Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 274: Break the line

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Fan body magic power, this mission was originally meant to enchant Lu Chen, now it seems that Lu Chen has already realized the essence of the mission.

"Isn't it just being enchanted! Jiuyi, kill!"

Massacre, unilateral massacre!

Outside Lingxiao City, corpses were everywhere, and the Reincarnation Realm was nearby, but the players did not even dare to resurrect.

Countless spirit swords in the sky transform the rain, countless poisonous petals, and the nine-winged heavenly dragons in the sky set fire everywhere, as long as they are resurrected, they will die!

Some powerful players can't escape death with limited displacement skills, not to mention that not everyone is a top professional player.

There are only two places that can be said to be safe. Either they enter the high mountain protection formation of Lingxiao City, or they completely escape to a further area.

When facing a super BOSS of this level, no matter which national server player it is, now they have stopped fighting.

A large number of players have already covered the entire Lingxiao City defense formation, the city, and the open space are all full of people.

People looked at the flying dragon soaring in the sky in horror.

"It's terrible, it's the end of the world."

"Why do you have such a terrifying guy in Chinese clothes!"

"Is this still a human? He, is he a player or a boss?"

Shen Zang Guiyi took the opportunity to resurrect, after all, the kimono is the strongest, but now he dare not go out.

"I was careless just now. If you unite the strongest national servers and challenge him together, you may still have a chance!"

At this time, a Yamato man next to Shenzang shook his head, "Shenzang, it's impossible, that person is already above all players."

"No! I clearly hit him with 110,000 blood just now, which is about one-fifth of his blood. If dozens of people with the same strength as me do it together, he can be second!"

The mysterious man shook his head, "Shenzo, haven't you figured it out yet? He just wants to see your strength. If he tries his best, you won't get close at all!"

"Also, have you seen his clones? The damage of those clones is surprisingly high, and...I noticed that they often hit a lot of debuffs at the moment when they kill the player in seconds, including... dizziness!"

"Dizziness? The clone can be stunned!" Shen Zang didn't notice this. After all, the player was killed for a while, and many debuffs just went up and the player died.

To observe this detail, one must have amazing eyesight!

Passive stun can be said to be one of the strongest passives in the melee career, and the clone of the mad **** can be stunned. That is to say, even if the **** hides close, as long as the mad **** gets serious, the unlucky one is in the end!

"This guy..." Same as the strongest in the national service, Shen Zang is also a super strong believer by Yamato players, but when facing solipsism, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, making him almost grabbing mad!

Regardless of whether Shenzang is convinced or not, now he can't fight Soliphatic Mania.

Someone has tried to use the mount to go to the sky just now, but when the mount saw the Nine Wing Dragon, he was so scared to move...

That guy's mount is the king of mounts! No other mount dare to challenge its majesty!

Compared with the solo madness, Shen Zang suddenly discovered that his national uniform was the strongest, and it was not a level at all.


In front of the three large groups of attack skills, outside Lingxiao City, corpses were already everywhere.

After more than an hour, except for the inside of the Great Mountain Guard Formation of Lingxiao City, the entire map was only Lu Chen and Nine Wing Dragon!

The Nine Wings Dragon will reach low altitude and finally land.

Lu Chen jumped down.

At this time, between the countless players and the solipsists, there is only a layer of air cover that can hardly be seen.

"He, he won't come in!"

"He doesn't seem to be a human player right now, this big formation is to stop him, he definitely won't be able to enter... right." This person said and said, when he saw the demon standing in front of them, he had no confidence. Up.

"Should we go out and stop him?"

"Stop the fart, didn't you see what he hurt? So many people are not enough for him!"

"It's too abnormal. By the way, isn't there a nameless person in your Chinese clothes? Can he beat the crazy god?"

A player who knows the "insider" shook his head, "Brother Wuming is very strong, but he probably won't care. Wuming is friends with the crazy god. If I guess that mount is good, it might be borrowed by the crazy god. ."

"Damn, don't you..."

I alone raised my head slightly and glanced at the Great Mountain Protection Formation of Lingxiao City.

"Yin-Yang Xuanwu Divine Armor Formation..." Listening to this name, Lu Chen could guess who the two divine beasts of Lingxiao City were.

The ultimate beast, Fu Hai Wudi, the ultimate beast, gilded basalt!

These two guys united to form a large mountain guard formation, and its defense is naturally very important. No wonder even the Bone King has no interest in Lingxiao City.

"I want to see if you are really so strong!"

With a cold snort, Lu Chen raised his wishful stick and directly attacked the mountain guard formation.

Boom boom boom boom, everyone only felt that the earth was shaking, they hurriedly looked nervously towards the mountain guard formation.

Yin Yang Xuanwu Divine Armor Array: 6388/10 billion (durable)

"Damn, this big formation is so strong, even the mad **** knows more than four thousand injuries!"

"One billion durability, hahahaha, we are safe!"

"Finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was really going to slaughter the city, fortunately there is a great formation of protecting the mountain."

Outside the formation, Lu Chen frowned slightly.

He used all his spiritual power just now, and now his spiritual power is already 2000+. A three-hit combo should hit 7000 damage, but in fact, he only hit 6388. It can be inferred that the mountain protection formation is very high.

Sure enough, the big formation only eats spirit attack.

The reason why Lu Chen used the general attack first was to see if his poison attack had any effect. Now it seems that his 1 million poison attack is ineffective against the mountain guard formation.

"It's a bit suspicious, if it's useful, it should be a lot faster." Lu Chen headed away.

Since he only eats spirit attacks, he can only use "huxiao" to transfer it.

"Tiger Roar! Spirit sword transforms the rain!"

The Man Luo Tianzheng was a poison attack, and Lu Chen could only store it three times. This time, it was saved.

The majestic sword rain fell, and the damage directly swept the screen.

The damage is settled in about 0.5 seconds, and each damage exceeds 520,000!

Of course, each sword attack of Jianyu could not be so high, and coupled with the spirit defense of the mountain guard, each sword could cause only a few hundred damage, or even lower.

However, the damage is low, but it can't stand it. This is a large-scale attack, or a continuous attack!

The players who were just thanking that they were safe were completely dumbfounded.

"I'll go and call 520,000!"

"Don't be afraid, the spirit sword transforming rain must consume a lot of pure aura, he can't always use this skill."

"That's right, you see, he seems to be drinking medicine...Wait, he, he drank... a mixed energy gathering spirit pill?!"

"Isn't it... Isn't that something that is only used by merchants occasionally? It's too expensive to use at all!"

Lu Chen shook his head. He couldn't use gold coins at all right now. He had accumulated hundreds of thousands of gold coins during his retreat and practice...

Today in Tucheng, facing so many players, Lu Chen also prepared tens of thousands of bottles of Transition Miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pill, in short, it was enough for him to splurge.

After regaining his spiritual power, Lu Chenmu made a corner of his mouth, "Starting to work."

"The spirit sword transforms the rain!"

"The Great Que swept away!"

Boom and boom, the mountain guard formation was being violently attacked, and the hearts of countless players were hit hard like this rumbling sound.

The mysterious man beside Shen Zang took a deep breath and said quietly, "This guy... is too strong!"

"It's only a matter of time before the battle is broken."

"Now to stop him, only the beast!"

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