Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 275: Super three monster combination

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Inside the huge air cover, hundreds of millions of players huddled in it, and outside the air cover, demons have been attacking frantically!

The durability of the mountain guarding formation dropped rapidly, and it had fallen by a fifth in just ten minutes!

"Please come out quickly, if we don't come out, we will all be killed by this lunatic!"

"This guy has completed himself a BOSS..."

"China clothes are too scary, I want to go back to Yuefu."

Boom, boom, boom, boom! The deafening sound hit the hearts of the players again and again.

An hour later, the last tenth of the last tenth of the longevity of the guardian formation!

"After 1 billion spiritual attack damage, do you still have points!"

"As soon as I turned the Miscellaneous Qi Ju Ling Pill to eat as jelly beans, I never stopped."

As they were speaking, people suddenly heard two long-lasting low growls.

This time is different from the previous loud noise, this sound comes from behind them-Lingxiao City!

"Yes, it's a sacred beast, the mountain-protecting sacred beast has come out!"

"Hahaha, great, the mountain guardian beast has come out! And there are still two!"

"Not two! Look at the sky!"

People hurriedly looked towards the sky, and above the sky, a fiery red figure flew quickly toward this side.

"It's a phoenix! My dear, there are three great beasts in Lingxiao City!"

"Hahahaha, even the nameless Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon, I am afraid it can't suppress the phoenix in blood."

Lu Chen also heard the sharp chirping in the sky. He looked back and saw the figure in the sky.

However, what everyone did not expect was that when the demon heard that there were three sacred beasts in Lingxiao City, not only did he not panic at all, he was thrilled with excitement!

The image of the strong is gone...

"Damn it, it's Blazing Suzaku! Hahahaha, great, great!"

Can't blame Lu Chen for being so excited.

The three dungeons are only the last step to slaughter the city, and the four evils and the four gods are only the last Blazing Suzaku, gilded basalt, and Fuhai Wudi. Now they all appear, which means that the quest of the gods, blood, and demons needs. The steps are complete!

This journey is difficult. The difficulty of every sacred beast and every instance surpassed Lu Chen's imagination. He himself felt that it would take a long time to complete this super abnormal task.

As a result, suddenly, the task was in front of him!

Not to mention dancing, Lu Chen almost cried with excitement.

"Nima, finally! It finally appeared! It's not easy!"

After being moved by himself for a moment, Lu Chen looked at the sky again and found that Suzaku was rushing towards this side.

In addition, two huge creatures rose up in Lingxiao City, also flying towards this side.

Not long after, the three sacred beasts gathered together to watch Lu Chen and the Nine Wing Dragon together.

Nine Wings Heavenly Dragon also lost the calmness it had before. In the face of such a powerful enemy, it also stared at its opponent.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Nine Wings, after all, you are just a mount. I will do this by myself, and you will come back first."

"Roar!" Jiuyi seemed to be dissatisfied with Lu Chen's despising it, and roared at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked back at Jiu Yi, "Don't make trouble!"

Seeing that Lu Chen gave the order to die, Jiuyi also had to get down and return to the animal pen obediently.

Players are afraid to go out now, for fear of being killed by this kind of fairy fighting-level battle, hiding in the huge mountain protection formation that only has a tenth of durability left.

"Mythical beasts should be able to protect Lingxiao City? This is our last hope."

"Kill the mad god, kill him!"

"It should be no problem. The remnants of the beasts in Lingxiao City are definitely stronger than those of Xianshan, and you see that they actually have a division of labor. Two basalts who are good at melee defense and a high-attack Suzaku are unsolvable."

"The basalt attack should also be very strong."

"Nonsense, it must be strong, otherwise how could it be a beast. You must kill that demon!"

Outside the guarding mountain formation, one demon vs. three gods!

Lu Chen knew that the same was the remnant soul, but due to the different proportions of the remnant soul, the remnant souls of the beasts were also strong and weak.

The remnant soul of the divine beast that can protect Lingxiao City is definitely stronger than the Aurora White Tiger, not to mention that he is now one dozen three.

It's a pity that Lu Chen doesn't bother them at all!

"Shenwu possesses! Devil transforms!"

Already in the form of a demon, the solitaire has soared to a height of five or six meters!

At the same time, a huge phantom of the God of War appeared behind him, which was both a guardian and a combat bonus.


"The devil will refresh!"


"Blood Sacrifice Shield!"

Lu Chen directly summoned 12 avatars, and he, who was at a disadvantage in the scene, suddenly became more and less people.

A large number of spikes suddenly burst on the tortoise shell of the gilt Xuanwu, which is an anti-injury effect.

A large amount of sea water spouted from the mouth of Emperor Fu Hai Wu, forming hundreds of water streams flying up and down in front of the three beasts, flying around the three beasts.

The blazing Suzaku screamed, and the flames all over his body were more vigorous than before.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Hey, I'm sorry, brother has the eyes of the gods, so I'm not afraid of retaliation! Kill me!"

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, the two basalts roared lowly at the same time, and the twelve clones appeared in a state of "sarcasm"!

"There are actually taunting skills. It seems that the two basalts are meat shields."

The clones were taunted, and Lu Chen couldn't pull them away. They forcefully attacked two basalts.

Six avatars deal with one, a group of avatars don't care about the injury, the water flows up and it is a mess.

Xuanwu's defense is extremely high, and if the clone can't make a critical strike, it can only cause more than 8,000 damage, and the poison can hit about 21,000.

"I rely on, the physical defense is so high, I was attacking 40,000 objects, a 20% discount, which should be more than 30,000, but I was resisted by more than 20,000..." Lu Chen also had to admire the metamorphosis of Xuanwu's armor.

In addition to anti-high, the blood volume of the two basalts is also amazing, reaching 200 million!

You know, the durability of a fifth-order mountain guarding formation is only 1 billion, and the blood volume of a basalt can reach 200 million, which is already very scary.

In addition, the gilt Xuanwu's anti-injury effect is obvious on the clones, and several clones lose blood very fast, which may not last more than 10 seconds.

The water ring of Emperor Fu Hai is even more abnormal. It not only has spiritual attack damage, but also has a healing effect. Each time the water ring touches their body, it can heal 1000 HP. Each of the three divine beasts surrounds two hundred water rings. , In other words, 200,000 HP can be recovered in about one second.

With super high defense and blood volume, super high anti-injury, super high healing, these two basalts are the strongest sacred beasts Lu Chen has ever encountered!

What's more, there is a Blazing Suzaku next to it!

Not long after, the six avatars besieging the gilt Xuanwu were directly injured and killed by themselves. The gilt Xuanwu taunted again and pulled the other six clones from the sea-covering Xuanwu.

The blood of the two basalts was about 4 million, and they were quickly healed by the water ring. The three **** beasts were full of blood, and the 12 clones of the mad **** had been eliminated!

Seeing this scene, the players boiled.

"Wow, our **** beast is too strong!"

"Handsome, now I'm the only one who can't be arrogant anymore!"

"Kill that demon, he is no longer a player, kill him!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the last three divine beasts were really strong.

"It seems that I can only do it by myself." Lu Chen held the Ruyi long stick in one hand and the demon blade in the other.

"The two turtles must find a way to drop one in a second. It is best to kill Emperor Haiwu first, but they both have taunts, and Xiang Hui will cooperate, which is a bit troublesome."

"Axi, I actually want a guy with 200 million blood in seconds..." Lu Chen also felt like he was a little crazy.

"No matter, try it!"

"Split the Divide!" The true body of the mad **** finally shot!

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