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The enemy obviously knows that there is a defensive array here, and their super big move is obviously to deal with the defensive array.

It is possible to destroy them together with others!

But when Lu Chenchu ​​arrived and drove, no one believed him at all.

Lu Chen glanced at Frost Wu. She was still singing some kind of ice spell. As an ice type prophet, she was an extremely important controlling player and couldn't distract herself for a moment.

On the other side, chasing the cloud with his eyebrows frowning, and constantly using swordsmanship to attack wildly. This guy's attacks are still quite strong, and his moves are very harmful. He and the firearm master Beard are the most important output main force in the team.

The two unfeeling desperate brothers kept scouring their blood.

The Three Saints use Dao Talisman and Array to attack while giving gain to the other side and giving the other side a negative state.

Qinghe and Mei Niang were the two most tired people. Qing He was shooting with a bow and arrow while commanding two battle pets to fight at the same time. Mei Niang's five-line operation was even more indistinguishable.

In the team, there are only three people in real melee combat, pulling the mountain, cutting the throat, and the ice bear. In addition, there are two puppets and a basalt. The team's more important output, healing and assistance are almost all on the stone wall!

Since his teammates didn't want to listen to him, then Lu Chen could only use it.

Change the attack mode to "All Attack"! The damage ratio is adjusted to the lowest, 1%.

"The universe is annihilated. Shocked the sky!" Lu Chen stepped on the stone wall with one foot. Fortunately, his damage ratio was adjusted to a very low level. The stone wall was not destroyed, and all these guys were beaten by Lu Chen. Floating state.

"Damn, kid, what are you doing!"

"What's the situation! Boy, are you crazy? You will die without treatment below!"

"This guy is a traitor?! Counterattack and retreat and shoot!" The bearded spear turned, and he had already shot past Lu Chen.

"Golden Retriever, kill him!" Qinghe quickly controlled another pet to attack Lu Chen.

"You! Ice Drill!" When Shuang Wu was in the air, she could use her skills forcibly, freezing her whole body and falling sharply downwards.

"Want to kill me? You're too early! Bladestorm!" Chasing the cloud's three flying swords quickly shot towards Lu Chen.

I have to say that this group of guys are very strong. In the floating state, there are many people who can make counterattacks. It is estimated that these skills are specially designed to deal with the floating state.

Lu Chen was also depressed. He didn't expect these guys to be so difficult to deal with, which made it more difficult for him to rescue.

"The universe is annihilated, back attack!" Lu Chen stepped away, and while avoiding the attack, he moved behind the beard in a blink of an eye and knocked him out of the warning range with one blow.

"The universe is annihilated, the earth is split! Back attack!" The next target, desperate brothers.

"The universe is all destroyed, the sky is collapsed! Back attack!" Mei Niang and Qinghe were also knocked off.

The Heaven and the Earth have a very good knock-up effect, and the five people can be dealt in an instant, but it is a pity that the last form of the Heaven and the Earth is not available to Lu Chen.

"No light Tianyan pillar!" A Tianyan pillar suddenly appeared at the feet of Chasing Yun, Chasing Yun was caught off guard and was briefly dizzy.

Lu Chen came behind him in a dark night, put a foot on his ass, and got another one.

Now the hardest thing to deal with is Shuang Wu. She has already landed and moved freely. She must be subdued instantly.

At this time, Shuang Wu took the lead.

"Ice Curse·Cold Frost!"

The air around Lu Chen suddenly began to freeze. Lu Chen noticed that there was more debuff on his body, his attack continued to slow down, and some displacement skills were imprisoned.

And at this moment, the enemy's long-term ultimatum finally came!

[Lei Chi! 】

Countless thunderbolts appeared in the sky instantly, and they blasted against the stone wall mercilessly. Hundreds of thunderbolts joined together, and the stout lightning continued to attack.

The Three Saints suddenly vomited blood, his defensive formation was instantly broken, and the stone wall was wiped out instantly!

"This..." The people who were knocked down by Lu Chen on the wall were shocked, "This is the Thunder Element Celestial Cultivation Technique! It is the most unsolvable Thunder Element!"

"That kid is really saving us..."

"No, that kid and Shuang Wu are still inside!" Someone finally reacted.

The three holy blood eyes opened wide, and both arms drew gossip, forced movement, "make up the sky!"

However, the exercise was only halfway used, and the Three Saints spit out blood.

"Sansheng! Damn, the defensive formation was broken, he was too injured, and the sky patching formation could not be activated!" Desperately hurriedly supported the Sansheng and gave the Sansheng a treatment.

"No, the three saints are the spiritual pill damaged, it takes time to recover!"

At this moment, a stone gate suddenly appeared beside everyone, and a figure sprang from the stone gate.

Lu Chen walked out holding the seriously injured Shuang Wu.

At this time, Lu Chen's blood volume had been knocked out by more than half of his blood, nearly 10 million blood volume, only 2 million left, but Frost Wu's situation was worse, the blood bar was directly empty.

The damage from this thunder pond is too fierce! Sure enough, this kind of long-time singing skill is useless, and once it emerges, the damage will explode!

"Shuang Wu!" Mei Niang hurriedly took over Shuang Wu, "Unfeeling, take a look at Shuang Wu!"

Lu Chen gasped and said, "You can't die, Min, come out."

Beside Shuang Wu, a pretty little girl appeared, it was Lu Chen's ghost pet Xiao Min.

Lu Chen estimated that Frost Wu could not withstand Lei Chi. At the critical moment, Xiao Min was attached to Frost Wu, and this was the only way to withstand the lethal attack.

"Thank you for helping me take care of Xiao Min. She has activated her immunity from death skill and is very weak now."

Shuang Wu did not die, but she was too weak, she opened her eyes with difficulty, "You...I'm sorry, I..."

This sentence is actually what everyone present wants to say to Lu Chen.

The long-range blood volume is not much. If everyone was within the range of the thunder pond just now, the whole army would be wiped out.

It was this newcomer who issued the warning in advance, but none of them listened.

He was obviously saving them, but they turned out various skills one by one...

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's okay, help me take care of Xiao Min, and I will help Brother Shan and them."

The long-range all exited the attack range, the pressure of the melee squad can be imagined, not to mention that the enemy's power is more than just on the surface!

Without further ado, Lu Chen opened the Devil's Wings and a triple door passed through the thunder pond, floating in the air.

Looking down, Mei Niang's two puppets were uncontrolled, and they were already paralyzed aside. Pulling the mountain, Bingxiong and Brother Monkey, Xuanwu was indeed in desperation.

The melee combat was even more shocking, and only then did the treatment for a short moment be lost, and the three men and one beast were dripping with blood.

Bingxiong's right foot was seriously injured, and it was already difficult to move. He was torn apart by a few beasts, and he could only fight to his death.

The throat-cutting method is more flexible, but it is also restricted by the opponent's back row. After a mistake, he is attacked several times in a row by the opponent, and his blood volume instantly drops rapidly.

Libashan is in the most dangerous situation. He is facing the opposing militia captain and a group of snow wolves. Although the blood loss is not large, the frequency is extremely fast.

"Ah! Run!" Libashan shouted, "Otherwise we will all die!"

"The other party has a strong one, you can't stop it, let the three saints run, hurry up!" Li Bashan launched a group taunt.

"Captain!" Cut his throat and eyes wide open, a backstab stabbed at the snow monkey, "Go together!"

Ice Bear continued to activate the group defense skills, "Battle Buddha Sacred Armor! To live together, to die together to die!"

"Want to go? Dreaming! None of you can go today!" Snow Ape roared.

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