Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 493: Marshal of Destiny

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"Hahahaha, it's Dongfang Ji! I'm the only one crazy, you're done!" Marshal Bodhi laughed.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. How did this guy fly without wings? There is such a strong man in the third heaven?

Under his anger, it caused thunder. This "Oriental Ji" seems a bit strong!

In the distance, Xiao Weng shouted to Lu Chen, "Boy, be careful, that's Marshal of Destiny!"

If the title is self-appointed by someone else or oneself, then the destiny is appointed by heaven!

"Marshal of Destiny?" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. "There really is something in the Dongfang Family."

"Nonsense, our Eastern family can persevere and the sixth largest power of mankind can't fall. How could there be no Marshal of Mandate!" Marshal Bodhi didn't care about his life and squeezed it in Lu Chen's hands. "I'm the only one who is crazy, I admit that you are strong. But in front of Dongfang Ji, you are like a tile dog!"

The appearance of Dongfang Ji changed the sky over the city of exile.

Countless people looked up at the man.

"It's the Marshal of Destiny! My God, the Dongfang Family sent the Marshal of Destiny!"

"What is the contention of the ten major clans? Isn't it the number of Marshals of Destiny!"

"There are titles of marshals every year, but Marshal of Destiny, how many years does a family have one! It is said that every Marshal of Destiny is cultivated by the major forces at the expense of large amounts of money. The pill with added attributes is used as jelly beans. pen!"

The three layers of heaven already have a pill for adding attributes. Although it is not as good as the elixir that Lu Chen eats, but the accumulation is small, the talents cultivated by the major forces in the name of the family have absolutely terrifying attributes!

There are not only medicines, but also various top-level exercises and equipment. As the treasure of the power, Marshal Destiny's resources can be said to be inexhaustible!

"I'm the only one who is crazy, but unfortunately I can't see you dying tragically at the hands of Dongfang Ji, but I can tell you in advance that if you fight against our Dongfang family, you will definitely die!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly and glanced at Marshal Bodhi, "Do you want to see me die? Yes, I'll give you a chance. I will keep your life, and I will collect it later!"

Turning his head, Lu Chen looked at the man in Tian Tian.

This was the first time Lu Chen felt pressure from players!

Whether it’s the Tower of Punishment, or a battle with the people in the mountains, or a battle with the Celestial Boss, they are actually only half of the players.

They do not even belong to the current universe.

And Dongfang Ji is a real player in the same universe as Lu Chen, and both are humans! As for Lu Chen, no human player could give him such a strong sense of oppression.

"There is such a strong person!" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, then raised the corners of his mouth, "It's interesting!"

"The second transformation of the devil!" Lu Chen spread his wings and flew into the air in the form of a demon.

There are two people in midair, one is like a **** of thunder, the other is like a demon.

There was a violent wind around him, thunder roared above his head, and the other was surrounded by black energy, and thunder continued to roar above his head.

One of the eyes was completely white, and the other was green.

Dongfang Ji frowned slightly, "Your eyes are surging with demon energy. This is not just a pure transformation effect. Are you... a demon?!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Your eyes are all white, are you... cataracts?"

The demoiselle in the back almost vomited blood and died, when is the time, that stinky blind man is still making fun of him? It's really fatal.

Marshal Bodhi was lying on the ground, hearing Lu Chen's words, almost freaked out.

Facing Dongfang Ji, that kid is really crazy if he dares to say such rude words.

Lu Chen's original intention was that he didn't want to answer Dongfang Ji's question, and laughed at the other party by the way.

Lu Chen's ridicule really angered Dongfang Ji. He pressed the corners of his mouth, his nose flared, and gritted his teeth, spitting out two words, "I want to die!"

"Leading Nine Heavens·Thunder and Demon!" Two falling thunders slammed down from the sky and directly hit his two weapons. Suddenly, the two weapons glowed with thunder, and the sword body jumped with arcs and crackled. the sound of.

Lu Chen remembered the name Lei Dong Jiu Tian clearly.

At that time, there were three heaven-level exercises for him to choose from in the Lianxin Academy. In fact, he was almost going to choose this one for nine days, but in the end the Destiny Stone helped him choose the three changes of gods and demons.

"Weapon enchant..." Lu Chen frowned, and now he was hit by the guy's two weapons. In addition to the additional lightning damage, it was also likely to cause paralysis and other abnormal conditions.

This pair of swords and Lei Dong Jiu Tian cooperated perfectly, not only had the effect of thunder and demons, but also had a close connection with each other.

"Is this pair of weapons the exclusive weapon of Thundering Nine Heavens?" Thinking of this, Lu Chen didn't dare to take it carelessly. He took out the Heavenly Punishment Nine Dragon Pillar and prepared to respond to the enemy.

In the next second, Dongfang Ji had already started.

"Nine days of thunder, thunderous change!" Two flying swords whizzed.

This sword is really extraordinary. The double swords are full of flowers, and the area between the two swords is full of electric charge. The original single attack suddenly turned into a range attack!

"Seven stars chasing the moon!" Lu Chen dodged hurriedly.

However, Dongfang Ji's imperial swordsmanship has reached its peak. His dual swords are more flexible than all imperial swords Lu Chen has seen before. They are really what the sword points to and where the sword is directed!

The two swords chased Lu Chen in different trajectories, while the charge crackled in the middle area.

"Dark Night Instant Shadow!" Lu Chen directly used the strong displacement skill.

Dongfang Ji snorted coldly, "Can you run through lightning? Thunder-inducing technique·Heaven's punishment!"

Suddenly a stout lightning flashed in the sky, slashing towards Lu Chen with lightning speed.

The lightning speed is absolutely far faster than Superman's reaction speed. This falling thunder directly hit Lu Chen, who had just appeared!

In less than half a second, there was a loud boom, deafening.

The speed of lightning has surpassed the speed of sound, first there is electricity, and then there is thunder!

This thunder pierced the sky, combined with such a terrifying thunder, only then did people realize how terrifying the power of that thunder that seemed to be inevitable!

Lu Chen's few blood sacrifice shields were directly destroyed! And was knocked out 100,000 plus damage.

Although Lu Chen's blood volume is only 100,000 less, you must know that the blood sacrifice shield has more than one million remaining durable.

That guy directly hit 1 million + damage! The damage is not lost to Lu Chen!

debuff: Lightning paralyzed, unable to use spirit pill, physical body unable to move, duration 3 seconds.

This Dongfang Ji couldn't have only one exercise technique that thundered for nine days, and the power of this brother's thundering technique was even more terrifying than nine days of thunder.

The damage reached more than 1.5 million. The most important thing is that the lightning technique not only damages the meter, but also causes a 3 second paralysis. Among the masters, a 0.5 second stun can be fatal, let alone 3 seconds!

"Damn, can't that skill be dodged!" Lu Chen couldn't help but want to complain. Just now, he really didn't do any defense and was directly hit by Thunder.

The two Fu Demon Swords blared an electric arc and hit them just right.

Lu Chen couldn't avoid it and was directly hit by the electric nuclear area between the two swords.

A piercing pain came, and Lu Chen was shocked again!

Dongfang Ji didn't mean to stop in the slightest, "I'm the only one who is crazy, and you can't do it. Today I will cut you into a sieve! Nine days of thunder and thunder strike!"

Lu Chen yelled violently at the same time, "I am afraid you are a ghost! Buddha crosses the common people!"

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