Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 416: Leaving the Lianxinyuan

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Coming out of the inside, Lu Chen found Can Sheng and Lao Ma were still waiting for him outside.

"Anonymous, have you chosen?"

Lu Chen nodded, "Ang, I asked the Destiny Stone to pick it for me."

"There is still a Destiny Stone in it?" Can Sheng and Lao Ma were quite surprised, "Isn't that something a triple genius?"

"Oh, that's right, the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique shouldn't appear in the Second Heaven. It's normal to have a Destiny Stone."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said to Lao Ma, "Teacher Ma, can my 1100 colored gold stones be exchanged for exercises?"

"Of course, you can defeat Tiger Jiao, and the tickets for 300 Caijing Stones will be saved."

Lu Chen nodded, "Then I will choose a local high-level exercise." He also gives full play to his greedy nature and will never waste resources.


Just as Lu Chen was about to leave with Lao Ma, Can Sheng suddenly said, "Wuming, you have already obtained the strongest practice in the Refining Institute, will you leave in the future?"

Lu Chen Lianxin Lianxin Academy was originally here to change the practice. Since he could only choose one of the heaven-level practice, he shouldn't spend a few months to change the earth-level advanced practice.

"Dean, I will probably leave here after changing the exercises."

Cang Sheng was a little disappointed, and he sighed, "Although the Lianxin Academy has never taught you anything, I dare not call you your instructor, but you are also a student during my tenure..." Passed a jade pendant.

"Anonymous, I investigated your information before. I know that you are from the earth, so you should almost certainly have no background. If you need help in the triple universe, perhaps this token can help you."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Dean, this..."

Lao Ma stared at the token in Can Sheng’s hand, and his mind quickly turned around. Seeing that Lu Chen was still hesitating, he said hurriedly, “Nameless, take it quickly, I’m almost certain that the Triple Heaven is not what you imagined. Many friends and many roads, besides, the dean's token... not ordinary!"

Lu Chen thought for a while. Although he was confident that he could continue on his own, Lao Ma was right. He had many friends and many roads. Besides, he himself was also a person who likes to make friends. As long as his character is okay, he is willing to have one more. friend.

In other words, the royal prince also wanted to make friends with him, but his attitude was obviously different. The remaining life had nothing to do with Lu Chen. This was the most essential difference.

"Okay, then, thank you Dean!" Lu Chen took the token, and the system also gave the item information.

[The "Two Star Family" guest token has been bound to your character. 】

Lu Chen also didn't know the concept of the two-star family, but the "senior guest" should be a more distinguished guest. Dean Cansheng seemed to want to make friends with him.

Seeing Lu Chen accepting the token, Can Sheng smiled slightly, "Anonymous, Ma, go choose the exercises, I have to leave beforehand."

After saying goodbye to the dean, Lu Chen followed Lao Ma to select prefecture-level advanced exercises.

After looking at it, Lu Chen chose a practice that was a partial body method. When I didn't know that there was a heavenly level exercise before, Lu Chen would definitely choose the attack type, but now there are three changes of gods and demons, Lu Chen can add to his shortcomings.

His physique is now a bit weak, and he is often suppressed, and he is almost dragged to death by the water ghost in the water. He must upgrade.

"Ghosts and Shadows", Lu Chen felt very insignificant when he saw the name, and liked it very much...

The physique of the high level of the earth is already very strong, the ghostly physique combines the illusion and the displacement, with triple displacement, which is very strong.

After redeeming the exercises, Lao Ma looked at Lu Chen, thought about it, and took out a token.

Lu Chen suddenly got a black line, "Lao Ma, no, you too..."

"Hey, hey, I can't compare with Can Sheng, he is the elder of the family, I am just a handyman..." Lao Ma said with a smile, "Actually, we came to the second heaven, not to discover talents, although we may not be able to win over. , But at least you can be friends, and at least you won’t be enemies when you meet in the future."

"Anonymous, you must not dislike it. If you are really better than the family, my family may not be worse than the dean."

Lu Chen blinked.

When people give gifts, they will feel embarrassed to give this or not. He is better now. When receiving gifts, he can’t just accept the dean’s and not the old horse...

Hey, life is difficult.

"Then, thank you!"

[The "Two Star Family" gatekeeper token has been bound to your identity. 】

Lu Chen received the token given by the old horse, "Old horse, I have to go too, then we will have a period later."

"Oh, Wuming, there is one more thing you should pay attention to." Lao Ma said suddenly.

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"I heard that someone sees you upset and finds a master to deal with you. You have to be careful."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Just deal with it, I'm used to it anyway." After that, Lu Chen turned and walked out of the exercise hall, waved his back to the old horse, "Old horse, don't stay in the refining courtyard. I have a chance to see you in the Triple Heaven."

Lao Ma smiled and shook his head. He said that he was older and less struggling, but he had stayed in the Heart Refining Institute for a long time. Especially seeing such young talents showing their strength, it really made him feel a little itchy.

"In other words, my term of office is almost full, and I might see it again."


After leaving the exercise hall, the outside suddenly became noisy, and there were still many students here.

When people saw Lu Chen, many people around suddenly cast their eyes.

"That lunatic is out!"

"Did he change the Heaven-level Cultivation Technique? Wow, the Heaven-level Cultivation Technique! Oh my God, I am so envious."

"Isn't that stronger? This guy won't go to the boss of the universe, right? What heaven-level technique he changed, I really want to see."

At this moment, a shadow came to Lu Chen.

"Hey, are you leaving the Refining Courtyard? I haven't beaten you yet!"

Lu Chen frowned and looked at Zhan Guo Yan Ran, whether this woman should be so persistent.

"Well, I'm leaving now, there is nothing I need here."

Zhan Guo Yan Ran's expression was stagnant, it seemed that in the eyes of this guy, she really didn't count as anything.

Also, she said she wanted to defeat Lu Chen, but at present, she needed to work harder to make up for the strength between the two.

"Then, can you give me your sound transmission, I will challenge you in the future and I won't find you." When Yan Ran said this, her voice was a little low and she was not very confident.

It feels like a girl asking the boy for a phone call...

"Just add a friend." Lu Chen sent a friend request.

"Oh, yes!" Lu Chen suddenly thought of something, "I still have some gems, do you need it?"

Lu Chen knew Yan Ran alone in the Lianxin Academy, and he gave the remaining 100 colorful gold gems to Yan Ran.

But Yan Ran refused to ask for it, "This...this is a gold gem! This is too expensive, I can't collect it! You are indeed a lunatic, you can sell these gems in the trading area of ​​the official website of the galaxy, you can exchange a lot of equipment, This thing will be bought almost as soon as it appears."

Lu Chen thought for a while. It turned out to be like this... Yanran looked like everyone was a lady. She said she was precious but refused to accept it, and she didn't like taking advantage of it.

That's better for Lu Yi and the others.

However, Lu Chen's actions did make Zhan Guo Yanran's impression of Lu Chen a little deeper.

"Hey, madman, Triple Heaven, I will definitely catch up with you!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Come on!"

After two months in Lianxinyuan, Lu Chen looked around, no longer nostalgic, spread his wings and soared into the sky!

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