Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 441: Extreme attack

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In the Three Changes of Demon, all attacks are increased by 1000%. The powerful Demon God no longer suffers from Heavenly Punishment, but the duration is increased. The duration is 30 seconds and the cooldown is 24 hours. It cannot be passively refreshed by itself!

Perhaps Lingwu Yaozun was right about one thing. When you have the strength against the sky, you can even avoid the punishment!

Unfortunately, sometimes the punishment does not come from heaven, but from people or demons!

Just like Lingwu Yaozun, what he is facing now is a super demon whose attack has increased more than 200 times!

What is the concept of 200 times?

Lu Chen's physical attack is now 360,000. After doubling, his basic attack has reached 72 million...

Unfortunately, this data is invisible to others, especially Lingwu Yaozun, who only sees Lu Chen's blood volume that is already black and cannot be black.

"The dying person is still so arrogant, I still don't believe you can't kill you!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "You can try... Come on!"

Lu Chen was actually cheering for Lingwu Yaozun, and a group of people saw it as a black line.

"Okay!" Lingwu Yaozun narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his eyes suddenly opened in anger, "Poison Venerable Power·Refresh! Seven Star Poison Array·Star Poison Explosion!"

This guy can even refresh the star poison explosion again! Moreover, after losing the Seven Star Poison Man, he forcibly launched the Star Poison Blast!

Suddenly, the poison explosion of the whole picture hit again!

Such a poisonous explosion, as long as he encounters the so-called madness, he will die!

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I think you are out of skill!"

"Ghost images are heavy, ghost images are coming!" In an instant, I alone disappeared madly in place, and the next second had reached an illusion next to Lingwu Yaozun.

"Three Thousand Instant Slash!" After the Three Thousand Instant Slash was activated, it was in an unselectable state and was also invincible. At this time, only this move could counter the Stardust Poison Blast.

But one trick is enough!

A phantom was left behind, and then Lu Chen's figure turned into a phantom of red and golden light, and instantly launched 11 instant slashes at Lingwu Yaozun!

One instant slash, with a five combo, 11 instant slashes, 55 combos!

Unfortunately, the doomed 55 combos cannot be fully displayed!

The first attack of 55 combos...

-14 million (large damage reduction 50%) (shield absorbs 23 million)...

When this number floated out, the galaxy vibrated!

Countless people kept the same expression.

The eyes stared, the mouth opened wide, the chin dropped, the expression was stiff, the brain short-circuited...

"Broken, broken... broken, broken... ten million!" Someone's lips were shaking, and after "broken" for a long time, he finally suffocated the next word.

"General attack...14 million...this Nima, this...what kind of monster! No, not 14 million. The life shield of Lingwu Yaozun has absorbed 23 million, 37 million, and a large amount of damage is reduced. 50%, in reverse, is 70 million?!"

"Oh my god...what the **** is this guy!"

Perhaps the only one who was not satisfied with this attack was Lu Chen.

I have 70 million + physical attacks, but now I only hit 14 million, which is too bad!

At the same time that 14 million damage was exploded, Lingwu Yaozun instantly regained 5.6 million blood, and at the same time gained continuous blood rebirth.

However, this is only the first attack in 55 combos!

Next is the highlight.

-110 million (double crit), -35 million, -170 million (triple crit), -100 million (double crit), -32 million...

A series of incredible numbers floated out!

"Go, go, hundreds of millions! Oh my god!"

"Impossible, there can be no such high damage, how did he do it!"

"This Nima, my god, that guy is going against the sky!"

The mentality of the earth players has exploded.

"Damn, what kind of harm is this? Is this a mad god? Can't that guy be a person!"

"Last time he was far from being so strong, what has he done in the past six months?"

"Evening Heaven has hurt hundreds of millions? It's no longer possible to describe that guy as strong. He is a lunatic and a pervert!"

A boy remembered that the mad **** once gave himself a lottery gem. After that, many people slapped him with evil words because he slaughtered the earth, but in the heart of the child, he always believed that the mad **** was not such a person.

For this reason, some classmates laughed at him, saying that he knelt and licked, said he had knelt for a long time, and said that he had benefited and even had no position.

But he always remembered the kind smile on his face when the mad **** threw the colorful gold gems to him.

"Brother Crazy God, great! I know you won't give up easily!" The boy watched the live broadcast with reddish eyes, "I will definitely become the strongest like you!"


On the other hand, Lingwu Yaozun was madly returning blood, but Lu Chen's attack was really terrifying.

Blood back? Under the extreme attack, it seems to be a joke! The only effect is to make the Lingwu Yaozun be attacked several times, completely unable to save him.

The blood bar of the 500 million blood-filled Lingwu Yaozun... disappeared in less than a second!

The Lingwu Yaozun, who is known as the strongest celestial boss of the Second Heaven, is known as the invincible super boss, but has performed the blood bar disappearance technique!

Spike again!

In an instant, Lu Chen once again killed the Tianyu BOSS with a spike!

Especially the players on earth, after seeing how the mad **** killed the Heavenly Demon Venerable, and then watching this battle, they were shocked.

"What's so special, Tianyu-level BOSS, in front of that guy is that way? Is there a law of heaven, is there a Wang Fa!"

"I'm the only one who is crazy. Skyland BOSS kills professional users in a flash... These skyland BOSSs are probably going crazy. I don't want face, the whole galaxy live broadcasts you **** hard, you have to kill me!"

"Sky Domain BOSS: I'm the only one crazy, can't you not afford it!"

"I used to think that the mad **** was not very mad, but now, sorry, I was wrong. I have never seen anyone more mad than him in my life."

"Regardless of the character of the mad god, but I have to say, this guy deserves the name of the **** of war! I, hey, really can't hate him, but I think it's so cool, that man, we are on earth! "

"The mad **** abuses me thousands of times. I treat the mad **** like first love... hey, first love is so painful..."

After the BOSS is killed, it is mandatory to retain 1 point of blood. This is the case for the Heavenly Demon Venerable, and the same is true for the Lingwu Yao Zun.

Now there is an interesting picture, a Spirit Martial Medicine Venerable with 1 point of blood, but lost in front of the only madman with only 0 blood.

Lingwu Yaozun collapsed on the ground, vomiting blood in his mouth, but he didn't care about it at all, he just looked at the demon in horror.

"You, you...you can't! It's impossible to beat me! I obviously killed you two lives, you obviously only have a little blood left! Impossible!"

Lu Chen looked at the Lingwu Yaozun on the ground indifferently, without speaking.

Now there is no need to say any more, the impossible is now before him, and it is impossible not to believe it.

Finally, Lingwu Yaozun accepted this reality, and his whole person was extremely depressed.

After a long time, Lingwu Yaozun looked up at Lu Chen and said weakly, "So, from the beginning, you deliberately let me kill you two lives..."

Lu Chen faded away from the devil's skin. He didn't know why, when he looked at Lingwu Yaozun, he felt that the other party was a little pitiful.

Maybe because they have something in common...

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