Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 446: Team battle is on

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"Hua Xia boy, come here!" Li Bashan shouted at Lu Chen, "Everyone, copy guys, hurry!"

The enemy came more suddenly than expected, and everyone quickly entered a state of combat readiness, all climbing rocks.

"Long range stay here to attack, follow me in close combat!" Before leaving, Li Bashan told Lu Chen alone, "Don't leave the defensive formation under any circumstances!"

Lu Chen nodded.

He was also a little nervous, because the atmosphere of the scene and the feeling of other people's expressions made people nervous.

It is the first time to stand at such a high place, overlooking the world in front, the endless forest... There is a small road outside the village, which extends a short distance into the forest and then turns behind the other side of the mountain.

Is this the triple heaven?

Are there any monsters in those forests? But listening to what Brother Shan and Brother Hou said, even if there were any, he wouldn't have his turn to fight. If rashly, he may become the target of the enemy's fire.

Go to the big power? Lu Chen has two tokens in his hand, one is the "Senior Guest Token" given to the Second Star Family by Cang Sheng, and the other is the "Guide Order" given by Lao Ma to the Second Star Family. If he is willing to go, no matter which one it is, at least find A place to stay is not difficult.

However, Lu Chen still decided not to look for them. Whether it was a guest order or a doorman order, they were all sent to others. Lu Chen didn't like it.

When he first came to the Three Heavens, Lu Chen decided to mess with Libashan's team first, and first understand the environment.

Several remote stayed on the high wall, while others rushed down Liba Mountain.

Next to Lu Chen, on the left is the Yujian chasing the cloud with a stinky face, and on the right is the prophet Shuang Wu.

Both of them had flash gold weapons, they used a set of swords for chasing the clouds, three in total, and Shuang Wu used a staff.

Lu Chen also took out his weapon, the Abyss Dragon Crystal Bow.

Chaiyun glanced at Lu Chen's black longbow, at least this kid's weapon was also flash gold equipment, which was not bad.

"Boy, stand farther away, don't affect me!" Zhuiyun said coldly.

Lu Chen frowned and glanced at Chaiyun, just about to say something, when Shuang Wu next to him suddenly pulled Lu Chen, "Don't mind, Chaiyun is the stinky temper. He is actually a good person. You just need to come to me. "

Lu Chen nodded and smiled, "Okay."

"You are a shooter, I can add a status to you." Shuang Wu said, raising her hand and adding a BUFF to Lu Chen.

Frost Arrow: The arrow adds ice damage and has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy.

Lu Chen took a look, "Ah, this buff is good! Thank you beautiful woman."

Shuang Wu smiled slightly, "You're welcome, everyone will be comrades-in-arms in the future and will get along together for a long time."

At this moment, there was an obvious shock from the pile of stones, and stones fell from time to time.

The Three Saints reminded in a deep voice, "Come! It's from the monster beast clan, and judging from the vibration situation, the situation may not be very good. The vibration is great. Maybe the enemy has a strong person coming. Be careful!"

At the same time, the melee members below became more nervous, and everyone stared at the corner of the village entrance.

Not long after, at the corner, at a height of forty to fifty meters, an extremely strong arm suddenly appeared!

Then, a huge creature appeared from the corner.

Seeing this BOSS, Lu Chen couldn't help taking a breath. This guy is a white snow ape, who is sixty or seventy meters tall, covered with snow-white hair, his arms crossed his knees, and his eyes were fierce!

Behind it, there are more than a dozen monsters, snow apes, earth apes, fire apes, and a few snow wolves that are ten to twenty meters high.

Is this the monster clan? Lu Chen frowned.

This is clearly the BOSS! It is not difficult to imagine how low the attributes of humans are compared with this kind of creatures.

It's no wonder that those super-powerfuls who have passed the second heaven are beaten so desperately in front of such a powerful enemy!

"No, the biggest one is the leader-level powerhouse!" Chaiyun stared at the biggest snow ape, his expression extremely solemn.

"Damn, I don't know if I can stand it this time!"

Lu Chen was a little overwhelmed, a leader-level boss? Is it a boss or a player?

Hearing what they mean, it should be a player of another race.

It’s just that Lu Chen always feels that guy is a boss...

In other words, Lu Chen suddenly felt the same feeling that the previous players had when they saw their monsters.

That guy is a player? Is it a monster? It's the player... This Nima, as expected, he has to pay back sooner or later when he comes out, and he also has times of insanity.

"In other words, if I use the monster form, I don't know if I can get in..."

Lu Chen was obviously not in the state. His reaction was seen as too nervous in Shuang Wu's eyes. She hurriedly called to Lu Chen, "Hey, Huaxia is Nameless, don't be affected by the cloud chasing, trust everyone! We can definitely stop it! "

"If we ourselves feel that we are going to lose, then there is no hope!"

Only then did Lu Chen recover, and nodded to Shuang Wu with a smile, "Thank you, okay, I see."

The melee team didn't dare to be too far away from the defensive array. First, if they couldn't stop it, they could temporarily retreat to the defensive array. Second, the long-range output and healing were all on the wall. Their task was not to proactively attack, but to resist the enemy's attack.

There are probably a dozen monsters on the opposite side, but their size is too large, so they look huge.

"Roar!" The Captain-level Snow Ape roared and roared, "Are you hungry? Tear them to pieces and charge me!"

The other monster beasts immediately followed and screamed, and then rushed over.

Pulling Shan's eyebrows tightly, he roared, "Rampant! Profound gold immortal body! King Kong war **** possessed!"

A ring of energy burst out of Liba Mountain's body, and his body was radiant, adding blood and defense buffs. Then, behind him, a phantom of the God of War wearing a heavy helmet appeared, which should be the possession effect of the God of War.

Attributes, defenses are improved again.

At the same time, other people in the team are also increasing their status.

"Ice robe added!" Shuang Wu added ice armor to Libashan, cut his throat, Mei Niang's two meat shield puppets, and a melee gilt basalt in Qinghe.

"Iron Armored Formation! It's as solid as a golden formation!" The Three Saints added two more states. His formation was a group effect, which anyone in close combat could enjoy.

To be honest, it was the first time that Lu Chen participated in such a group leader. I have to say that after the continuous stacking of this degree, Li Bashan became very fleshy.

At this moment, the two armies collided in close combat, and the team battle officially started!

Everyone was madly outputting or adding blood. Lu Chen also aimed at a snow wolf. He knew very well the wolf clan's talents, with critical strikes. He didn't know if these wolf clan monsters had such talents as players.

In any case, the snow wolf's attack is still stronger than that of the ape, and it is correct to kill first.

But just before the arrow was released, the Eye of the Gods suddenly gave a warning.

The warning range includes the entire stone wall head.

No one else seems to notice this skill, and is still trying to output it.

"This is..." Lu Chen furrowed his eyebrows, "No, the enemy is more than that, someone is sneaking!"

Lu Chen quickly held his breath, and if the opponent made a move, he would use the strongest bow or triple gate to try to block the blow.

However, for 10 seconds, the warning has been there, but that trick has not arrived.

"Hiss~ It takes so long to prepare..." Lu Chen's eyes opened wider and wider.

In a place like Triple Heaven, a skill that takes more than ten seconds to prepare is definitely not a simple skill.

The triple gate and the strongest bow may not be able to block it!

"All remote, someone attacked, quickly get out of the way!" Lu Chen suddenly yelled.

Several people on the wall looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

"Are you crazy, wouldn't we know if someone attacked?"

"Don't disturb the battlefield, it can't be supported without our output!"

"There is a defensive formation here, don't mess around with yourself, continue to output!"

Lu Chen is really anxious, these people don't listen to him!

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