Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 512: Take off your fashion

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"Now, do you still have to challenge?"

Lu Chen said without hesitation, "Yes!"

"Okay, Xiao Ming, the whole city announces!"

Lu Chen also received an announcement from Maple Leaf City that someone was planning to hit the dusty record of Maple Leaf City for seven years!

A large number of people rushed to surround the wild area.

"Which Marshal of Destiny led the team?"

"The Maple Leaf City record has been asleep for seven years, can anyone break it?"

"It is said that there are only two people to challenge? Is it true?"

People craned their necks and looked inside.

The ground under Lu Chen and their feet suddenly rose slowly and turned into a high platform above the ground.

Maple Leaf Tassel walked to the forefront of the high platform and said loudly to everyone, "I am very glad that someone is willing to try to challenge our Maple Leaf City record. The former Destiny Team has already turned Maple Leaf City's record into a legend. I also hope to be able to Let Maple Leaf City's record go further, and let other cities see the strength of Maple Leaf City! Of course, in order to ensure everyone's interests, to prevent anyone from playing cleverness, the failure of the challenge will also be severely punished by Maple Leaf City!"

"This time the challenger claimed to challenge all the projects in the Maple Leaf Castle District. Here are the two challengers."

A piece of Sao moves below.

"Really only two people? I'll go, they are here to make fun."

"It's not the Marshal of Destiny, these two people are really reckless."

"With the intensity of Chaotic Plains, our team can only last for 47 minutes at most, and the monsters behind are getting stronger and stronger. The difficulty is increasing exponentially. The four and a half hours record is simply inhuman. They still want to Break the record? Dream!"

Lu Chen and Xiaoweng were pushed to the front of the high platform.

Min Weng looked unlovable, "Boy, how do I think I'm going to be wanted by a city again..."

Lu Chen gave him a white look, "Old man, there is me, what are you afraid of!"

"It's because of you, otherwise I can challenge this record-breaking?"

At this time, a maple leaf guard came over, "Now, please take off your fashion!"

Lu Chen looked horrified, "Why take off the fashion? We are here to break the record. What does it have to do with fashion!"

"We want to disable the stealth special effects on your equipment to prevent someone from cheating to break the record."

Lu Chen and Weng looked at each other, both with a frightened expression.

"If you refuse to cooperate, it will be considered a challenge failure!"

Xiao Weng couldn't help shaking his head, "I'll just say... Take it off, you can't be sentenced to fail because of this."

Lu Chen took a deep breath and looked under the stands. Many female audience members were waiting eagerly.

"Take it off, I won't suffer anyway!"

When these two took off their fashion clothes, they stunned everyone.

The two of them had the same big pants, shirtless... these two people didn't have any equipment on them!

To be precise, Lu Chen was okay, with a weird long sword hanging beside him, and Jin Weng was even worse, without even a weapon.

Suddenly there was a sharp female voice in the audience, "Ah! Playing as a hooligan!"

The maple leaf guard Xiaoming on the side has a black thread, "I asked you to take off the fashion, but I didn't let you all the equipment! Put it on! Especially you, the old man, also, still so nasty!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but want to laugh, Min Weng seemed to be a legendary figure of the Green Rock Star, he was actually said to be "indecent"...

"Boy, laugh!" Xiao Weng's face blushed and white, and after holding back for a long time, he said to Xiao Ming irritably, "I have no equipment!"

"No equipment, then you still come to challenge?"

"I... go and ask him!"

Xiao Ming turned to Lu Chen, "What about you, are you equipped!"

"Here, this is my sword!"

"Your equipment only has a sword?"


Xiaoming almost suffocated his internal injury, he looked back at Tassel in a daze, "Marshal, this..."

Maple Leaf Tassel didn't react for a while, and after a few seconds, he said, "Stop the stealth effect on his weapon."

Xiao Ming took out a piece of talisman paper, muttered something silently in his mouth, and then pressed the Wuji sword.

Lu Chen quietly ordered the Wuji Sword in his mind, "Don't move."

After pressing the talisman paper on the sword, it disappeared quickly. Lu Chen checked the Promise Sword and found a line of small characters appeared on it.

Hidden special effects are disabled for 24 hours.

Looking at the two challengers who only wore big pants on the stage, the audience had already exploded.

"It's really laughing at me. It's not a Marshal of Destiny. Don't even have equipment? These two people are living impatiently, right."

"I really haven't seen such a strange flower in my life. Is this humiliating Maple Leaf City? Wait for them to be killed."

"Remember the looks of these two people. By then, they will definitely be wanted in the city. Killing those who have military merit rewards.

Lu Chen couldn't help it. The culprit of all this was the Promise Sword. Who would let this guy eat both his and Xiao Weng's equipment.

In other words, they only blocked the hidden special effects on the equipment, and did not have Feng Xiaomin's invisibility.

However, Lu Chen went to learn experience, and it made no difference whether he was invisible or not.

Maple Leaf Tassel said, "I hope you are not sensationalizing! You will only be allowed to use the temporary backpacks we provide!"

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Can I put on the fashion?"

"It's up to you!"

Putting on the fashion again, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for a while, the previous group of Scrubbing Team came out. At this time, Lu Chen and Xiao Weng will also enter the Plain of Chaos.

"Hey, kid, save a little bit of aura, four and a half hours is not so easy to hold."

Min Weng's concerns are not unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances, let alone the Marshal of Destiny, Libashan and their pure aura are enough for a fight. Five Destiny and Five Names have only been four and a half hours, and Chaos Fighting Plain is not so easy.

Although Lu Chen killed the nine-clawed black dragon, he didn't really use many techniques. Strong explosive power does not mean strong endurance.

However, Lu Chen was not in a hurry, "Old man, let's go, let's get a set of equipment and wear it first."

The two stepped into the black hole entrance at the same time!

As soon as he entered the Plains of Chaos, Lu Chen found himself in a state of combat directly!

In the vast plain area, there are huge monsters everywhere.

There are not only blood types that Lu Chen possesses, but also many species that Lu Chen has never seen.

What's on the land, what's in the sky, flooding the entire chaotic plain.

These behemoths are huge, the largest being even more than 100 meters, and they are even fighting each other!

Near the entrance of the Chaotic War Plain, there is a fortification. The building is made of some kind of metal, like a triangle made up of three huge shields. At the three top corners, a small opening is opened for two or three people to stand.

The top is open, but the opening is not large. If one person is defending, it can withstand the invasion of air units.

"No wonder there can only be one team coming in every time." Lu Chen suddenly realized that without this metal building, the average team would not be able to hold on to so many wild monsters.

"Boy, I defend the gap on the top, you are responsible for the next three." Xiao Weng said immediately, "Oh, I don't have equipment, I don't know if I can block it."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Old man, you haven't seen me go wild."

"Huh? Of course I haven't seen it..."

"That's it. Only a few can be brushed here, let's go out and brush."

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