Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 514: Brush experience lying down

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Within an hour, outside of Maple Leaf City, some people started talking.

"What's the matter, haven't come out yet? It's been an hour, don't tell me, those two LuoNan can last so long! Our team can't last for less than an hour!"

"Yes, there is no special way..."

"Tassel boss, can you disclose the number of monsters killed, we suspect they are cheating!"

Tassel looked at the time, and an hour had passed. Those two people who didn't even have any equipment couldn't come out yet.

"Show the data on the Plains of Chaos."

A huge translucent data window is displayed on the high platform.

[Data Map of Chaotic Plains]

[Current number of people in the plain: 2 people]

[Currently the number of monsters killed in the plains: 488 ordinary monsters of rank three, 51 elite monsters, and 7 bosses. 】

[Time to break through: 58:46]

The audience exploded instantly.

"Impossible! Killed 550 wild animals in less than an hour? Absolutely impossible. I promised my life, the data must be wrong!"

"If we die in an hour, we will only get 30 or 40. They will get 550 of them? There are 7 BOSS!"

"The Destiny Team couldn't deal with this damage before. It counts as damage. A monster counts 500 million HP, an elite 1.5 billion, and a BOSS counts 3 billion. They have to deal 300 billion damage in two an hour. How can it be!"

Maple Leaf Tassel hurriedly checked the data window, and no error was reported!

"This, this is impossible, no one has such a high level of damage!"

"Boss Tassel, do you want to bring up the plain scene?" Xiao Ming asked.

Fringe frowned. Many people don't want others to see their fighting process. However, in some special circumstances, as the masters of Maple Leaf City, they also have the right to obtain information about the combat situation in the wild.

It just needs higher authority and must be activated by the Maple Leaf City Lord, the patriarch of the Maple Leaf Family!

"Wait, the monitoring window didn't report an error...The output is so terrifying, and their pure aura can't hold up, wait until they come out."


Two hours have passed, and the data in the data window is still beating frantically.

[Currently the number of monsters killed in the Plains: Normal Rank 3 wild monsters, 721, Elite wild monsters, 134, BOSS, 22. 】

In the second wave of wild monsters, there are more elites and bosses, so the kill volume of ordinary monsters has slowed down, but the kill volume of elites and BOSS has doubled!

"Xiao Ming, go and call the patriarch over..."

Not long after, the crowd at the back of the venue separated a way, and several Maple Leaf tribesmen in Chinese clothes hurried over.

The headed man with sword-brows and tiger-eyed eyes, a burly figure, walked towards the high platform in three steps in two steps. Behind him was several Maple Leaf tribesmen, both young and old. They looked at the data in the data window and looked at each other.

"This result is true? Is there any problem with the monitoring window?"

"Impossible, 700 billion damage was done in two hours, do you have any points!"

"Could it be that the strongest destiny led the team?"

Maple Patriarch ID "Maple Leaf Green Shirt", he finally came directly to the high platform with a displacement skill, "Tassel, open the screen!"

"Uncle, do you really want to open it? If he didn't cheat, I'm afraid he will be investigated. We will apologize to him in public."

Qingshan's gaze is solemn, "This data is obviously fake even if the top five destiny cannot be hit! Take a step back and say that someone can achieve this kind of damage against the sky. He can push me half of Maple Leaf City alone and give him Why not apologize!"

Tassel nodded, "Yes, uncle!"

Not long after, the data window changed. Several items of data moved up, located at the top of the window, and real-time broadcast of the Plains of Chaos came out below.

[The screen is being connected, the progress is 32%, 48%...]

"I bet with my twenty years of experience, that guy must have used some opportunistic tricks!" said an elder of Maple Leaf. "There is a problem with a Luo costume that can live for so long, let alone a high level of damage. I don’t believe it when killed!"

"Will they be stuck at the monsters?"

"Impossible, it's impossible for card-point monsters to deal such high damage."

"80% of the data is wrong, wait for the screen."

The screen is finally connected.

In the picture, the three figures gradually become clear.

"Hey, old man, I received a reminder that Maple Leaf City is starting to broadcast the footage. What do you mean?" Lu Chen leaned against the pile of equipment behind him, resting his head with both hands.

"Literally, they should suspect that we cheated." Xiao Weng was still putting his head down to sort out the equipment, "Hey, boy, the equipment here seems to be all complete, there is no new equipment, do you want to see the rest?"

Min Weng glanced at the mountain of equipment in front of him, a little scared.

"Just don't look at it. Anyway, there is not much difference in attributes. Help me choose a more handsome suit, just the one you chose."

"Do you have to smash my shirt?"

"Temporary wear, I have to change it to the copy."

"You kid, you are really lazy. At the beginning, you played the jungle, but now you can let the clone go!"

Lu Yiyi came over and said, "Old Min, I'll choose, you will take a break." As he said, there was another white light at Lu Yiyi's feet, and she rose to a level.

It's just that now she is numb, not as excited as before.

These three people weren't spamming monsters at all, one lying on the side, and two others sorting equipment, it felt like rumbling through the trash.

The surrounding pictures gradually became clear.

More than 30 avatars are shooting arrows at the wild monster group, and the surrounding wild monsters are also suffering from the sky flame pillar, the black coffin dead zone, the Man Luo Tian certificate, the super long-range shooting skills, blood, blood The amount drops evenly...

After seeing the picture, the scene was quiet.

There were people who suspected that they were cheating, and some people suspected that they were stuck. Although the monitoring screen showed that they were neither, they still exceeded everyone's expectations.

These people are resting!

"Yes, rest in the Plains of Chaos? Is there a mistake!"

"That guy has so many clones? Does the clone have such high attack power?! Then his body is stronger!"

"Those equipment are just piled up there? There are still a lot of flash gold equipment in there!!"

The data displayed on the data window is still growing rapidly, and their rest did not affect the progress of the wild.

Four hours later, I saw the young man yawned and turned sideways, "Xiao Min, help me use the clones, don't let them go, I'll sleep off the line."

Observing the battlefield, Ya Que was silent.

That guy was in the Plains of Chaos and went off the assembly line to sleep...

After 12 hours, the guy who was offline finally came online again.

The equipment behind him has piled up like a mountain.

"Old man, pick out the flash gold, let's two and one half, and then share it with our own."

"No, no, it's all you fight. I have one set."

"What are you polite? Anyway, you want to call anytime, you have helped me organize it for so long, and it's not too much for labor expenses." Lu Chen did it and looked at Lu Yiyi. He was already level 82.

My level has also increased by level four or five, and the efficiency of the day is pretty good today.

Now this wave of monsters is all BOSS, and the group attack is a bit hard to brush, the clones have been changed to melee, and they are fighting each other with the BOSS.

"Did the boss drop new equipment?" Lu Chen asked.

"No, but the probability of being the best product is higher."

"Then I won't brush it, the upgrade is too slow, you still have to go to the dungeon to fight the equipment. The equipment here is not good. Collect the equipment and go out."

"After I go out, I just want to ask about the Maple Leaf family..." Lu Chen stood up, his eyes gradually cold, "Who gives you the right, dare to monitor Laozi's leveling!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Maple Leaf people sitting in front of the data window all shrank in their hearts.

"Patriarch, this... he seems to be angry..."

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