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Lu Chen spoke.

"Your blood recovery is not a problem for me. After all, your blood recovery can only instantly recover 40%, which is always not as high as my attack. As long as you attack quickly, your blood recovery will not be able to keep up with my attack."

"Vicious forbidden land, I don't have to worry about other poisoning effects. I have Buddha to survive the common people. When necessary, I can activate it at the first life."

"The only thing that gives me a headache is your poisoning!"

"If my attack is not high enough, I will continue to attack to prevent you from returning blood. At the same time, I myself will continue to receive poisoning damage. Once I attack, I will be poisoned..."

"I want to hit you with 500 million blood, and you will be poisoned with 500 million blood, and my blood volume is obviously not enough to support myself to complete the kill."

"So, I only have one chance, one chance to kill you in seconds!"

"This attack should be enough to kill you in seconds, and the poisoning and wounding that is enough to kill myself this time can also be offset by my ghost pet."

"Considering that you may have other means, so I decided to launch the Buddha to cross the common people in the third life and kill you with one blow."

"I will cooperate with you for the first two lives. First, let you relax your vigilance, and second, I want to see what your methods are... Actually, I can't avoid your attacks."

Lingwu Yaozun looked at Lu Chen in shock. It turned out that this guy had already formulated a countermeasure in his mind when the battle began.

He had already thought about killing himself in one hit!

At this moment, the last unwillingness in Lingwu Yaozun's heart gradually dissipated with Lu Chen's explanation.

This guy is more terrifying than he thought! Not only the perverted attack power, the most important thing is his calmness and composure.

"Even in the hands of me, I can still be so calm, I have to admire you." Lingwu Yaozun said weakly, "It turns out that you have already decided the battle in your mind from the beginning. result."

Lu Chen looked down at the Lingwu Yaozun on the ground.

Lingwu Yaozun shook his head dejectedly, "Unexpectedly, I was defeated. I thought I had reached the extreme. I thought that in the second heaven, I was already invincible."

"Hahahaha, it is not God who punishes me, but...you!"

"It's not me!" Lu Chen said.

He opened the task bar, and the task had been shown to be ready for submission. He tried to click, and beside the two, there appeared a woman who thought it was fluttering in green.

Green Yiyi!

There was no reward for this task. Lu Chen took it easily. Of course, his understanding of Jiutian was not as deep as it is now. He just took it as an ordinary task.

But now, Lu Chen is no longer what he was when he was in heaven.

Those nine heavens may be true.

In any case, Lu Chen was still very happy to see Lu Yiyi, "Beauty, your task is done, this person has left it to you."

Lu Yiyi looked at the Lingwu Yaozun on the ground with red eyes. Fortunately, Lingwu Yaozun was on the verge of death. Lu Yiyi held back his grief and anger, turned and knelt towards Lu Chen.

"Thank you for the benefactor!" Lu Yiyi said with a trembling voice.

Lu Chen frowned, stepped forward to help Lu Yiyi, "Kneeling or kneeling, what age is it, I really have to thank me, and just give me the meaning."

Lu Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and she agreed... She looked at Lu Chen in surprise, as if this request was more serious than kneeling and thanking her.

"Benefactor, I'm actually... no longer human... I'm afraid I can't agree with my body..."

Lu Chen smiled, "Why are you so nervous? Just kidding."

Ghost Valley, where are there any living people inside, people and ghosts have different paths, and they are in the game. It is natural to play with the body, but I did not expect Lu Yiyi to take it seriously.

Besides, I have to ask Lu Yiyi for help later.

Lu Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, she turned and looked at Lingwu Yaozun.

"You have today too!"

Lingwu Yaozun looked at Lu Yiyi, but was not afraid.

"Don't you regret it?" Lu Yiyi stared at Lingwu Yaozun, "My father is so good to you, the people in Guli are so good to you, but what have you done to them! Are you still a human being? !"

"Regret? Hahaha, no, I never regret it!" Lingwu Yaozun laughed wildly, "My goal is not to stay in Shennong Valley forever, I want more, I want to be the strongest person!"

"Only then can I stand on the triple heaven and change my destiny!"

"No, to be precise, it is to change the fate of everyone!"

Lu Yiyi looked at Lingwu Yaozun angrily. Lu Chen noticed that in fact, there seemed to be something else in Lu Yiyi's eyes besides hatred.

"I have never regretted it! Only a little... a pity." Lingwu Yaozun said suddenly, "I haven't reached the true extreme yet, I have no chance to go to the Triple Heaven again..."

"Incurable!" Lu Yiyi spit out four words angrily.

"Hahaha, I have already had a lot of poison in my body, where there is still medicine to save... Do it, take revenge for the people in the valley."

Lu Yiyi had tears in her eyes, "I will ask you one last question!"

Lu Chen and Lingwu Yaozun both looked at Lu Yiyi.

"Why, in Erzhongtian, there is a place called Shennong Valley?!"

Suddenly, Lingwu Yaozun was stunned.

As a Tianyu-level boss, he rules the two-dimensional Tianyu, and naturally has the right to name a certain map.

Behind the arena, north of Xianzong Peak, there is a hidden paradise called Shennong Valley. When Lu Chen arrived there, he was still wondering why it was also called Shennong Valley.

Lu Chen remembered clearly that there was an old man in Shennong Valley who was always caring for the medicinal fields. He was also the little hairball he got there.

Why is such a beautiful place named Shennong Valley... This question is like a deadly steel needle inserted into the heart of Lingwu Yaozun that has long been closed!

"Why is it called Shennong Valley?" Lingwu Yaozun repeated Lu Yiyi's question, as if asking himself.

He even became a Gu slave, and took care of the medicine field every day...just like the one who treated him as his own...Master!

"Why is it called Shennong Valley, why is it called Shennong Valley..." The steel needle was repeatedly pierced in the heart of Lingwu Yaozun. In the end, it defeated the unscrupulous lunatic in pursuit of strength.

Lingwu Yaozun actually cried...

"Master, I, I don't want to kill you, folks, I don't want to kill you... But if I'm not strong enough, how can I fight in the Triple Heavens? If I'm not strong enough, how can I take revenge! I..."

Lu Yiyi finally heard what she wanted to hear most. Perhaps Lingwu Yaozun's confession could relieve Lu Yiyi more than his death.

Taking out the medicine cauldron, Lu Yiyi waved his hand, and Lingwu Yaozun was sucked into the medicine cauldron.

"End it, I will send you back to Shennong Valley!"

"Hey! Wait!" Lu Chen was anxious now, "Sister, you can't mess around!"

Lu Yiyi looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Benefactor, you, why are you?"

"Sister, he is the boss of the universe! He has explosive equipment. If you take it away like this, I will get a hairy!" Lu Chen almost collapsed.

The thing this guy dropped was at least heavenly. Lu Chen didn’t want to explode a few, at least one could explode. Whether it’s equipment or exercises, these are all his capital for breaking into the third heaven. .

"Benefactor... After you take the mission, it will become your mission boss, he won't lose equipment."

Lu Chen almost burst out of the screen with a mouthful of old blood, "This, this...Isn't it! I have lost a lot of this task!"

"Benefactor, I'm so sorry, I thought you knew."

Lu Chen almost cried, he knows a fart! If I knew this a long time ago, it was absolutely impossible to take this task.

Besides, he didn't know that Lingwu Yaozun was the Heavenly Boss of Second Heaven, and he was also the Heavenly Boss of Purgatory difficulty.


"Benefactor, don't worry, my wish is over. If the benefactor doesn't dislike it, Yiyi is willing to follow the benefactor."

Lu Chen, who was on the verge of collapse, suddenly recovered.

Lu Yiyi with him? In other words, Yao Ding has followed him too!

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