Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 417: The Hunter King Appears

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Looking at the red figure in the sky, Can Sheng pushed open the office door and shook his head slightly, "Flying in the Refining Institute, I don’t have such authority as the director..."

"Boy, Sanzhongtian, goodbye bye!"

When the stubborn student bowed his head to go back to the room, he accidentally saw a girl in the crowd downstairs surrounded by a slight white light.

This layer of white light is very thin, and it is difficult to see it when it is close. Only when the vision is excellent from a distance, can the air next to her be distinguished from the surroundings.

"Huh?" Suddenly stopped and frowned, "Yes, it is the Heavenly Trace of the Beixue Family! That little girl planted a magic trace on Wuming!"

"Someone from Beixue's family came to Refine the Heart Academy?! Why did she want to grasp the nameless whereabouts?"


Lu Chen flew directly back to the Ju Ling Mountain Range, where he could practice the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique, and his legion had been built for a long time. After so long in the Refining Courtyard, Lu Chen did not have time to come and see it.

At this time, in the uninhabited Juling Mountain Range, a small territory has been completed.

Ten tigers, eight heads and three fools, and a group of legionaries are under the leadership of Ershan, cultivating spiritual power.

When looking at the three Tier 4 spirit sources in the legion territory, Lu Chen found that there was a buff beside the spirit source head portrait.

Aura fullness: The surrounding aura is full, the spiritual source can automatically absorb the surrounding pure aura, while practicing beside the spiritual source, the training speed is increased by 200%.

"Damn!" Lu Chen's eyes widened. He didn't expect that building a territory in the Juling Mountains would have this benefit!

At present, several spiritual sources have already reached the fourth rank and third rank, but they have absorbed it by themselves.

"You have made a fortune, it is indeed a treasure!"

After the legion is built, Lu Chen can continue to increase manpower in the future to enhance the strength of the legion.

In addition, Lu Chen's personal copy should also be completed. Lu Chen spent some gold coins to upgrade the copy to level 55 and placed it on the side of the Juling Mountain Range near the map of Nieryuan Village.

When the dungeon level breaks through level 50, the cost has doubled by 100 times, requiring 1 million gold coins.

But Lu Chen now has 200 million, and 1 million is a trivial matter.

"The difficulty of the dungeon has been adjusted to the lowest level. It can be posted on the forum so that players on the earth can level up here. They have level equipment and I can also make more money."

After getting these things done, Lu Chen released all of Xiao Min, mythical beast cubs, rhubarb, Xiao Mao Tuan, and Xiao Yuan, and let them play by themselves.

"Little Mao Tuan, these! You can't eat any of them! You know!" Lu Chen took special care of the smallest one in it. No way. If this guy doesn't tell him, there might be no one else here when Lu Chen finishes his practice.

Little Mao Tuan nodded obediently, the boss still has to listen.

"I'm really hungry, let Xiao Min, and Rhubarb, and Xiao Yuan take you to the Dragon Battlefield to fight monsters, but don't run far, I will practice in the mountains. There are also two mountains, if you want to upgrade, let Xiao Yuan Xiao Mao Tuan will take you to hit our personal copy, you won’t use it a few times anyway."

After explaining everything, Lu Chen rarely logged into the official website and announced the news that his personal copy was open. Then he found a comfortable lawn and prepared to practice "Three Changes of Gods and Demons".

On the official website of the Earth Nine Sky, someone quickly discovered the post of the mad god, a post of the mad god, immediately caused an uproar in the world!

"Huh? Mad God posted? Mad God is still there!"

"What? Crazy God's personal copy has been restored? The difficulty is currently at the lowest level, great, we have a copy to brush!"

"The experience gains of Mad God's personal dungeon are very high, and we have hope for upgrading! Now we finally have a way to narrow the gap with the second layer players!"

As soon as Lu Chen entered the cultivation state, Li Muhua called.

"Chen! Your personal copy is still there?!" Li Muhua was very excited on the phone.

"Yes, why not?"

"Great! Great! I know you won't be depressed!"

Lu Chen didn't understand.

"By the way, Chen, the Earth Alliance hopes to discuss with you, how many times is your personal copy limit?"

Breaking through to level 50 and above, the single-day limit for a copy has changed from 100,000 to 500,000.

"500,000 times, what's wrong?"

"Well, the Earth Alliance hopes to contract 300,000 times. As you know, the starting point of the Earth player is too low. Even if it is much better now than in the past, we are still weak now. It is very important to upgrade the level. We intend to maximize the value of individual copies. Let the strongest players upgrade quickly!"

"That's no way. Everyone can do it three times at most. I can't change that."

"I know, what I mean is, can you open 300,000 times exclusively to our Earth Alliance, you also know that once the copy is open, there will be a crowd of people, and we may not be able to grab the opportunity."

Lu Chen thought about it, the role of the Earth Alliance is still obvious, and their overall arrangement is definitely more efficient than everyone competing for copies.

The most important thing is that it is the same to Lu Chen whoever goes to break in. He should give gold coins and money.

"The above means, if you can let us contract 300,000 times, we can pay you an extra 1 million yuan every day!"

The charge for level 55 dungeons adheres to the nine-day "free concept". Although they are charged, in fact, each 10-person team can only charge 55 yuan for one pass, and the average person only costs 5.5 yuan!

But even if it is so cheap, but according to about 170,000 times is a fee to pass the level, then the daily income of the copy can still reach 9.35 million terrorist income.

Coupled with an additional 1 million, then Lu Chen's daily income will exceed 10 million.

"Okay, I will open an entrance for you separately. You use the dynamic password to enter, and the dynamic password generation system... is directly controlled by you."

"Okay, thanks! I'm going to talk to the leader now."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and now he can practice with peace of mind.

100 hours, which is a little more than 4 days. Anyway, you can hang up and sleep while practicing. Lu Chen decided to cultivate the gods and demons as soon as possible within 10 days.

"Ah, 10 days...Forget it, for the sake of the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique, practice..."


Nine days have passed since the lunatic left the Refining Courtyard, and the Refining Courtyard has restored its former atmosphere.

Cooperation and competition coexist, especially the bonus task. The major teams can finally take over the five monopolized bonus tasks.

In the Monster Forest, a small team is tracking a huge cunning man. The cunning man has high damage but low control. It can be regarded as the relatively easy BOSS to kill in the ten bonus missions.

There are many strange beasts around this cunning, and now is not the best time to do it. This team is still in ambush.

"Strange, the Hunter King has been out for more than a month, why haven't he returned?"

"That guy was looking for someone to make a lunatic, but the lunatic has already left the Refining Yard, and he hasn't returned yet."

"He said to find his master over here. I heard him say that his master seems to have gone to the Great Heaven a long time ago. Maybe he called his Master back from the Third Heaven."

"Really?! Damn, I thought he was invincible when he got the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique, but now there may be a chance to kill him."

"You must kill that guy, destroy that guy's majesty, Ma Dan, and you will get angry when you see my goddess Yan Ran talking to him!"

"If you want to kill, you must kill quickly. I heard that Heaven-level exercises can’t be learned at once. Taking advantage of that guy’s failure to learn Heaven-level exercises and kill him until reincarnation, then he can’t learn Heaven-level exercises. !"

At the same time, Nirvana Village.

At this time, the Hunter King was walking with the same middle-aged man in the village.

"Xiao Lie, how far is the global village?"

"Master, the previous map is here."

After holding his hands, the man sneered, "One can only defeat the adolescent Black Flame Dragon Emperor's battle pet... Humph, Xiao Lie, don't lie to me."

"Master, how dare I lie to you, he really has it!"

"Well, let's go!"

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