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Buddha crossing the common people can only clear the continuous blood loss, and has no effect on the "paralysis" effect.

As a celestial skill, Buddha crossing the common people will not lose to any compulsory life-saving skills. Even if the spirit pill is blocked, the Buddha crossing the common people can still use it.

And although the undefeated golden body cannot clear the "paralysis" effect, there is a chance to retain a little health. What Lu Chen wants is this chance of blood!

After preparations, two thunder and lightning erupted from Dongfang Ji Shuangjian at the same time, converging into a fork-shaped lightning, and directly blasted on Lu Chen.

With a 3-second paralysis effect, plus two seconds of power storage, the combination of Heaven Punishment and Thunder Strike is a perfect match.

The result of the confluence of the two lightnings is that the damage value skyrocketed!

-1.88 million!

Lu Chen only had less than 2 million blood left, and 100,000 had been consumed before. This blow directly emptied Lu Chen's blood volume.

Another effect of the Buddha crossing the common people was that it took 200% of the damage. This blow directly caused Lu Chen to spit out blood, and his strong chest was blown black.

Dongfang Ji's eyes were slightly wrinkled, and that kid actually activated his skills in a paralyzed state?

The lowest Buddha crossing the common people's life is also a heavenly practice!

However, it doesn't matter how strong it is, only a drop of blood is left alone, even if he is reborn, he still has the confidence to kill him!

After a short while, Lu Chen sighed, "Boy, I can't kill Laozi, now it's me!"

"There are many ghosts!"

Dongfang Ji snorted coldly, "There are many ghosts? Are you afraid that I like to play avatars the most!"

"Thunder Attracting Technique·Thunder Seed!"

A large number of electric **** were separated from the double swords, and they shot and flew quickly, attracting them to Lu Chen's 300 phantom.

Immediately afterwards, all the small thunderballs were directly connected to each other with an electric arc, and the entire battlefield suddenly formed a lightning network.

The illusion will not be attacked, but if Lu Chen uses Descent at this time, he will be attacked by terror!

"This guy!" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly!

"Hmph, stop struggling, there are only a handful of people who can beat me in the Triple Heaven!" Dongfang Ji smiled confidently, "The Buddha who flew across the world just now saved you. This time I think you are still alive!"

"Joint Skills, Leading Thunder for Nine Days!" All of a sudden, the sky thunder and lightning, and the lightning accumulating more and more, the next one will be a baptism of thunder and lightning.

The spectators have been stunned by this trick.

"It's a joint skill! It must be two heavenly-level and above exercises with very good attributes to have a certain chance to produce a joint skill."

"That Dongfang Ji specializes in Thunder and Lightning, and has such a terrifying combination technique, it is invincible."

"Thunder and lightning are indeed strong, you see, the ghosts of the solo mad are heavy and completely abandoned."

"No wonder it's the Marshal of Destiny, it's too strong, but my madness has been suppressed."

Lu Chen also froze for a moment. Is this the combined skill of Lei Dong Jiu Tian and Lei Yin Jue?

Can there be such a reaction between skills!

The sky and the earth have been connected by countless lightning bolts. Lu Chen is surrounded by thick lightning bolts. The adjacent lightning bolts are attracted by electric charges, and new irregular arcs are formed between them.

At the same time, Dongfang Ji's double swords unfolded a large-scale thunder grid, and Lu Chen's own ghostly visions became a transit point for Tianlei.

The entire space, criss-crossed, was filled with countless arcs.

The ground was bombarded by the sky thunder, and countless cracks broke directly, and the world was already like a chaotic hell!

"My God, this is simply a catastrophe, this kind of magical skill shouldn't appear in the third heaven at all!"

"Can anyone avoid such an attack? Impossible, there is nowhere to escape."

"Marshal of Destiny, you can be a teacher of a million, this is true! Dongfang Ji is invincible!"

Lightning exploded one after another, and Lu Chen only had a little blood left. When he touched it, his life was accounted for.

Seeing the thunder and lightning sweeping over the sky, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and activated his skills.

"The infinite triple door!" Lu Chen quickly unfolded his posture.

After the dark night flashes, there is a certain pause time. Seven stars chasing the moon and rapid movement are both fast moving skills, and they are not invincible.

Both of these displacements are not suitable for evading thunder for nine days, only triple doors can!

Door after door, seamlessly connected, Lu Chensheng used a triple door to open up an independent space in a thunder and lightning space!

In an instant, Lu Chen had already passed through the lightning zone and reached Dongfang Ji!

However, Dongfang Ji didn't panic at all, "You can actually pass through my lightning for nine days?! But you think you can hit me close? Unless I die, the lightning for nine days will not stop, I don't believe you attacked. Don't stop your figure at this time!"

Dongfang Ji didn't lie. Although Lu Chen passed through the thunder zone, the surrounding lightning followed him.

As long as he shows up for a moment, lightning will hit him!

"Sorry, your lightning can't strike Lao Tzu!" Lu Chen sneered and activated the skill directly.

"Strike Huashan!"

If you force Huashan, Dongfang Ji may not be able to get out, but how does Lu Chen deal with the lightning network attack that is coming?

Dongfang Ji was so unscrupulous, it absolutely made sense that he didn't panic in the face of being approached by Lu Chen. An attack must have an attack action, even if it was half a second, he would be hit by Thunder first.

It seems that Lu Chen is already close, but if there is no time to stop, Dongfang Ji is of course safe.

It's just that Lu Chen still shot!

The triple gate quickly and constantly shifted Lu Chen's position, only to see this force smashing Huashan Mountain. Because of the extremely fast position change, Lu Chen's figure appeared in every direction as if it were playing in fragments.

There was even a phantom!

Lightning passed, but it did not hit Lu Chen.

Dongfang Ji opened his eyes wide, "This...impossible!"

It's a pity that Dongfang Ji couldn't dodge in front of the Nine Dragon Pillars of punishment!

Lu Chen shot Dongfang Ji down from mid-air with a stick and fell straight to the ground.

Tianpu Nine Dragon Columns are like a giant stick, blasting it into the ground!

The triple gate kept changing Lu Chen's figure, as if he turned into an invincible existence that could not be attacked, and instantly flashed in front of Dongfang Ji.

Lu Chen wasn't sure whether this guy could eat the floating effect or not. After all, he could float in mid-air by himself, perhaps because of the electric gravity...In short, Lu Chen didn't use the more damaging universe.

"Heaven and earth!"

The lower the blood volume, the higher Lu Chen's attack will be. With this move, the damage will be full!

One attack, Tianwei attack type, 24 million!

Dongfang Ji's 11 million blood bars are like a roller coaster ride, directly bottoming out.

When the last 10% HP was left, Dongfang Ji activated a passive skill, forming a lightning shield around his body, supporting 5 million durability, and causing lightning damage to Lu Chen!

However, Lu Chen's attack was too high, the shield came and went quickly, the 5 million durability instantly disappeared, and the remaining 1.1 million HP was emptied at the same time!

Lu Chen suffered 5 million thunder and lightning injuries, but his blood seemed to be locked, and he didn't move...

After one blow, the thunder billowing in the sky finally died down, and all the charges in the space disappeared.

Lu Chen was also relieved, and it seemed that Dongfang Ji hadn't resurrected.

Standing next to Dongfang Ji's corpse, Lu Chen shook his head, "This kid is a bit strong..."

"It's still careless. Lao Tzu obviously returned strongly, and he was almost killed by someone...I went, it was too shameless."

Fortunately, Xiao Min saved Lu Chen's "face".

Hearing these words, the Dongfang family's face was pale...

This guy is so strong, he has more than one life!

Lu Chen bent over and grabbed Dongfang Ji's collar and lifted him up, then turned his head to look at Dongfang Ji's family.

"You don't care about that boy's life, but this guy should be of some value to you."

"I'll just ask once, is his life important, or is the picture in your hands important?"

Hearing these words, Dongfang Xiong almost collapsed...

"Somewhat" worth? Dongfang Ji is the life of the Dongfang family!

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