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I don't know how long it took, Lu Chenyou woke up, opened his eyes and found that he was sitting there, with two people supporting him, and someone behind his back.

Probably similar to the scenes of inner strength healing in the martial arts TV series.

"Lunatic, you wake up, don't move, unfeeling is helping you treat your physical body." Destiny said, "Although we are pharmacists, without the pill, the effect may not be very good."

Lu Chen checked his body.

The physical damage given by the system is 32%, which is 8 points lower than before. It seems that the unfeeling has helped him recover a lot.

At this moment, Jueqing suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood in the back, and the treatment was interrupted.

"Unfeeling!" Everyone hurriedly checked the situation of unfeeling.

Li Bashan said, "The burden of the rebirth of the spirit rebirth is too great for the spirit pill, so unfeeling, please rest."

Lu Chen also hurriedly turned around, looking unfeeling very tired.

"Unfeeling, don't force it. Thanks a lot!"

Physical injury is far from being cured by a single rejuvenation, and Lu Chen understood this more deeply at this time.

Prior to this, everyone was in the process of wind erosion, and their bodies had been injured to varying degrees, so they were temporarily sitting aside to rest.

Li Bashan pushed a transaction application, "Crazy man, this is what the puppet master just exploded. I don't know when you will wake up. I will help you pick it up for fear that the thing is gone."

"Um, I don't know if I didn't operate properly, why I only dropped two items..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Brother Shan was so hesitating because he thought he was embezzled. "Brother Shan, you are much luckier than me. The boss in front is rare to lose one piece of equipment. You actually bought two pieces of equipment. ."

Li Bashan breathed a sigh of relief. When he touched the corpse, he also specially found someone to record it. He was afraid that there were too many things, so he forgot. As a result, he touched only two items and thought the items disappeared.

"This BOSS is so strong, does it only lose two pieces of equipment?"

Two items, a puppet master's puppet robe, flash gold equipment, and one is a "rock troll puppet".

Lu Chen put away the two pieces of equipment, "The BOSS here may not be the BOSS with explosive equipment, it should be an NPC. Killing is just killing the drop, the probability is very low."

Li Bashan thought, that puppet master was indeed like a player, just another race.

Lu Chen turned his head and saw Mei Niang. She was also injured very seriously, which seemed to be a sequelae of using blood to sacrifice the soul to the living.

"Mei Niang, thanks to you this time, these two pieces of equipment are of no use to me. Don’t you have no suitable puppets to use the blood sacrifice soul lead? It just so happens that the rock troll can use it." Lu Chen handed over both pieces of equipment. Mei Niang.

Mei Niang hurriedly sat up, "Crazy man, this thing is too expensive, I can't ask for it!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "In the eyes of the puppet master, it is precious. In my case, it is actually useless. Without your guidance, if I want to win this battle, I will lose at least one life."

"Besides, with the rock puppets, I can also be lazy when we fight in a small team, can't I?"

The flash gold robe is also a good thing, but in front of the rock troll puppet, its value is far worse.

That is the dream of the puppet master. With the rock troll, when the team fights in the future, it will be equivalent to an extra powerful meat shield, which can relieve everyone's pressure.

"Crazy man, you, will you code with us in the future?" Mei Niang looked at Lu Chen nervously.

Lu Chen looked at these people. Although he had only been with them for a few days, they had been recognized by Lu Chen in the past few days.

If he can stay with him to fight against the monsters of the monster clan, he can rush into the Sky Punishment Tower without hesitation, so he is willing to be with his brothers who are born to death. Why does he not approve of them?

"As long as I am not dead, we will break through in the Triple Heaven!" Lu Chen said firmly!

The same emotion can be seen in everyone's eyes.

"Well, our militia squad, let's make a good break into the triple heaven together!"

Since the lunatic will be with everyone in the future, other people also persuaded Mei Niang to accept two pieces of equipment. The improvement of her strength is also a good thing for the team.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly noticed that someone was touching his ears, "Hiss~ It was like touching it just now. It turns out that this ear is really growing on it." Since cutting his throat, his attention has been on Lu Chen's ears. on.

Shuang Wu finally couldn't help it anymore, "Really? I thought it was installed, it looks very violent, I touched...Oh, it's so soft! It's so cute! If you pull it hard, it really won't move. Yeah!"

The devil has a black line, even if he has a bunch of hairy ears, but his body is still a devil, okay, his muscles are strong, does it have anything to do with softness? Does it have something to do with cuteness!

Is it appropriate to pull the ears of a seriously injured person so hard!

"You two... don't touch it, it hurts..."

"Can the tail be touched?"

"Tail...neither! Qinghe, I said you don't want a tail!" Lu Chen has a feeling of being unlovable. He is worthy of the three heavens. All of them are too courageous!

"Oh, that, I just see if it's the same style as my little fox... I can't help it..."

Lu Chen couldn't help but moved quickly, rushed out of the siege, secretly gave himself invisibility, changed his human skin and reappeared in front of everyone.

Without the strange ears and tail, Lu Chen was finally relieved.

"The madman has changed back again! Hey, madman, what is the situation with you? Is it the effect of the three changes of the gods and demons?" Sansheng frowned and asked.

As a heaven-level forbidden technique, there are definitely a handful of people who have seen the three transformations of the gods and demons, which can be used as an excuse for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't explain too much, and led it ambiguously, "Almost."

After taking a break, Lu Chen looked at the eighth step.

Seeing Lu Chen's gaze, everyone also put away their joking mood. There are two hardest layers below.

Chasing the cloud patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, "Mad man, I am afraid that your body will not be able to bear it. The Seventh Level of Heavenly Punishment has been so strong that it will definitely be more terrifying in the future."

"Your upper limit of HP has dropped by more than 30%, and it is estimated that your exercises have also been affected. Otherwise, let's take care of it for a while."

"Yeah, I know you are in a hurry to save people, but if you lose, then there is no way to save people. Sharpen your knife and not cut wood by mistake!"

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, took a deep breath, and finally nodded, "Well, chasing the cloud, you are right, I didn't expect that the Tianpu Tower is so strong, and if you are too eager, you will fall short."

"Let's rest here for one night today."


Many people say that Jiutian is a real world. One thing can prove that there are many poisonous mosquitoes in the forest at night. Such details can be made. Jiutian is not a real world, so it can only be said that Tianxing This mysterious organization is too abnormal.

With a snap, the horizontal knife slapped another mosquito to death, "This Nima, the mosquitoes have cultivated, such a big one!"

Outside the Heavenly Punishment Tower, teams of more than a dozen races have already started camping, and those with cooking skills are making midnight snacks.

Originally, a group of people planned to wait ten minutes, but now it has been several hours, and the goal has not yet appeared!

On the surface, the teams of the major races are lazy, as if they are camping out on a picnic.

But this is obviously just an illusion for the opponent.

From behind the major camps, people quickly flashed out one after another, moving quickly to the base camp!

A message is spreading rapidly.

"Someone may get the Heavenly Punishment Tower Supreme Treasure!"

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