Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 261: Tower of Babel

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Tongtian Tower is called the "world barrier" of Nine Heavens by players!

Tianxing officially announced that Jiutian had already incorporated the default program in the early stages of development.

As long as there is a player who can defeat the heavenly domain-level BOSS "Tiantian Demon Lord" guarding the first heaven, the game will automatically open the second heaven.

At present, although there are a lot of adventures, hidden missions, and hidden copies in the first heaven, the players are only level 50 after all.

Only by opening the second horizon can players break through the 50 level upper limit.

The most important thing is that Tianxing officially announced that with the opening of the second horizon, the potential of major professions will be truly liberated, and at the same time players around the world will face more "terrifying" challenges, and... other "something beyond Surprise of human imagination"!

I have to say that Tianxing is strong in games and stronger in selling. If this surprise is so big, every player will be excited.

There are many theories circulating among players.

It is said that the second layer of heaven is full of dark gold, top-quality professional materials everywhere, top-quality babies, adventure missions, yellow-level advanced techniques...

This is why there are already corpses everywhere in the Tongtian Tower, but people still try to challenge the invincible existence.

Even so, Tongtian Demon Venerable still prevents billions of players and guards a side of the universe with its power over the world.

How strong is Bone King? Don't dare to mention Tongtian Tower!

The Tongtian Tower, like the road to the sky, is impressive, but it is not feasible...

Lu Chen took a deep breath and stepped into the Tongtian Pagoda.

Entering the tower, Lu Chen entered an octagonal room. The room was very large, and each side was two to three hundred meters long.

There is no monster in it...

Now Lu Chen has sequelae. When he saw the copy, he was not surprised and was not happy at all. Instead, he was a little scared.

"No, brother, no blame..." Although the Demon Temple is not blamed, it took 60 days for Lu Chen to clear the level...This has not yet been completely cleared, and there are two perverted tasks waiting for him.

Fortunately, this is the Tongtian Tower, how many times people have played it, it will definitely not play like the Temple of Gods and Demons.

An octagonal room with a door on each of four sides.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "No, I remember Stardust said there are only three rooms in it."

The east and west doors lead to the left and right, and the 20-meter-high door in the north leads to the room of Tongtian Demon Venerable.

It's just that, what the **** is that door to the south? No one seems to have mentioned it.

"It seems that only I have encountered this situation." Lu Chen couldn't help but think of his mission. Because he had that mission, his Sky Tower had more doors than others?

Lu Chen knows that sometimes opportunities are fleeting. Anyway, the mission of the mortal power is there. You can kill the left and right people at any time, but this door might not be encountered next time.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen first walked towards the door to the south.

I pushed the door with my hand, but did not push...

However, the system gave some hints.

[Reincarnation of life and death, like looking at flowers in a mirror, life is death, emptiness is reality, in and out, and in and out. 】

Lu Chen had a black line, "Axi, what the hell."

Although Lu Chen couldn't understand this passage, he still wrote it down. After all, there will be no useless words in the game for no reason. Maybe it has something to do with the mythical beast and the hidden copy.

After studying for a while, Lu Chen temporarily gave up exploring this door, "I can't solve it, you can do it!"

Lu Chen turned and walked to the east door.

This is the room on the side of Tongtian Tower, but it is many times larger than the central octagonal room.

This is the room of the right priest of Tongtian. There are finally some mobs here. There are not many, probably dozens of them, but each one is more than ten meters high, and the head icon on the head also proves that they are BOSS!

"No wonder it was so difficult for full-level players to open up wasteland in the past, the younger brothers are all BOSS."

Lu Chen just sighed with emotion, and directly pulled the little boss together to clean up.

This time Lu Chen didn't try to test their strength. The reason was simple. For him, it was easy for him to have a copy of a team of full-level players.

Even the left and right forces only lost Shenwu equipment, Lu Chen could have come to fight long ago, not to mention his current strength has doubled again.

The BOSS dropped seven-star materials and some purple outfits with good attributes. Lu Chen was familiar with these equipment. When he slaughtered 600 full-level players, these equipments were included in the equipment they dropped.

"One piece is about tens of thousands of dollars. Small money is also money, so let's throw it away in the trading area." After being worth more than 100 million yuan, Lu Chen hadn't gotten rid of the problem of "seeing money open" before.

The last one standing in front of him was a species that had never appeared before. Half of the body was a black chaotic body, and the other half was flamed. The body was long and narrow, with a treacherous face, holding a staff.

"Suddenly there is a kind of intimacy..." Lu Chen looked at the right ** and said, this priest is composed of two forms, and Lu Chen's body is composed of a lot of messy things, so Lu Chen is even better. .

"Those who trespass into the Sky Tower will die! Weak humans, prepare to accept the punishment of flames and darkness." The priest read his lines and waved his scepter.

Lu Chen immediately discovered that there were a large number of skill release points around him. Under the prompt of the Dark Gods Eye, he had already seen that the skill below the priest was a large-scale group attack skill.

"Night Flame Meteorite!"

A large number of meteorites fell from the sky, countless, almost covering the entire BOSS room.

These meteorites also have a metamorphic characteristic. They appear in the night sky from time to time, presumably due to their dark attributes. In this way, the player has to predict the impact of the meteorite.

However, Lu Chen could easily avoid it by just looking at the skill points on the ground.

"This skill is really strong, especially when playing a team, one skill may cause the group to be destroyed." Lu Chen stood in a small safe area and waited.

Boom boom boom boom, the meteorite carried out a carpet bombing of the BOSS room. Whenever it was hit by a meteorite, huge craters appeared on the ground.

"Meteor Giant!" The BOSS roared, preparing to release the second skill.

Lu Chen shook his head. The priest's skills were not interesting. He didn't want to learn. This guy should be a high-level prophet. In short, he can be regarded as a magician.

"Although I'm not in a hurry, but I don't think you are interesting, then I won't play with you."

"Split the Divide!" Lu Chen called out instantly.

At this moment, the BOSS unexpectedly halted the release of the skill and quickly changed its move, "Dark night shadow!" The next moment, it has already avoided the range of the cracking gap.

"Huh? Teleport skills?" Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment. "Not bad, not bad, this skill is not bad."

With Lu Chen's current prestige value, he could already purchase the Mysterious Cultivation Technique Summary Scroll, and he immediately bought the scroll.

"If I have this skill, coupled with the two rapid moves, and the refresh of the devil's will, my flexibility will definitely rise to a higher level! This skill must be obtained!"

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