Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 268: You have no luck

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With the stick down, Lu Yiyi suddenly turned into a green mist, and Lu Chen's streak hit him lonely.

"I'm going, so strong!" Lu Chen hurriedly turned around, and the eyes of the dark gods beside his shoulders quickly found Lu Yiyi's position.

"Black Night Instant Shadow!" Lu Chen didn't have to move quickly. He has been attacked by petals. Because of the uncertain route of petals, even the eyes of the gods cannot determine where the petals will fall.

Rapid movement is not teleportation, but rapid movement. In the fast movement, more petals will still be attacked, while the dark night shadow will disappear in a short time and will not be attacked.

Now Lu Chen had to plan so carefully.

"Eat Lao Sun again!"

This stick was finally hit.

Immunity (physical immunity),-1 million (poisoning) (resistance),-1 million (poisoning) (resistance)...

An attack caused 2 million damage, and Lu Chen found that his poison was ineffective against Lu Yiyi and was resisted. Only the poison of the poisonous ghost could hurt.

"Maybe my drug category is too single, which makes it easy to detoxify!" Lu Chen guessed.

But the good news is that although the poison of the poisonous spider bloodline and the green python bloodline has been resisted, their effects are still there.

A 6-second equivalent poisoning, a total of 6 million, one is a seven-step poison, and the poisoning is deepened by one step, totaling 10.8 million.

The two poisons are 16.8 million total damage!

Coupled with the initial initial damage of 12 million, Lu Chen's attack can cause 28 million damage.

At this time, Lu Yiyi's life limit was also revealed.


"Nima, is this the quasi-space-level boss? What was the blood volume of the domain-level boss that day?!"

"Fortunately, there is that poisonous help, otherwise I don't think I can beat this woman!"

After Lu Yiyi was poisoned, she looked at Lu Chen in shock, "Yes, it's the "Ten Poison Pill"! You, you actually joined forces with Yao Lao to kill me!|"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "You let your people absorb erysipelas for alchemy. For thousands of years, I don’t know how many kinds of poisons have been accumulated. Even the spirit pills have become poison pills. Lu Yiyi, even I think you deserve to die. !"

"Just relying on a Ten Thousand Poison Pill is like killing me, you are simply fantastic!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I will kill you today!"

Lu Chen rushed towards Lu Yiyi. At the same time, Lu Yiyi turned into green smoke again, "Forget the mist of Sichuan!"

"It's useless, Lao Tzu has the eyes!" Lu Chen yelled, turned around, and rushed towards Lu Yiyi who had not yet fully manifested.

This time, not only Lu Chen attacked alone, but the 12 clones also used Night Teleport, and 13 units attacked Lu Yiyi at the same time!

It's a pity that the clone didn't have the effect of the Ten Thousand Poison Pill. After all, this is a "equipment special effect" and the clone cannot be inherited.

In addition, the clone can't stun Lu Yiyi, this woman is immune to physical attacks and is immune to other effects in physical attacks.

"Too strong!" Lu Chen sighed.

However, Lu Chen went down and caused massive damage again.

After the two attacks, Lu Yiyi's blood volume had dropped by one-half, and Lu Chen was relieved now that he was born with a huge advantage in fighting Lu Yiyi, and it was not difficult to kill her.

Lu Yiyi didn't expect that Lu Chen's poison would be so strong. He had only half of his 100 million HP after attacking him twice.

However, what Lu Chen didn't expect was that Lu Yiyi, who was at a disadvantage, suddenly laughed wildly, "Hahaha, interesting and interesting."

"I am the only one crazy, you are strong, but the stronger you are, the more I like it!"

After all, Lu Yiyi waved his hand and called the Fang Jinding in the middle of the battlefield.

"Yiding is against the fate of heaven!" Lu Yiyi slapped the ears on both sides of Jinding, and Jinding suddenly plunged into the ground.

In the next second, Lu Chen only felt that a huge pulling force was coming from his feet, and he pulled him down.

"Hahaha, I am the only one who is crazy, doctrine can say, you have no luck!"

"You just got the medicine old Wandu Pill, but you didn't get the "colorless medicinal body" of Yaoying. You will never break away from my Fang Tianding!"

Lu Chen was shocked.

"Damn, I don't step on the map?!"

In other words, after Yao Lao gave him that pill, he has been anxious to kill Luluo Poison Venerable, but he is really not confident to step on the entire ghost valley, and the possibility of missing NPC is very high...

"This Nima, what kind of bird copy, should it be so difficult!" Lu Chen was almost swearing.

With one mission item missing, Lu Chen couldn't resist the suction at his feet, and soon the whole person was sucked into the medicine cauldron.

"Hahahaha, there are materials again, I will train you now!"


The temperature in the medicine cauldron is extremely high, Lu Chen's blood sacrifice shield is quickly being consumed, and the Throne of the Dead is trying its best to restore the durability of the shield.

"Now it's all right... the gutter capsized." Lu Chen walked around in the medicine cauldron, the space here was quite large.

Lu Chen tried to use the Black Night Flash, but moving quickly was of no avail. He wanted to break the medicine cauldron, but the medicine cauldron didn't even show the blood bar.

"Mad, now Lao Tzu has really become the Monkey King..."

"How to do how to do?!"

Lu Chen tried hard to calm himself down.

After ten minutes, the temperature of the medicine cauldron dropped a lot, and it seemed that it had entered the stage of pill fusion.

At this moment, Lu Chen's Throne of the Undead and Blood Sacrifice Shield finally couldn't resist the refining of the medicine cauldron, completely disappeared, and the medicine cauldron began to refine his body.

【Skin failure. 】

Lu Chen's human skin could no longer withstand the high temperature and melted directly, and Lu Chen also showed his body.

However, when Lu Chen was at a loss, he suddenly discovered that his body was changing.

Previously, Lu Chen's ontology was an illusion of four different creatures fused with a variety of wild monster characteristics... to be precise, it was ten different. The characteristics of various creatures were retained a little and looked even more terrifying.

However, in the medicine cauldron, Lu Chen's body began to twist.

"Nima, what the hell!"

The single head returned to the neck, the tail of the snake was fused into the spider's ass, and the spider's body gradually twisted into legs.

The wooden horns on his head directly turned into two animal horns, and the rotting body gradually became full and full of muscles.

All kinds of biological characteristics are actually incorporated in the medicine cauldron...

"What's the situation?!" Lu Chen was shocked.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's inspiration flashed and thought of a possibility.

"Wait! Lu Yiyi wants to refine me. I and the surrounding medicinal materials are actually materials. It wants medicinal materials to absorb me, but everyone is medicinal materials. Why can't I absorb them?"

"In the beginning, the fire in the medicine cauldron was very fierce. At that stage, Lu Yiyi was refining me, but she didn't expect me to last so long."

"Now that the fire is small, it may have entered the fusion stage. The surrounding medicinal materials have been refined, and they are actually semi-finished products with certain medicinal effects. With this fusion, I can just absorb their medicinal power..."

Lu Chen is not too good at refining medicine, he can only think of this situation.

"By the way, look at the basic attributes!"

Opening the character panel, Lu Chen realized that his basic attributes were improving.

But this is not the point, the point is...

The countdown time for the poison extraction weapon...stopped!

"No, it's impossible... Is this a permanent special effect?" Lu Chen looked dazed.

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