Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 460: Nine Gods and Demons?

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The rock troll is more than just defense!

Two rock trolls guarded in front of the alien puppet master, and at the same time activated the "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall", the illusion was blocked out of the protective area!

The other three rock trolls and giant scorpions pounced on the surrounding illusions.

【earthquake! 】

[Fire Fist! 】

It's a pity that ghosts leave behind many illusions, they can't cause harm to them, maybe their only function is to discern Lu Chen's real body.

After playing a lot of illusions, but still did not find Lu Chen's real body, this made the alien puppet master extremely angry, and he roared at the many illusions in front of him.

"Boy, change your body and make a few illusions with no combat effectiveness. You think you can move me? No matter what skill you use, you can't hurt me!"

Lu Chen did not have a close puppet master, the copper wall and iron wall blocked the illusion from the outside, and he could not come to the puppet master.

Moreover, his goal is not a puppet master at all.

The rock troll has been rushing towards an illusion. Its huge fist is so hot that it emits heavy smoke. In the environment of weather and wind erosion, the smoke is strong.

Just when it hit the phantom with its fist, the phantom suddenly turned around, "The dragon's blood is boiling! The tiger is down!"

Being able to use the skill shows that this "phantom" is Lu Chen's real body.

It's just that after seeing his shot skills, everyone couldn't help feeling tight.

"The tiger goes down the mountain? Then, that's not a physical attack? Stone figures are immune to attacks, what's wrong with a lunatic!"

"Don't talk nonsense, can you figure out how to beat the Golem? The number of Tianwei attacks is limited, and it must be reserved for critical moments. Now the lunatic must ask the Golem first."

"Hey, I'm afraid I can't get through this time... the enemy is too strong!"

Seeing that Lu Chen was only using a tiger to descend the mountain, the alien puppet master couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, as expected, it's really poor, don't struggle, wait for death!"

"Tianpu Tower, you can't break through!"

The tiger came down the mountain and was about to blast. At this moment, Lu Chen let out a low voice, "The Three Changes of Devil·The Dark Element Transformation!"

In the three changes of gods and demons, the three changes of the gods can convert attacks into lightning elemental attacks, and the three changes of demons can be converted into dark elemental attacks. These two attacks are not within the range of the rock troll's super-resistant defense!

However, in view of the far-fetched damage reduction effect of the Blood Sacrifice Soul, Lu Chen must pursue the maximum damage, and the natural choice is the Three Demon Change.

Although the rock troll has a super high damage reduction, the three passive "tunnels" in the three transformations of the gods and demons can increase the elemental attack damage by 100%! Even if the opponent has 60% damage reduction, Lu Chen's damage is still on the table!

-7.4 million (dark element damage) (12.6 million reduction in injury), -2.72 million (injury reduction by 4.23 million), -2.72 million (injury reduction by 4.23 million), -7.44 million, -2.72 million, -2.72 million...

A series of numbers, superimposed and floating out.

30 levels of damage, total damage of 130 million!

The dark element is a rare element damage, and the rock troll has no resistance at all. Except for the damage reduction effect of the blood sacrifice soul, the damage is all eaten!

The blood volume of this rock troll was just over 100 million. Before Lu Chen's damage was completely finished, a blood bar of the rock troll disappeared instantly!

This is still the damage after two reductions. If there is no reduction, Lu Chen would have dealt 390 million damage in this wave!

The huge body of the rock troll fell to the ground, and not far away, the alien puppet master spit out blood!

Lu Chen didn't give him any chance to breathe, and he couldn't afford to miss a moment in the Heaven Punishment Tower.

"Ghosts are coming!" Before everyone could react, Lu Chen's real body had already appeared in another location. This time he chose Giant Scorpion as his target.

"The tiger is down!"

The giant scorpion has 80 million blood, and it is not controlled by the blood sacrifice soul. The tiger is halfway down the mountain, the giant scorpion turned over, its legs and feet retracted, and it has stopped moving.

"The ghosts are coming down! The tiger is coming down! The ghosts are coming down! The tiger is coming down! The ghosts are coming down! The tiger is coming down..."

Lu Chen instantly appeared in various positions on the battlefield with an incapable displacement method, killing all the remaining rock trolls!

Wherever he passed, the rock puppet, known for its defense, could not sustain an attack, almost like a piece of paper, and would die when touched...

The people who were still sweating for Lu Chen just now were all dumbfounded.

"Oh my god! What kind of damage is this? It hurts hundreds of millions! This is still 60% damage reduction...this, this..."

"What kind of ghost skill is this! Isn't the madman's skill cool? Can someone explain it?"

"The lunatic is actually so strong? Mine, it doesn't matter if the damage is high, the skill hasn't been cooled, and with this full-field displacement skill, this Nima is completely harvesting!"

Li Bashan shook his head, the lunatic's strength once again broke his own perception.

"It's too strong, I've never seen such a strong person... and he has a clear mind when fighting. At first he flooded the battlefield with ghosts. He had planned to kill the rock troll puppet first."

"I finally know how he got to the seventh floor, such strength, such calmness! That guy is not human at all!"

On the battlefield, when Lu Chen came to the alien puppet master who had lost his protection, the bodies of the three or four rock trolls around him were still slowly tilting.

The ghosts are so fast!

The alien puppet master didn't dodge or struggle, he just looked at the person in front of him in an incredible way.

"Nine changes of gods and demons... You actually have nine changes of gods and demons! Heaven-level taboo techniques!"

This person is very knowledgeable, and he can tell the identity of the Three Changes of Gods and Demons.

It's just that this guy is talking about the "nine changes", but what Lu Chen used is the "three changes of gods and demons"!

Lu Chen's first reaction was that the three changes of gods and demons in his hands were not the whole story!

Facing the imminent death, the alien puppet master suddenly laughed, "I have nothing to say when I lose to the Nine Gods and Demons."

"It's just that, kid, I'm very curious, whether you will become a **** or a demon in the end... Now it seems that you prefer becoming a demon!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. What is the relationship between the three transformations of the gods and demons? This is just a set of exercises.

Lu Chen's raised hand was interrupted by the question of the foreign puppet master.

"What do you mean!"

"Hahaha, you don't know! I just won't tell you!" The alien puppet master is not too stupid, knowing whether to say or not, his results are the same, so just don't say it!

There is no bargaining chip to exchange, then... disgusting each other.

Lu Chen suddenly discovered that it was not unreasonable for this guy to be beaten...

If you don't tell, don't tell, Lu Chen doesn't eat this set.

"The tiger is down!"

The alien puppet master didn't even struggle anymore. This was how the puppet master ended up being close, even if he was a sixth-line puppet master, after losing the puppet, he no longer had the power to resist.

His HP was only 10 million, which was much lower than the BOSS that Lu Chen had encountered before, and he was directly killed by Lu Chen with a single blow.

When the HP of the alien puppet master was cleared, a white light instantly swept the entire floor.

Suddenly, the wind erosion in the seventh floor disappeared, the surrounding fog dissipated, and the entire floor could be clearly seen, and even the cells built around it became clear.

The corpse of the puppet master on the ground has not disappeared. It should have exploded, but Lu Chen did not make it to his favorite part of touching the corpse, his eyes were black, and his body fell straight...

In a daze, Lu Chen also saw a line of system scarlet letters.

[Your physical injury has exceeded 40%, please recover as soon as possible...]

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