Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 325: Holy Gate Invitation

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Four gods, four evils, eight ultimates, a total of 16 mythical beast cubs ran out with joy.

"Oh, oh~"

"Come out the rhubarb too." Lu Chen now wished to move the entire army over, but it was a pity that the three fools were still leveling.

It's also so-called, the focus of Lu Chen's current training is these little guys.

"Work, don't run around, just practice obediently, and whoever doesn't obey will go back." Lu Chen suddenly discovered that he had become the kindergarten principal and was managing a group of naughty little guys.

This place is extremely aura, but Lu Chen only has 7 days, so he plans to make good use of these pure auras.

There are 100,000 auras in just one minute. Where can I find such a good place in the world!

Cultivation, cultivation that doesn't care about anything!


In the past two days, the situation in Erzhongtian is very different from before.

With the difficulty of the game more than doubled, Novice Village suddenly became the most popular "leveling holy land"...

"No, so many people come to Novice Village, how can we newcomers mix up?"

"What are you afraid of, they are not playing fast."

"Yeah, I saw a group of 40 people with an average of 55 today. I didn't dare to pull more than 3 werewolves. The scene was similar to ours before."

"The difficulty of the game has increased, and the old players have returned to the Novice Village. Is this human moral degeneration or social regression... Ma Dan, hasn't anyone found the solitaire? I want to kill him now!"

There are many people who want to kill the solipsism. After learning that the solipsism is in the village of Nirvana, many people are aggressive, and they come all the way to bring them to justice.

However, no one has ever seen solipsism.

In addition, the one million-level reward from Nieryuan Village was also missing. Many people wondered if that guy was the only one...

Of course, unless the person involved comes out in person, it will be difficult to conclude on this matter.

The most uncomfortable now is the Fourteen Saints of the Holy Sect and the Five Iron Fighters. The more people in Niieyuan Village used to be, they always pass through the entrance of the village.

Gui Chen was a little better, and he got up after kneeling for a day, and Tie Zhan was unlucky, and there were three or four days to kneel.

The Sacred Sect really had no choice, so he found a large group of people to surround the village, and surrounded them with Iron War, which was a little bit of face.

There is a small tavern in Nieyuan Village. This is a place for players to rest and chat, but the consumption is relatively high. A cup of local daughter red costs 5 gold coins.

At this time, Jin Xiong, Fu Lu Shou, and several other bounty hunters are resting here.

"Hey, Golden Bear, have you found that guy?"

"Find a fart, I found me and I'm still drinking with you here?" Jin Xiong patted the table, his face full of anger, "What about you, do you have any news."

"Similarly, my tracking skills can't catch him. This person seems to have evaporated from nine days, and disappeared all at once, which is really strange."

This group of people should be in a competitive relationship. At this time, when they show up to each other, most of them are really not found.

Jin Xiong shook his head, "I have received a reward of up to 5 million, and it is not as troublesome as this."

"That is, other tasks are at best a question of whether the goal is difficult or not. This guy can't find anyone. I don't care. If there is still no news in three or four days, I will give up this task."

Jin Xiong sighed, "In fact, compared to that guy, I want to kill the solitaire. Now the monsters outside are fierce. I used to level 60 on the map. I know where to go to level up."

"It's normal. Now that there are more people who don't know where to go to level up, you haven't seen so many people return to Novice Village."

In fact, the level of wild monsters in Novice Village is not low, level 53-57, and all the wild monsters outside level 60 are all 60+ wild monsters.

"The nine days now have changed. It's incomparable with before."

A few people also use alcohol to relieve their sorrows and make them even worse...


The holy gate becomes the meeting hall.

A man in the seat was wearing a mask and sitting in the chair of the president. He couldn't see his appearance, but even so, he could feel his majesty.

Holy Gate Master, Holy Gate Ling Tian!

"What's the matter, no one has come to hand in the task for the 1 million bounty?" Ling Tian's tone was slightly dissatisfied.

Under him, there were only six people at this time, four of whom were in the church, and the position was higher than that of the master.

There were still two people standing beside Ling Tian, ​​a man and a woman. The man was upright and handsome, while the woman was wearing a veil, only seeing her graceful posture.

Being so close to the sect master, their identities are naturally extraordinary. They are the "double saints" called "under one person, above ten thousand"!

The Sword Saint "Holy Sword does not leave marks" is a handsome young man with a slight displeasure on his face, and said, "The master has asked questions, why don't you answer?"

In the Four Saints Church, one person replied, "Go back to the sect master, back to the left saint, we have released the bounty, and 21 bounty hunters have accepted the task, and now all of them are in Nieyuan Village, but... they have not found that person. ."

Ling Tian said indifferently, "Will bounty hunters find their prey? It's the first time I heard about their garbage tracking skills, why don't they change it to a better one? What kind of cats and dogs are the ones that took the task?

"Back to the door owner, they are basically three-star bounty hunters."

"Samsung? Samsung still can't find anyone..."

Zuo Holy Sword said without leaving a mark, "Sect Master, that guy knows that we are offering him a reward. He must have used some special means to hide. Although everyone is from the First Heaven, there are some differences in the First Heaven in each world. Okay, I came up with a technique for tracking."

Ling Tian thought for a while, and it seemed that there was only this answer, otherwise, even if he left Nieryuan Village, so many high-level bounty hunters would definitely not be able to find him!

Ling Tian sighed, "Now the difficulty of Nine Days has increased sharply, and the leveling of the doorman is already enough for me. I hope you can quickly solve this matter." Ling Tian stood up and stopped suddenly thinking of something. , Turned around and said to the sword without leaving any marks, "Remember, if you find him, beat me to death, and give him blood while beating, so that you can't die if you want to die. At least one month of torture!"

Ling Tian was very calm when he said these words, and it was hard for people to think of what he used to say such cruel punishment.

At this moment, You Sheng, who had not spoken on the side, suddenly said, "Door, wait a minute, I have one more thing to report. There are 3 invitation letters we sent before, and two of them have already received responses. The strength of this newcomer is very strong. I am considering whether to increase the position of the church. We must retain this kind of talent."

Ling Tian said lightly, "You decide by yourself... why are there only two and one?"

"There is another one that has not responded. This is the system automatically and randomly distributed to the first layer of the world in accordance with our requirements, so we can't find it."

"Don't worry, as long as he arrives in the second heaven and knows the holy gate, he will naturally come to take refuge, we just wait."

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