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The baby in a suit turned out to be trapped underground. Lu Chen suddenly felt that he had won the lottery before the end of the day, and the bride's menstrual period was on the wedding night.

"Grandma, a bear!" Lu Chen was very depressed, and could only use the dim light from Xiao Min to fumble around.

There seemed to be a passage underground, but it was blocked by the stones that fell from above.

"Where is this place before? Why is there such a place under Yuan's lair?" Lu Chen was a little surprised, "I don't know if this road can lead to it. No matter what, let's walk around."

I don't know how far I went, the road ahead was blocked, and Lu Chen hurried over.

It was a huge rock that blocked the way out!

This stone can't see the whole picture at all, God knows how big it is. Lu Chen hurriedly touched the stone to see if there was any looseness or damage.

[Low-level spiritual power test ore]

[Spiritual power test stone is a special stone widely used in spiritual power testing, which can test the target spiritual power attributes. The spiritual power test stones of different qualities have different functions, and the upper limit of the spiritual power is different. When it exceeds the tolerance range, the spiritual power test stones will also break. 】

[The upper limit of the spiritual power of the low-level spiritual power test stone is between 5000 and 7000, and can only test the target's spiritual power strength after excluding all equipment, titles, and exercise effects. 】

[Low-level spiritual power test ore is the primary ore of this type of special stone, which has a lot of impurities. Without purification, the test value of the test ore will be much lower than the correct value, which makes them actually more difficult than the purified one. destroyed. 】

Lu Chen frowned.

This kind of stone Lu Chen has seen a similar one before, in the copy of Shacheng Ruins, but that copy is testing strength, agility and physique, and no one has ever tested spiritual power.

"It turns out that it can be destroyed, that's okay." Lu Chen sighed, "The maximum limit is only 7000. Even if I don't count the equipment, my skills, and spiritual power, I have 11500. It should be stable."

Just as Lu Chen was catching this stone, the system appeared again.

[It is found that there is an abnormal map crack in your area. We will fill the crack in 7 days. Please return from the illegal area as soon as possible according to the route suggested by us. 】

"Damn!" Lu Chen was startled. On his personal map, the route given by the system was precisely to pass this huge ore.

It seems that he has entered an area that should not be entered, the "illegal area". The system told him to leave early and gave an escape route, but the system did not know that this route had been blocked!

"Axi, if you don't leave in time, I don't know if I will be sealed underground forever." Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

"Calm down, calm down!" Lu Chen took several deep breaths.

Lu Chen checked his spiritual power, 13,700.

He just took 10 elixir spiritual power pills, which increased 10,000 spiritual power. In addition, he had 2500 spiritual power before, of which the magic weapon had 2100 added, so his own spiritual power should add up to 11,600.

"I don't believe it, I'm almost 12,000 spiritual power, and I can't break your measuring spiritual stone!" Lu Chen snorted coldly, stored spiritual power in his fist, and slammed it up.

[According to the feedback of the test spirit stone characteristics, your spiritual power is 6728 points. 】

Lu Chen almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and the ore directly gave him 40% off spiritual power!

The most important thing is that the ore is motionless, and there is no trace of the concentrated part.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Ma Dan, I just carry it like this? The upper limit of this piece happens to be the highest 7000?! Damn, it's almost able to break the measuring spirit stone!"

The normal way is not working, Lu Chen intends to try "cheating", this time he uses Huxiao and punches again.

[According to the feedback of the test spirit stone characteristics, your spiritual power is 6755. 】

The result was the same as before. It seemed that testing the spirit stone completely ignored Lu Chen's other attacks, equipment, and techniques... it was just a tendon to test Lu Chen's own spiritual power.

"Nima, it's really going to be over this time." Lu Chen looked depressed.

In other words, Lu Chen was really unwilling to get so many good babies just now. Was it permanently sealed underground? If that's the case, he basically said goodbye to the game.

"No, use the clone to help me play together!"

Summoning the clones, Lu Chen made them all punch at the same time.

[According to the feedback of the test spirit stone characteristics, your spiritual power is 6824. 】

"No, the clone has no effect at all, but it's over 6,800, but Wei Mao hasn't broken yet!"

Lu Chen tried almost every method he could think of, but the answer given by Lingshi was always 6700-6800, and he never broke the Lingshi!

Lu Chen really couldn't help but sat on the ground to rest.

"Don't worry, I have to calm down!"

Lu Chen took a few deep breaths and began to organize his thoughts.

First, he is only a little short of the 7000 ceiling.

Second, this piece of measuring spirit stone may not be the upper limit of 7000, it may be 6900, or even 6825, so it is only 176 away from crushing the ore!

Third, the results of testing Lingshi are also floating. His current best score is 6824.

"If this is the case, then I don't have to worry about getting out." Lu Chen frowned.

He also has a hole card, which is the magic weapon pseudo-dust ball!

There is a special effect of Chen Chenzhu. After taking it, it will permanently increase 300 points of spiritual power, even if it is 40% off, there will be 180. He can already guarantee that he can go out.

Just as a last resort, Lu Chen didn't want to use the dust beads for 300 points of spiritual power. This magic weapon provides pure aura all the time, and now he can get 73 points per minute. Plus, it will almost lose pure aura when fighting monsters. Every time 36 points, there is a short-term increase of 1000 points of spiritual power, and at the same time all the special effects of pure aura are restored, how to see its value far exceeds 300 spiritual power.

"Until the end, I won't eat the dust beads! Now no one knows how far I am from going out, so it's better to practice cultivation!" Lu Chen made the final decision.

"By the way, my level of spirit pill is about to be upgraded, and I will look at it when I level up."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's irritable mood also calmed down, and immediately sat down cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation.

One minute later, Lu Chen checked his reminder system information.

What he didn't expect was that in this minute, he gained 100,000 points of pure aura!

"What?" Lu Chen himself couldn't believe it, "100,000 points? This..."

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, but after a little thought, he suddenly wanted to understand.

What is this mountain called? Ju Ling Mountains!

How did the source appear? Thousands of years of spiritual energy have been gathered in the Ju Ling Mountain Range, bred!

The reason for the presence of the Spirit Test Ore here is probably related to the gathering of the Spiritual Energy of the Spirit-Juling Mountains!

"So, I'm afraid this is a huge natural gathering formation!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, and the spiritual energy contained in the Spirit Gathering Mountain Range was many times stronger than Senabis' Soul Gathering Formation!

"Nima, it's no wonder I'm going to drive Lao Tzu away!"

Lu Chen suddenly became excited.

This time, not only is he going to increase his spiritual power severely, but even the little guys are also blessed.

"Little ones, come out to me and **** up the pure aura here!"

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