Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 462: Lu Chen's rogue play

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In the quiet night, the dark tide surges!

Lu Chen and the others didn't know this. At this time, Zhuiyun made food for everyone.

"I'm telling you that cooking is really strong. The barbecue I grilled can speed up the recovery of physical trauma! The ingredients are hard to find."

Unexpectedly, that dead face was actually keen on cooking, which was really shocking.

But speaking of it, in the first and second heavens, the player’s taste is not obvious, but in the third heaven, Lu Chen took a sip of barbecue, and his eyes widened, "I rely on it, the outside is tender, the inside is tender, delicious and juicy, and the seasoning is just right. good to eat!"

"You can only eat one piece if it is delicious! I have to collect the materials for a week!" Chasing the cloud, buckle and buckle, restricting everyone's food intake.

"Forget it, you and Mei Niang are hurt, I will give you one more piece for the test, and the others will have one piece!"

Although food can speed up the recovery of the body, it is only an aid after all. If you want to recover the wounds of the body in a short time, unless there is an elixir.

Li Bashan walked over and sat next to Lu Chen, "Mad man, your trauma ratio exceeds 10%. The general regeneration pill effect will be discounted, but it can also recover part of it. Today only my quartermaster can exchange it. Give me, I'll change a little more regeneration pill."

"Well, yes, everyone give the military merits to Brother Shan."

"The madman’s trauma is more than 30%. If the trauma is less than 10%, the regeneration pill can recover 1%. If the injury exceeds 10%, the regeneration pill effect will be discounted. If it exceeds 30%, the regenerating pill will be discounted in half. Restore 1%, everyone calculate how much you can exchange."

One military merit can be exchanged for 3 regeneration pills, and they have 45 military merits here, which can be exchanged for more than 120, which happens to completely heal Lu Chen's wounds.

Li Bashan handed a bunch of regeneration pills to Lu Chen, "Crazy man, eat it."

Lu Chen nodded and took all the regeneration pills.

His physical wounds were finally healed.

"Crazy man, we don't usually have any savings, this time we recovered, but after the eighth floor..." Li Bashan looked at Lu Chen worriedly.

Lu Chen nodded, pulling the mountain to mean that if the eighth floor was traumatized again, there would be no way to recover!

"Don't think too much, let's talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow, take a good rest today." Bing Xiong patted Lu Chen on the shoulder.


Although the Heavenly Punishment Tower is dangerous, the most dangerous place is also the safest. This night everyone slept for the most reliable time in a few days.

Early the next morning, the teams got up one after another.

Before the entrance to the eighth floor, Lu Chen stopped, "You don't want to go up, the eighth floor is definitely more terrifying."

"Well, good! Madman, we will add status to you."

Sansheng’s insolable golden soup, iron armor formation, Frost Dance’s Frost Bolt, desperate elemental resistance, Firearm Master’s flame elemental damage bonus... a lot of skills, useful and useless, as long as they can be added, They all fell on Lu Chen, and Lu Chen's state was full.

"Crazy man, be careful, if you can't beat it, think of a way to return, we can hold on for a while..."

Lu Chen nodded, he accepted everyone's feelings, but he would never bring the boss down.

At the entrance to the eighth floor, Lu Chen directly activated the Three Demon Transformations. The seventh floor was already so abnormal. The eighth floor would definitely be more difficult. He could no longer preserve his strength.

Stepping into the entrance of the eighth floor with one foot, Lu Chen immediately entered the fighting state.

【Tian Punishment: Nine Suns Burning Body】

Below the true fairy body, the physical body is affected by the high temperature roasting, and the physical body quickly withers!

[Please note that your physical body suffers damage, the percentage of physical damage to the whole body is 2%, the damage is reduced by 2%, and the upper limit of life is reduced by 2%. 】

[Please note that your physical body is injured. The percentage of physical damage to your whole body is 4%, your damage is reduced by 4%, and your life limit is reduced by 4%. 】

Lu Chen was secretly shocked that he had just recovered from the physical trauma, and now he was suffering from trauma all over his body at a rate of 2% per second.

The nine suns burned the body, the damage was more than wind erosion, and it was a whole body burn!

At this time, Lu Chen's body was full of mist, it seemed that the water in the body was quickly evaporating, and the dark green runes all over his body had become dull.

At 2% per second, Lu Chen only has tens of seconds! He quickly looked up to find the boss.

The BOSS was easy to find. In the middle of the room, a man was facing his back. This guy couldn't see what race it was. He was covered in flames, and he was completely a fire man!

Lu Chen's eyes widened, he had never seen anyone burst into flames!

"Someone broke into the eighth floor of the Sky Punishment Tower?" The man slowly turned around, his red eyes, through the golden flames, fell on Lu Chen, "It turned out to be a demon, interesting!"

This guy recognized Lu Chen's state at a glance.

The Thousand Chance in his mouth should be the alien puppet master on the sixth floor.

"Boy, when you come to me, you have already come to the end! If you can see my Nine Sun Flowing Flame Art, it is considered that your nine-day journey is not in vain."

Lu Chen roughly guessed that the state of the opponent should be similar to the Three Transformations of Gods and Demons, except that his Nine Sun Flowing Flame Art effect was wrapped in flames.

Lu Chen didn't have time to tell him more, starting with ghosts!

The man snorted coldly, "Are you in such a hurry? Are you unable to resist the punishment?"

"Earth-level exercises dare to get an axe in front of me? Flowing fire is lost!" The man suddenly turned into dozens of flames, and at the same time he wanted to explode around him.

Flowing inflammation quickly penetrated all the phantoms, and at the same time opened a big hole in the phantom, as if burned by fire.

Immediately afterwards, the burning illusion evaporated instantly!

"This..." Lu Chen was astonished, that guy's flow of fire can actually clear the illusion?

"Want to come? Your choices are getting less and less." A man's voice came from all around.

Lu Chen frowned, and the ghost was repeatedly seen through by this guy, and now he can only hit the front.

To fight against a guy of this level, the level of the body type must be high enough. Although Lu Chen's other body types are of low level, with the "no cooling", the nature is completely different!

When there were fewer and fewer ghosts, he changed his position. Seeing that there were only two ghosts left, Lu Chen suddenly controlled another ghost to rush in his direction.

All the surrounding fires dragged the tail of the fire, and at the same time Chao came over here!

"It's now!"

If you can't find the real body of the enemy, let the real body of the enemy find yourself! Let those fire groups gather, and he has a way to deal with fire men!

The last ghost plus Lu Chen's real body, when gathered together, the enemy will definitely attack here, and this is the best time for Lu Chen to test the opponent's real body.

"Dark element transformation! Three thousand instants...continuous cut!"

Lu Chen created an illusion again, and the body had launched 11 jump attacks on the surrounding fireballs.

All of the 11 attacks hit the fire ball, and the moves went directly through the flames, without showing the damage value, nor showing the status such as "immunity".

After a wave of Three Thousand Instant Slashes, he couldn't find his true body, and Lu Chen quickly took another three thousand Instant Slashes.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's figure turned into a green phantom, jumping wildly in a group of fireballs.

"Damn, isn't this guy's skills cool!" A voice finally couldn't help cursing!

"What kind of rogue play is this!"

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