Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 262: The worst BOSS in history

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"Bless you, hope is its own skill, don't give me equipment special effects!" Lu Chen prayed in his heart.

In other words, it is normal for this kind of "mage" who almost relies on skills to be equipped with a displacement skill, and Night Teleport fits very well with the attributes of this BOSS, so the possibility of active skills is still very high.

Why does Lu Chen hope that Dark Night clone is an active skill?

One thing to note is that Lu Chen has the "Steal" skill, but the stolen skills, whether they are special effects or active skills, are all stolen by the "Stealing" of the demon suit, so they will eventually be classified as "Equipment". "Special effects", but if it is a skill that Lu Chen learned by himself, then it will become Lu Chen's active skill.

Active skills and equipment special effects, the greatest impact of active talents is on the demon clone.

Lu Chen has never forgotten that the clone of the demon suit can inherit passive talents and can also use the master's active skills!

Imagine, if 10 of the 12 clones can use the Dark Night Shadow, then how terrifying the combination is.

This is exactly why Lu Chen is so excited to see this skill!

Although Lu Chen didn't know the cooling time of Dark Night Flashing Shadow, the priest was afraid of being close. As long as Lu Chen pretended to be close from time to time, he could easily force the priest's displacement skills.

After 60 seconds, Lu Chen got close again, and as expected, a flash of darkness was forced out.

Lu Chen directly re-engraved it with a mysterious technique.

With a golden light, Lu Chen clearly discovered that the original blank scroll had writing on it!

"Hahaha, it's really an active skill, this is cool!"

With the skills in hand, Lu Chen no longer needs to keep his right sex.

"Try to see if Lao Tzu's twelve clones are strong!"

"God of War Possession! Transformation! Doppelganger!"

"The devil's will brush the line! The clone!"

The 12 demons with the **** of war behind them grinned.

There are sacrificials who don’t plan to sit still, and sacrifice a stronger skill, "Hell Black Flame!"

A large number of black flames appeared on the ground... But at this moment, 10 of the 12 clones used the night instant shadow at the same time.

Suddenly, only vague silhouettes were seen on the battlefield moving horizontally and horizontally, and an avatar was already in front of the right priest in an instant.

It is simply impossible to avoid 10 clones with dark night shadows!

When several clones attacked, they quickly became dizzy.

Although the right priest stunned for only 0.5 seconds each time, his blood volume exceeded Lu Chen's imagination, reaching 60 million.

But in a pile of avatars with a 9.6% stun chance and three combos, unless the right priest has a targeted magic weapon or a stun-relieving skill, it is already dead!

Lu Chen was also lazy. Anyway, 12 clones were playing. There was no more than one, and a lot less, so he simply found a place to rest.

"Come on! You can do it! I am optimistic about you!" Lu Chen encouraged the clones and supported them spiritually.

In other words, the priest actually has a life-saving skill. After the blood volume drops to 30%, it breaks away from all attacks and forcibly wakes up from the vertigo, raising the sky with a roar!

"Damn humans, I won't let you go! I want..."

A bunch of avatars did not say a word, a dark night shadow, rushing over is just a meal... The right priest was again infinitely stunned...

Lu Chen couldn't stand it anymore, "I'm going, you guys are too aggressive, let him finish the line anyway..."

Being dizzy so much that he didn't even have a chance to finish his lines, this right priest is probably the worst BOSS in history.

Not long after, the clones have resolved the battle.

[Kill the right priest of Tongtian (50-day Tongtian Tower BOSS), capture 10 million heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 9 talent fragment 5, gain 9-star evolution point 5, and collect 25 pure aura points. 】

With the Pseudo-Dust Orb, in addition to always gaining pure aura, now Lu Chen will basically get pure aura when fighting monsters, and he can gain 25 points at a time.

"Only 10 million experience?" Lu Chen shook his head, "It seems that you are a little weaker than the Bone King."

The equipment dropped did not exceed those of the original top players. Either give it to Lu Yi, Ningshuang and the others, or throw it into the trading area.

"Fan Body Shenwei mission shows that the first BOSS has been completed, and there is also Zuo Mo Shen."

The comfortable time is always short. After killing the right priest, Lu Chen stood up and patted his butt, "Next."


Lu Chen was still "hanging up" to call Zuo Demon, and Li Muhua called.

Anyway, it was boring now, Lu Chen answered the phone.

"My morning!"

"Don't call it so nauseous? Why?" The two are getting more and more familiar, and they are more and more casual without the strangeness they used to speak.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Tower of Babel."

"No, are you going to engage in the Heavenly Demon Lord?" Li Muhua suddenly became excited.

"No, I'm just here to fight around."

"Oh, fortunately, I was scared to death. I thought you were going to take us to the second horizon."

"Let's talk about it later." Lu Chen still planned to see if he could do the quest of the God Blood and Demon Seed first, and then open the Second Heaven.

After all, no one knows what Erzhongtian is like, so don't disturb his mission.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell the truth." Li Muhua said, "your chameleon is still eating ashes, right?"

"Well, I took Lu Yi out for a ride at night last time. Although your people said it was okay, I still feel unsafe. Besides, I don’t have any chance to use it in a dead fat house. It’s better to buy a ten. Tens of thousands open."

"Hey, then you put it on and put it on, why not sell it to me."

"Huh? Sell it to you?"

Speaking of the super-tech supercar, the chameleon sports car was more than half a month late than the agreed time. With the cockpit of the last game, Li Muhua took it instead of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen also likes luxury cars, but then again, after the car came back, he didn't seem to have much time to drive, and Lu Chen still didn't feel relieved to go.

It’s okay that the game cockpit is just disconnected from the internet, but there are too many places where the car can be used for hands and feet.

Therefore, the chameleon has been parked in the garage to eat ashes...

"Hey, it's not actually sold to me, it's sold to our military. We plan to study and study. Well, don't worry about the price. Our leader said that the outside price is 120 million RMB. There are already transaction records abroad. At this price, and you don’t have to pay personal income tax, you get a lot of money."

To be honest, Lu Chen really wanted to make this car a bit, and the military also had an advantage in buying it.

Until now, Lu Chen felt more and more.

Tian Xing is hostile to him!

It's just that in the game, it seems that even the so-called "developer" Tianxing has nothing to do with him, but it is not necessarily outside the game.

It is also good for Li Muhua and the others to take this car back to study, just to see if Tianxing is yin him.

"Okay." Lu Chen readily agreed, "Call me the money, and the car will be picked up at any time."

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