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I'm afraid Jiusi did not expect that his trump card would be killed by the Bone King in a single blow...

The Bone King sneered, "I knew that you had already collected all the Kuafu Summoning God Cards. This trick of mine is reserved for you. It is a pity that there is no **** of power and cannot be called a god. You are not My opponent!"

Lu Chen understood two things at this time.

The first thing, the reason why the Bone King didn't use the Dark Moon Biting Sun to kill himself in seconds was because this trick was reserved for Kuafu. The Bone King didn't know the reason, and knew that there was a Kuafu **** card.

In this way, in the eyes of Bone King, he is not his biggest threat, but Kuafu is! And in a short time, the Bone King should not be able to use this skill again.

Of course, given that the Bone King did not use the Revenant Aya in the battle with Kuafu, Lu Chen could also infer one. This is almost unavoidable and unable to break free. The Bone King can use it only a limited number of times. , He used it on himself...

The second thing is that Kuafu is not too weak, so that the Bone King can leave a hole card for him. Kuafu's strength cannot be weak. It's just that Jiusi is not strong enough to fully display the power of Kuafu.

It's just that it's useless to know these now. When Kuafu died, the four of Jiusi died.

"Hahaha, anyone else wants to stop me?"

As soon as the Bone King stretched out his hand, the four souls who were just about to return to the Reincarnation Realm were suddenly sucked away by the Bone King.

If the soul is sucked away, they probably won't be able to resurrect the character, unless the Bone King skill time is over, and they don't know how long it will take.

"This Bone King is terrible, I feel like I'm about to break through the game dimension wall."

"Is there a problem with Tian Xing's brain? Who can play such a boss in individual competitions?"

"Can those dead players be resurrected? Will they never be resurrected?"

"Impossible, there should be a skill duration, but this time is too long, it's almost forty minutes, and the first batch of killed players cannot be resurrected."

They don’t know that the duration of Bone King’s skills is at least 24 hours...

The Bone King took out a treasure and threw it on the ground.

This was an iron cage with a woman inside, and Lu Chen saw this woman at a glance.

It was his apprentice Ningshuang.

"Die all to me!"

Lu Chen was really angry. Then the boss not only humiliated him, but also killed Ningshuang in front of him?

Although being killed by a wild monster is not counted in the master and apprentice system, killing Ningshuang in front of everyone has already touched Lu Chen's bottom line.

At the moment of the death, several figures rushed in front of Lu Chen and Ningshuang.

Stardust, the game black hole tried to steal the iron cage, and the three male **** brothers rushed to Lu Chen.

"Buddha light shines!" Stardust shouted, "Black hole, take Ningshuang away, hurry!"

On the other side, the three male **** brothers jumped in front of the nameless, "Boss, how are we going to save you?"

Wuming said, "I'm trapped by the dead soul Ling. You can't save it. Go save Ningshuang first!"

At this time, there was not much time to think. The three male gods naturally believed in the nameless words and hurried to save Ningshuang.

The damage of Foguangpuzhao is not too high, but it has a blinding effect. The original blinding of 3 seconds, but the result is here, the effect is only 1 second!

The game black hole four grabbed the iron cage, but Stardust had no time to retreat.


A single knife light directly halves Stardust!

Stardust had not participated in individual competitions before, but he also wanted to exercise his actual combat ability and opened the full pain system.

With this sword, the damage reached 370,000! Stardust directly felt the pain of real death!

"Uh!" With a scream, Stardust spit out blood...

"Stardust!" Lu Chen exclaimed.

Stardust looked back at Lu Chen, tried to stretch his pained expression, barely smiled, "Nameless, I...I'm fine..." Then his neck crooked and hung up.

The Bone King was not welcome at all, and quickly collected the dead souls of Stardust.

Lu Chen's mind buzzed.

Stardust must be very painful in the end, it was an unimaginable pain, and it was evident that players who used to be full-level players would cry and cry.

But in order not to make Wuming feel that he owed him something, did he offer that smile?

When faced with such an invincible enemy, how many people have the courage to stand up, and how many people dare to stand up.

How many people die for their friends without any reward?

Lu Chen suddenly felt that it was a shame that he had not met Stardust and them earlier.

They are people who can be called "brothers"!

"Ah!" With a roar, Lu Chen's blood rushed into his head, "Bone King, I want you to die!"

Anger, has been ignited, anger, blazing!

But the Bone King was unmoved, "Hahaha, you are very angry? Sorry, there is no revenge for being angry. My soul Aya can restrain a **** at the level of Kuafu, let alone a human being like you!"

Lu Chen's eyes were red, "Really? Then today, I am a humble human being, and I have broken this dead soul!"

In Aya, Lu Chen couldn't move, couldn't perform exercises, but he also had things he could do.

Lower your attribute ratio! Can call out his legion and battle pet!

The Legion is not an opponent of the Bone King, but they can do another thing!

Lu Chen just summoned the little lion head.

"Yes, it's a beast!"

"No, this sacred beast hasn't grown up yet, so it can't be the opponent of Bone King."

"Why is Wuming? Let the beast die?"

The next scene stunned everyone.

The little lion's head bit...nameless!


Lu Chen was killed directly!

At the moment Wuming was killed, the lion head also returned to Lu Chen's animal pen.

All this happened so suddenly that people's brains are all in a short-circuit state.

"Which, what is this? What is Wuming Brother doing?"

"He lowered his attributes? However, why did he commit suicide? If he dies, the soul will be sucked by the Bone King!"

"It's over, Brother Wuming is definitely not willing to be humiliated, but it won't help."

The Bone King also froze for a moment, and then he snorted disdainfully, "What an idiot! Fortunately, we can get the dead soul of a strong man without a **** sword, but it saves some trouble." After that, he made claws with one hand and wanted to absorb it. The nameless soul.

However, after the bone king’s claws were stretched out, he could not collect the nameless souls several times...

"Huh? What's the matter!"

"Suck the dead souls!"

...Still no response.

"Withered Bone Corps!"

Still no response.

The nameless soul and body are not controlled by the Bone King!

"This..." The Bone King was also wondering, can his skills fail?

And at this moment, beneath the nameless "corpse", suddenly, was covered by a cloud of purple flame!

There are raging fires everywhere, like nameless anger, burning more and more!

"What's the matter? Why did it catch fire suddenly?"

"What situation is this? Why can't the bone king collect the unnamed brother's souls, nor can he control his body to become a skeleton soldier?"

"This, this scene reminds me of a word..." a certain player suddenly said quietly.

"What word?" the people around asked.

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and exhaled four words.

"Rise from the ashes!"

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