Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 513: Have you heard of the weak jackals?

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When Lu Chen walked out of the fortifications, a large number of wild monsters rushed towards him frantically, and they proceeded to the eye.

"Boy, come back soon!" Xiaoweng yelled anxiously, but the kid didn't turn around, "This guy, you're here to break the record! Isn't it good to be steady!"

Xiao Weng could only follow.

"Muguang Tianyan Pillar! Black Coffin Dead Zone!" These two long-lost skills finally have a chance to appear.

The surrounding pillars of colorless light soared into the sky, and under the strengthening of the Promise Sword, the range of each Tianyan Pillar was at least twice as large as before, and the frequency was also faster, and it was already connected.

As long as you are hit by the Sky Flame Pillar, you will be stunned and suffer damage for 3 seconds!

And they have to suffer continuous damage from the dead zone of the black coffin, and the blood bars are slowly falling down.

"The little monsters have hundreds of millions of HP?" Lu Chen frowned slightly. It seemed that these two skills alone couldn't kill the wild monsters here, so he had to add some extra material.

"Little Green, come out too, I will take you to the promotion, by the way, use your Man Luo Tianzheng, I will learn it."

"Boss, you are so kind!" Lu Yiyi immediately used the Man Luo Tianzheng, and suddenly countless petals fell in the sky, and if he touched the petals, he would be poisoned.

-8442, -8442...

Little Green's level is still too low, and the damage is almost negligible.

Lu Chen directly used the skill duplication scroll this time, Xiaolv's skill level is not high, and it should be possible to duplicate it.

【Obtained the "Man Luo Tian Card", may I study it? 】


When Lu Chen used the Man Luo Tianzheng, the poisonous injury quickly came up, and a large swarm of wild monsters began to emit green injuries.

-1.38 million (poisoned), -1.38 million (poisoned)...

Lu Chen frowned slightly, the damage was still a bit close. In other words, the wild monsters here are indeed high in blood. This is the outermost wild monster.

"The efficiency is too low. It seems that you have to do it yourself."

Xiao Weng looked at Lu Chen in horror. Is this efficiency still low? This guy is already so strong in singles, and group attack and wild ability is also so terrifying?

"It's a pity that Lao Tzu's bow and arrow were swallowed by the Promise Sword, otherwise it would be much faster to shoot from a distance."

When Lu Chen was complaining, the voice of the Promise Sword Spirit rang in his mind, "I swallowed the abyss bow, but you can also use the bow and arrow and just draw the bow."

Lu Chen frowned, stepped on a lunge, and made a bow.

Sure enough, he had an extra longbow phantom in his hand, and when the Sombra Arrow was placed on it, it was as if it was resting on an abyss bow tire.

"So it can be like this! Hahaha, great, let's start brushing!"

"God of War Possessed! Devil Transformed!"

"The Three Changes of the Devil! The Dark Elemental Attack Conversion!"

"Death to death! The dragon's blood is boiling!" Lu Chen added a lot of state to himself, stacking up his attack power.

"Devil clone! Devil's Will·Refresh! Devil clone!"

At the same time, the clone appeared again, and suddenly more than thirty Lu Chen appeared.

"Super far shooting!"

The avatars also turned into a longbow in their hands. After 10 seconds of preparation time, a large number of arrows fired in a volley, shooting in all directions, like a rain of arrows!

Swish swish swish, a large number of arrows, like a large army pressing the realm, rushed into the monster formation, and then, countless damage values ​​floated all over the sky, plus the three previous group attack skills, weng has already seen all kinds of things. Damage value.

Xiao Weng was already shocked, "This, this is too exaggerated! In the third day of the sky, can your kid be able to attack the wild?"

As the legendary character of the Green Rock Star, I thought that at the beginning, the demons also used the group attack to clean up the level, but in the third heaven, a wild monster has hundreds of millions of blood at every turn.

However, I am the only one who is crazy! Moreover, the speed is so amazing, let alone that it is not dangerous!

"You kid, you, is it so easy for you to level up?" Xiao Weng looked at Lu Chen, "I only spent a few years at the full level, and looking for you at this speed, wouldn't it be enough to fill my monthly level?"

Lu Chen solemnly said, "The triple heaven is worthy of being a triple heaven, wild monsters are so hard to kill!"

"It's hard to kill you, you, do you know that Marshal of Destiny can't do this with Xiang you! You can be content!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Old man, don't interrupt, I will throw the equipment on the ground for a while, pick it up by yourself, put it on first, and then change the equipment after the dungeon is lost."

After a few minutes, Lu Chen's system interface began to refresh.

[Kill the three-headed King Kong (Level 2 monster level 120), capture 36 million heaven and earth auras, obtain the second-tier first-tier talent fragment*3, and obtain the second-tier one-star evolution point*3. 】

[Ding, get the item "King Kong Bracer" (dark gold)*2 (trigger greed effect), get the item beast core (orange)*2 (trigger greed effect), get the diamond claws (orange material)*2……]

[Kill the Golden Beak Goshawk (Level 2 Monster Level 128), capture 36.24 million of heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 2 Talent Fragments*3, and get 2 Tier 1 Star Evolution Points*3. 】

[Ding, get "Golden Beak" (dark gold material), get beast core (orange)]

[Kill the strong Packed Treeman (Level 2 Monster Level 142), resurrect 38.8 million Heaven and Earth Auras, obtain Tier 2 Talent Fragments*2, Get 2 Tier 2 Evolution Points*2]


Lu Chen hasn't upgraded much yet, but Lu Yiyi has been shrouded in white light.

"Master, I upgraded, I upgraded again, I upgraded again..."

The demoiselle on the side already saw his eyes red, "Green girl, I can't see you anymore... Oh my god, is there such an upgrade!"

Lu Chen also had a lot of equipment here. The wild monsters of the third heaven were purple outfits at worst, orange outfits were the most, dark gold was also very common, and the flash gold burst rate was relatively low.

But even though the burst rate is low, it can't withstand such a group.

Not long after, a large amount of equipment was already piled up in front of Jin Weng.

"Old man, you're okay anyway. Help me tidy up the equipment." Lu Chen was busy cleaning the wild, "No matter what the quality, as long as it is new equipment, select it. If it has the best quality, use the best quality. Find one and put it on. Throw the others together."

Xiao Weng looked at so much equipment in a daze.

The equipment here, dark gold or higher, can sell a lot of military skills on the market, and other low-quality equipment can be sold to refiners, who can practice skills, disassemble equipment... also a large income.

This is the first time for such a selection of equipment.

"I'm sitting on the Golden Mountain."

Not long after, Xiao Weng discovered that there were more and more equipment, and if he didn't work quickly, it might be too late to screen.

"Boy, then I will start."

"By the way, pay attention to your aura. You use group attacks like this, and be careful not to have enough pure aura! We call them gluttons that come out of the soil. Once they use restorative drugs, they will steal the recovery state."

About an hour later, more wild monsters came from far away.

"Be careful, the second wave is here! This wave of blood is thicker! How much pure aura do you have?"

Lu Chen took a look at his state, "It's used up...The pure aura of the group attack is too high, and I can hold it for an hour."


"It's okay, I still have this!" Lu Chen finished speaking, with one hand, and for a moment the HuangSe Orb appeared in his palm.

"Spiritual Storm!"

In just a few seconds, Lu Chen's pure aura directly renewed!

"This is the pseudo-dust bead?!" Xiao Weng looked at Lu Chen in shock, "You can get this thing? You can only see it, can't you take it?"

Lu Chen put away the dust bead, and glanced at Xiao Weng disdainfully, "Who said you can't take it, you can't take it at first, but you can take it for a legend hiding mission."

Min Weng's face was stiff, "Legend hidden missions... There are legendary hidden missions in the first heaven? Even if there are, who can complete the legendary missions in the first heaven!"

"I said, what kind of monster are you!"

Lu Chen smiled and said half-truth, "You're really right, the weak jackal, have you heard of it?"

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