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Shura found the lionfish so soon? This was a bit unexpected by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hurriedly retrieved Lu Yiyi, ready to rush back to the city of release.

"What? Are you leaving? Stop following us?" In the jungle around the pavilion, a few aliens walked out slowly.

These guys are first born with double horns, are burly in shape, have different skin tones, and look a bit similar to humans. They don't look too ugly, but are full of masculine beauty.

Although they all carry the word "demon", the sky demon tribe is different from other demon tribes, they are so "abstract".

As the overlord race of the triple heavens, the demon tribe has a noble temperament in them, and at the same time, their strength is quite strong.

In reality, the bodies of the Tianmo tribes are very strong, even not losing to the demon beast tribe, the Titan tribe, the dragon tribe which are known for their flesh, and their body is not too exaggerated, giving them excellent agility.

It is said that the Demon Race has a set of advanced mental methods and several sets of cultivation methods with growth ability, passed down from generation to generation...

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly. He was already very careful, but he was discovered by this team of Demon tribesmen?

In the jungle, more celestial demons came out, the first one was 3 meters tall, wearing a golden armor, and a red cloak moving with the wind behind him.

The text on the badge on his chest translated into...Marshal!

Lu Chen frowned. He followed the team of about 300 people at first, but didn't notice this guy. Didn't expect such a team to be led by a marshal-level powerhouse himself?

"Human!" The leader of the demon walked to Lu Chen, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, and drew the sword against the water. "It seems that this battle is unavoidable. It's really a back!"

With the help of Solid Pill, his current injury will no longer continue to deteriorate. The damage is about 50%, but if there is a fierce battle, the consequences will not be known.

But now, he has to fight!

The leader looked at Lu Chen coldly, his eyes suddenly changed from green to red, and then quickly recovered, "Your physical injury has reached 53% and you have lost your right arm. You must have given up hope for this spying mission."

Suddenly, the leader's conversation turned, "If, I give you hope, but want you to come up with something in exchange, would you like it?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "What do you want?"

"I want your ghost pet! In exchange, I will not only let you go, but I can also give you a Limb Regeneration Pill and 10 Shennong Pills."

Lu Chen was slightly surprised, Shennongdan? The marshal level seems to be able to exchange more medicines than him.

Lu Chen stared at Marshal Sky Demon, his eyes narrowed slightly, "So, you...are here long ago?!"

When they came, Lu Chen had already called Lu Yiyi back, and this day the Demon Marshal called for Lu Yiyi, which means they saw Lu Yiyi and saw Lu Yiyi giving Lu Chen medicine!

Lu Yiyi is indeed beautiful, and some players with peculiar hobbies may want it, but this group of people is a demons! Different races, they want Lu Yiyi naturally not because of her beauty, the only possibility is her ability to refine medicine!

They have already ambushed themselves here!

Marshal Tianma coldly snorted, "You are not too stupid, yes, it is because there are officers and soldiers on your side who whispered the news, we deliberately divided into two groups, attracting your attention all the way, and ambushing you here all the way!"

Lu Chen's heart was immediately furious, he was betrayed!

The person who betrayed him can be sure after a little thought, it must be the three mission officers!

Lu Chen squeezed the hilt of the Backwater Sword with his left hand, "Okay, it doesn't matter if I am alone to perform the task, but I still play with Lao Tzu! I think I have tolerated you for too long, so that you can keep your feet!"

"Hahahaha, do you think you still have time to hold a grudge? Boy, hand over that ghost pet, I will spare your life!"

Lu Chen can go to this day. In addition to his strength, he is also a person who seeks stability. Before going to the next realm, he often has to fill his level and fight the Spiritual Martial Yaozun. It took him half a year to complete the three transformations of the gods and demons. ...

Originally in the city of exile, Lu Chen planned to be a low-key person, let the little hairball earn military merit, heal his injuries, and wait for the little hairball to evolve, and talk about it after the injury is healed.

However, Min Weng sent a treasure map, so that he and Shura had an intersection, and at this moment, Shura's people had already gone to Min Weng.

The death soldier mission was betrayed, and some people wanted to see him expose the corpse in the wilderness!

"Very well, I really got home in the third heaven!" Lu Chen laughed suddenly, and then glared at Marshal Tianma, "Let me survive? Do you think I will believe you?"

The Mozu smiled contemptuously that day, "What? Do you think you have a choice?"

Lu Chen suddenly froze for a while, lowered his head, and shook his head while laughing, "I used to hate choice, but a friend told me that the most precious right of man is choice!"

"Speaking of which, all of my injuries are due to that guy, but I still want to thank him."

"He made me understand a lot and made me grow a lot."

Lifting his head, Lu Chen looked around. These Celestial Demon Races are regular troops, and many of them are powerful lieutenants. The strength is not comparable to those of the militia in the trial battlefield.

Besides, there is a marshal among them! The marshal of the demon race, the strength is compared with the human title marshal, I don't know how.

Dragging the severely injured and mutilated body, Lu Chen suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, Lu Chen's crazy smile.

He put away the scaled sword against the current! Slowly drew something from the void with one hand.

The whole body was glowing with golden light, and as it was pulled out inch by inch, the nine dragon shadows on its surface gradually appeared!

Hunk, Lu Chen pulled out his weapon and held it with one hand, standing proudly in the audience.

He twisted his neck and looked regretful, "My personal doctor must be very angry... I'm sorry Xiaolu, this time, I choose... fight!"

"You guys, let's get on together, I'm in a hurry!" Lu Chen's eyes lit up with green light.

In the next second, the pavilion on the banks of the corpse exploded instantly!

"One of the demons changed!" With a roar, Lu Chen burst into dazzling golden light, and then flashed in front of Marshal Tianma!

Marshal Tianma heard a voice in his ear.

"Remember, in front of me, you are not qualified to call yourself "magic"!"


City of Exile!

Between the chaotic bungalows in the south dormitory area, a man is fleeing hastily.

He wears a mask of exile and cannot see what he looks like, but it is not difficult to see from his posture that he must be quite young.

At this time, he was trotting in the chaotic roads of slum-like houses, turning his head from time to time, paying attention to the situation behind him nervously.

This person is Minion.

Behind him was a civet cat, which seemed to be the little guy who came to inform its owner in advance.

Shura's personal guard is coming to the south of the city.

After receiving the news, Xiao Weng left the residence for the first time.

That kid made me hold on for a while, it should have something to do with his injuries.

Even though I alone created a record of 16 missions in an hour, but once his body was wounded, he couldn't continue to fight. This is the best point. Secondly, the forces behind Shura are what he really fears.

"You can only escape from the city of exile...boy, don't come back, behind Shura is an existence you can't imagine!"

The South City Gate is in front, and after the South City Gate is the battlefield of ten thousand races, Shura should not dare to chase him!

Just less than 200 meters from the Nancheng Gate, a figure walked out from the side alley...

"You are really stupid. I just have to wait for you here, and you will come." The man raised his head as if he could see the proud face behind his cold mask.

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