Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 484: Tianwei Chess

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Xiaoweng took a breath, this guy has been waiting for him here!

Moreover, he actually handed over his ID! There is no doubt that they know enough!

After looking at each other step by step, Wei Weng stepped back, "What do you want to do, private fights are forbidden in the City of Exile!"

"Old dog, don't deceive yourself, can you see anyone around?"

Xiao Weng hurriedly looked around. As the area near the South City Gate, there weren't even a single soldier! Not to mention officers and soldiers, not even other players!

"There is only me and you! Even if you break your throat, it's useless!"

"Say, where is the treasure map!"

Knowing that he has nowhere to go, he drew his long bow around his waist and stared at him, "Want a treasure map? Dreaming!"

"Very good, I like your kind of hard bones, so it's more challenging!" With a move, the figure on the opposite side has flashed in front of Jin Weng, and at the same time he has two more daggers in his hand, "Let you taste what it means to be a spike! "

"Guiwu Double Dagger·Smashed Corpse!"


Next to the ruins of the pavilion, the only marshal of 300 Heavenly Demon Soldiers was left.

Marshal Tianma gasped hard and looked at the human in front of him incredibly, his severely wounded body forcibly launched ghost images, frequently descending, and launched Nine Dragons to destroy the world, his physical trauma once again deteriorated.

At this moment, he is holding the Tianpu Nine Dragon Pillar with one hand, his body swaying slightly in the wind, blood constantly pouring from under his mask, like a wind candle.

However, in the face of such a guy with only half his life left, Marshal Tianma looked horrified.

"Yes, it is nine days to destroy the world! What you have in your hands is the Nine Dragon Pillars of punishment!"

Lu Chen reluctantly said, "As expected, he is the marshal, and his knowledge is not bad, he knows the weapons in my hands."

"The master of the Nine Dragon Pillars of Heaven Punishment, that is to say, you are the human who broke through the Heaven Punishment Tower that day! Think about it, in fact, I should have thought of it long ago!" The Tianma Marshal became more and more surprised.

"It was rumored that I was in a very bad state, and I broke an arm and forced the Nine Dragons to destroy the world after being seriously injured, even more injury!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that you haven't fully recovered for so long! Hahahaha, God helped me, today, let me meet you in Tianwei!"

On this day, the devil ID Tianming became more excited as he spoke, his eyes gradually glowing red.

Lu Chen leaned on the Nine Dragon Pillar, barely raised his head, and glanced at Marshal Tianma contemptuously, "What about me? I can still kill you!"

Marshal Tianma coldly snorted, "You can pass the Heavenly Punishment Tower. I admit that your strength is amazing. If it is your complete state, I am not your opponent. But look at your current appearance. The physical damage exceeds 75%. Most of the exercises are no longer available, and your HP is only a quarter left!"

"Although I don't know the skill of Demon One Transformation, just watching you do it, I have already seen that you have a passive that the lower the HP ratio, the faster the attack speed, the higher the attack, and the shorter the skill cooldown. However, , After the HP limit drops to 2.6 million, the impact on you is too great, you dare not keep the HP percentage too low!"

"At the time tens of millions of soldiers and soldiers were in front of the Sky Punishment Tower and wanted to seize the treasure to kill you. I originally thought that you just passed the Sky Punishment Tower. It was when you were weakest. At that time, it was absolutely the best choice to do it. Run for you!"

"Who would have thought that the person I met today would be worse than then!"

"I am the only one who is crazy, not that I want to destroy you, but the heavens want to destroy you! Hahahaha!"

The Marshal of the Tianmo Race said, his body suddenly doubled, and his whole body was raised to grow scales, covering the whole province, his red eyes, red mist, and a spear in his hand.

This gun is more than five meters long, and it is full of black air, which makes people feel timid! At first glance, it doesn't belong to the common weapon.

"Xianwu!" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hmph, it's good for you to know it, and it's not only you who can transform! I want to use my black evil spear to defeat your heavenly punishment Nine Dragon Pillar!"

"Today, I have all your life and your treasures!"

"Tian Demon Tu God Spear·Tu God Spear!" Suddenly, Tian Ming turned into a black gas...This is not a metaphor. The guy and the spear almost merged into a sharp black gas, and shot towards Lu Chen.

"I want to kill you with a single shot. Today, I am going to fight the Third Heaven! Go to death!"

Tianming's shot was the strongest blow of the Tianmatu God Spear. It seemed that he really wanted to kill Lu Chen with one blow.

Lu Chen was panting heavily, his injuries were so bad that he was in extremely bad condition, and the pain in his whole body almost suffocated him.

After finally slowing down, the villain was conspired by the villain and met a strong god.

Although this Heavenly Demon troop did not hurt him, the key problem is that now every time he does it, his physical damage is a bit more serious.

He hurts the enemy five hundred, but he himself will hurt himself a thousand.

Tianming was right. Lu Chen's exercises and special effects were almost unusable. It seemed that there was only one result waiting for him.

But at this moment, Lu Chen faced the opponent with a fatal blow, but laughed, "It all said that you are smart, it seems to disappoint me."

Tian Ming's heart was slightly stagnant, did that guy cheat him, or did he really rely on it?

"Tianwei chess array!" Lu Chen said in a weak voice, "If you want to kill me, break this formation first. I have something to do. I won't play with you."

At this moment, Tian Ming suddenly discovered that the solipsism on the opposite side had suddenly disappeared, and his slaughter gun suddenly lost its target.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding environment changed drastically, and a huge chessboard rose from under the feet. There were black and white chess pieces on the chessboard, which quickly turned into a human form.

"This, formation?! When did he arrange it!"

The formation is powerful, but many powerful formations need to be arranged in advance. Thinking of the formation of Tianwei chess formation that can confuse him, the Tianma Marshal, it is definitely not something that can be used by raising a hand.

Then the question is, how can the soloist have time to arrange this formation?

The surrounding black and white chess pieces became 300 human fighters, and as the only enemy in the chess game, it was clear that Tianming became the target of the chessboard attack.

300 people shouted neatly.

"Tianwei Fighting Array!" Then quickly changed the position and surrounded the sky.

"This... is the formation in the formation!" Tianwei's eyes were cracked, and it seemed that the Tianwei chess formation was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Whether you can go out or not is another matter, let alone chasing solo!

When observing the surrounding chess pieces and soldiers, Tianming roughly calculated the number of chess pieces, 300 pieces.

When this number appeared, Tian Ming's heart suddenly froze.

There are 300 chess pieces, which is about the same as the number of his men...Suddenly, Tianming knew when the solo madness was set up.

"Using the heavy ghosts to come, while killing my men, arranging the formation nodes... At the end, I was already in the formation..." Thinking of this, Tian Ming suddenly sweated in his vest.

That guy, just under his nose, arranged such a powerful formation?

From the very beginning, he wanted to avoid a fight with himself, to be precise, not to fight himself with his own hands.

Before starting to plan, and unknowingly already put yourself in danger, this thought and strategy had to make people fearful.

"Only I am crazy..." Tian Ming remembered this name thoroughly!


Outside the city of exile, a man covered in blood approached the South City Gate step by step.

His eyes were faintly green fired, and the wound on his right shoulder was completely grinned, and even walking was nothing but a turn.

"Weng, I said, I won't let you die!"

"Hold on, I am coming!"

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