Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 267: Quasi-Skyland BOSS

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A flame rose in the furnace, and the old man smiled at Lu Chen slightly, "Young man, don't forget the promise to us."

After speaking, the old man also took out his poison pill with one hand, and his whole person turned into dust.

It's just that the old man seems to have left a scroll.

Suddenly, Lu Chen was the only one left here.

Lu Chen possessed and picked up the scroll.

[Mission: Relief from Thousand Years of Torment]

[Task content: Pill furnace will make a highly poisonous elixirs, use poisons to refine their weapons, and kill the "Green Luo Poison Lord", the lord of Ghost Valley. 】

[Task rewards: 1, the body of a hundred poisons, ignore the toxicity of all medicines, and ignore any poison attack with poison damage lower than itself. 】

Looking at the empty valley, the farmhouses here are still there, not much different from when they first came, and in the blink of an eye, the farmhouses here are nothing but people.

Lu Chen didn't encounter many plot tasks, but each one was impressive. From Xiao Min to Shennong Valley, it felt like being on the scene, so that Lu Chen felt more and more trance.

Is this a game world or a real world...

When Lu Chen was feeling very sad, the lid of the pill furnace had been opened, and it seemed that the poison was successfully refined.

A dark green pill flew out of the pill furnace, and Lu Chen didn't dare to pick it up with his hands, and touched the pill with a section of the long stick.

The pill was quickly wrapped and quickly penetrated into the long stick.

[Successfully extract poison, your wishful stick adds 1 million poison attack points for 30 minutes. 】

"Damn, 1 million poison attack? Crazy!" Lu Chen was stunned. Although there is a duration, 1 million is really scary.

There is a time limit for the mission. Lu Chen himself has a poison attack, and the total damage is not low, but with this 1 million poison attack, it will definitely be much faster to attack the BOSS. Lu Chen has to hurry up.

After the old man died, the barrier finally opened, and Lu Chen hurriedly walked to the depths of the Ghost Valley.

The road ahead stretches towards the hillside, and there are many ghosts on the road.

Lu Chen directly summoned the eyes of the dark gods to help him distinguish the true body of the other party.

The evil spirits directly killed, and there were some Guren, Lu Chen let it go, anyway, they will return to normal in decisive time.

Not long after, Lu Chen finally set foot on the "refining pharmacy" in Guigu. As soon as he arrived here, there were a large number of monsters in the shape of a furnace and attacked Lu Chen.

"This must be an evil spirit, kill!" Lu Chen is also welcome. Now he is in a hurry and must resolve the battle as soon as possible.

"A lot of blame, clones!" The six clones kill extremely fast

[Kill "Second-Rank Stove Burning Ghost" (Level 50 Elite), get 50,000 points of heaven and earth aura, get 5th grade talent fragment 1, get 5 star evolution point 1, get goblin creature essence 1, get pure aura 25】

[Kill the "Three-Rank Stove Burning Ghost" (Level 50 Elite), obtain 80,000 heaven and earth Aura points, obtain Tier 6 talent fragment 1, obtain 6-star evolution point 1, obtain evil spirit creature essence 1, obtain pure aura 25 】

[Kill the "Three-Rank Stove Burning Ghost" (Level 50 Elite), obtain 80,000 heaven and earth Aura points, obtain Tier 6 talent fragment 1, obtain 6-star evolution point 1, obtain evil spirit creature essence 1, obtain pure aura 25 】

"The experience is very good? And he actually lost the spirit of evil spirits." Lu Chen was quite surprised.

[Ding, the dropped item "Superior Qi Gathering Pill"*1]

[Ding, the dropped item "Superior Healing Medicine"*2]

[Dropped item "One-turn Ultimate Gathering Pill"*1]

The magic is that the stove ghost can't drop equipment, they drop the medicine!

It was the first time that Lu Chen saw a revolving pill, a revolving spirit gathering pill can increase 20,000 pure aura!

"I'm relying on me, I'm getting rich...Oh, no, no, I can't waste time here anymore. The clone should stand up first, I will find the boss first, and then I will kill when I come back." Lu Chen wanted to use the Spirit Gathering Pill more, but Thinking of the weapon extracting poison for only 30 minutes, now more than ten minutes have passed, he had to give up this opportunity and rush to the Shennong Valley Hall alone!

The main hall of Ghost Valley can vaguely see the glory of Shennong Valley. Although the dilapidated hall has become dilapidated, it can still be seen that it used to be majestic.

At this moment, a woman in green was in the open space in front of the hall, closing her eyes to practice, and in front of her, there was a golden tripod.

"Isn't it her?" Lu Chen didn't expect that the so-called Ghost Valley Great Demon was actually a woman in women's clothes, and she was so beautiful, like a fairy who can't eat fireworks.

"Sure enough, the appearance is unreliable." Lu Chen shook his head. He had already seen the woman's ID.

Luluo Poison Zun Luyiyi, 50-level quasi-space boss!

A guy of normal human height is actually a quasi-world-level boss! Lu Chen couldn't believe it.

Lu Yiyi also raised his head at this time, looking at Lu Chen with a pair of green eyes, looking a little excited, "Great, someone can help me refine the pill."

Lu Chen shook his head, "You are already in a madness, hey, although you are a beautiful woman, I can only kill you."

"Hahahaha," the woman stood up and flung her clothes. "What's the fear of death? The most feared thing is that I am not a man or a ghost like I am now!"

"Kill me? It would be great if you could kill me, I have been waiting for this day for too long!"

"Unfortunately, no one can kill me during this heavy day!"

Physical immunity plus spiritual immunity, this kind of ability is an invincible existence, Lu Yiyi does have arrogant capital.

Lu Chen said calmly, "Yes, players can't kill you, but your people can kill you!" After that, Lu Chen drew out the wishful stick.

"It's not that you don't report it, the hour has not arrived, and the evil you have done, let you eat the fruits of it yourself!"

"God of War Possessed! Demon Transformation! Demon Clone!"

"The devil's will refresh! Doppelganger!"

"Blood Sacrifice Shield!"

Faced with the Tianyu-level BOSS, who is still a super BOSS immune to both physical and magic, Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless.

"The last hidden copy is here, and there must be no mistake!"

After all, Lu Chen rushed towards Lu Yiyi.

"Come on! I want to catch you, I want to use you to make alchemy!" Lu Yiyi blinked like a different person, excited, "Spirit pills, fleshy Buddha pills! Spirit pills, spirit elimination pills!"

Taking two pills at random, Lu Yiyi emitted two kinds of light, red and blue, which became golden light after mixing.

"This should be similar to the domineering state..." Lu Chen knew that Lu Yiyi was now immune to material law.

"Only I am crazy, come on, I'll play with you! Manluo Tianzheng!"

Countless petals fell from the sky in an instant. These petals fell on Lu Chenfen's body, and each one could cause 30,000+ damage.

Although the damage is not scary, the problem is that these petals are very slow, but there is no regularity of the falling path, and it is endless, full-screen attack!

"Damn it, it's going to die! With such skill, the 300,000 blood evil shield is gone!" Lu Chen also had seven or eight petals on his body. If he wanted to kill Lu Luo Poison Venerable as soon as possible, he couldn't completely avoid it. These countless petals.

Finally, Lu Chen rushed to Lu Yiyi.

"Old man, I hope your poison is effective, otherwise this woman is really invincible!"

"The tiger is down!" Lu Chen smashed his stick.

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