people shouted at the same time.

"What, is this... a special effect that activates after the magic weapon is synthesized?" Everyone was shocked.

At the same time, a golden light blasted from the "lower **** card" straight into the sky!

A virtual image of a giant gradually condenses in the golden light.

"Is that Kuafu? Did you really call out the gods?"

"Damn it, so big! Don't lose the Bone King."

"I'll go, we can be saved now!"

Lu Chen was also dumbfounded by this scene.

Those four people actually summoned a god!

Unfortunately, when Lu Chen saw the portrait above Kuafu's head, he felt disappointed.

What the four of them summoned was indeed Kuafu, but to be more precise, it should be Kuafu God!

Although Lu Chen didn't know the difference between "God Soul" and "Remnant Soul", one thing he was absolutely sure of was that these souls and souls at the same level were definitely not opponents of the body.

And the Bone King is the body!

This is why almost all players who get the Summoning Stone of the Divine Beast chose the cubs of the Divine Beast instead of the "Summon the Remnant Soul of the Divine Beast" that can quickly increase their combat power in a short time.

"Hey, it's not the main body after all!" Lu Chen frowned.

But at this moment, the four of Jiusi, Warring States, Shuangxi, and Dongli suddenly turned into four lights, and at the same time entered the huge body of Kuafu.

Kuafu's avatar also changed immediately.

"Kuafu comes"!

Advent and possession are completely two concepts. If it is advent, it means that Kuafu has really come!

This trick really shocked everyone!

If so, then there may be hope.

At this time, there are already two giants in the field! Of course, there is a hostage on the side, he is too small now, and secondly, no one has time to pay attention to him now.

"Boom day by day!" Kuafu took the lead, and two pairs of huge fists blasted towards the bone king like machine guns.

The Bone King's Revenant Shield was madly declining durability... However, the Bone King in the shield was not surprised at all. Its skull face looked like it was smiling.

Maybe it is really laughing.

"Small bugs, how about Kuafu's coming, can he compare with my bone king?"

The Bone King opened his arms. Suddenly, the incalculable skeleton soldiers around him suddenly lost their souls and turned into skeletons and scattered on the ground.

A hundred miles around, or farther, a large amount of black energy gathered towards the Bone King, and finally lingered on its Skeleton Broadsword.

"The dark moon bites the sun!" The Bone King shouted angrily, and the giant sword exploded with amazing power, passing through Kuafu's body at an invisible speed...

It was only a few tenths of a second, faster and more fierce than Lu Chen's rapid movement. People hadn't reacted yet, and the giant sword had broken Kuafu's chest!

-84 million.

This damage is amazing enough, but this trick is not over yet!

In the next second, countless black dead souls followed the trajectory of the skeleton giant sword, passing through Kuafu's chest.

-180,000, -180,000, -180,000...This is a continuous damage, but unlike general continuous damage, the damage interval of this continuous damage is too short.

The number rising above Kuafu’s head has been superimposed to see if it is 180,000, or 1.88 million, or even 18.88 million...

Continuous damage, causing 10 damage in one second, lasting 3 seconds, just three seconds, totaling...5.4 million!

Seeing this number, the audience was silent!

With a bang, Kuafu with 6 million HP... was killed directly!

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