Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 515: Win people's hearts

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The black hole opened, and Lu Chen and Xiao Weng walked out together.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lu Chen, he was the one who fought in the Battle Plains, and Xiao Weng was obviously the one who fought.

Lu Chen glanced back, and there were many people from the Maple Leaf family, including a few of them who were older, with gold rims in their service.

His voice suddenly cooled down, "You have no objection to banning me from equipment, but without my permission, live broadcast of my leveling scenes, this should be illegal." Lu Chen frowned and turned to look at The Maple Leaf tribe snorted coldly, "When you challenged the record, you said that we would kill on the spot in less than 6** minutes and were wanted throughout the city. Now I also give you a chance. If your explanation does not satisfy me, I pushed you Maple Leaf City!"

Maple Leaf Qingshan shuddered.

This guy really does his own way and heal his body, he will push Maple Leaf City backhand...

"Sir, please, please calm down!" Someone immediately stepped forward to persuade.

Maple Leaf Qingshan hurriedly stepped forward, "Two people calm down, your damage is too high, we, we really don't understand, so we started the broadcast without discussing it with you."

"Yes, this gentleman, we have been in Maple Leaf City for almost a hundred years, but we have never seen such outrageous data. At that time, I couldn't believe it, so..."

"Two, if you have something to say, we have already seen your strength and admire it online. To be honest, we can have such a terrifying record and we are also very proud of Maple Leaf City. We just want to ensure the fairness of the competition. "

Lu Chen looked at the Maple Leaf tribe. The attitude of these people to apologize was pretty good, and he also received a message in the **Zhan Plain, which may have been sent by them.

Although they watched Lu Chen's jungle arbitrarily, they at least notified him in advance, which was a bit outdated.

Lu Chen is not a stingy person. Since these people are willing to admit their mistakes, he won't really push Renjiacheng.

After all, the two-star family can't be compared with the Dongfang family, which is a kind of military force, that is, a few title marshal towns.

Lu Chen's record was three times that of the Destiny Squad, so naturally these people did not dare to offend.

"Boy, forget it, they all admitted wrong." Xiao Weng said.

Lu Chen nodded and let out a sigh of relief, "Okay, it seems that your attitude is pretty good. I won't care about you this time."

"Thank you sir."

"The record of that copy..."

Maple Leaf Qingshan hurriedly said, "Sir, you have just spent 2 hours on the battlefield, and you are tired too. Why don't you take a break and challenge again."

Maple Leaf Tassel also said, "The two should have settled and upgraded in Maple Leaf City, don't you know where the two live now?"

"Tongfu Inn."

"Tongfu Inn... it's better to live in our Maple Leaf Mansion for the two of you, at least the environment is better."

"Yes, yes, yes, two distinguished guests can come to our Maple Leaf City, how can we not be the landlord, first go to our house to eat something, our chef here is already level 7 in cooking skills, and the food we cook will definitely make The two are satisfied."

Lu Chen is not tired. His main task is to sleep a while in the wild, but considering that Xiaoweng and the others may be tired, the challenge will be slowed down for the time being.

However, Lu Chen had some questions that he would like to ask San Zhongtian.

"It doesn't matter if you live, but cooking is level 7 and the craftsmanship is the same as chasing the cloud... you can try it."

Seeing Lu Chen's promise, the Maple Leaf family finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Chen and Weng followed Fengye Qingshan down the high platform and walked into the city.


Qingshan and the others didn't dare to neglect Lu Chen and the others, they had already set up a table of food.

As a family, there must be a lot of ingredients in stock, unlike those who chase the clouds, every time a barbecue is like roasting his own meat.

Lu Chen grabbed a piece of barbecue and tasted it. It tasted a bit worse than Chaiyun barbecue, but it was also delicious.

During the banquet, Qingshan accompanied him, and after chatting with Lu Chen and the others, the atmosphere on both sides became much more harmonious.

Tassel asked curiously, "Two, take the liberty to ask, are you the Marshal of Heaven?"

"No, the old man is a general, I am a militia." Lu Chen answered directly.

Several people almost squirted the food out of their mouths during the dinner.

"Militia?! Impossible!"

Lu Chen directly revealed his position as a militia.

Lu Chen looked at everyone in shock, put down the food, smiled slightly, "Is the military rank so important?"

"This..." Tassel wanted to say that the military rank is of course important. It is almost the most important proof of the strength of the Triple Heaven. It can be exchanged and traded, and it is also a symbol of status. In short, in the Triple Heaven, everything depends on the rank.

Qingshan said, "Little brother, the rank is still very important. If you are the Marshal of Destiny, we don't dare to monitor it."

Lu Chen nodded, Qingshan looked like a real person.

"Maybe it's important, but I don't care, and I don't want to improve my rank."

There was a junior child who couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Why?"

Qingshan glared at his younger generation, "Little brother naturally has his own thoughts, what are you talking about!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Actually, it's nothing. I just think that the so-called battle of the three heavens is meaningless."

After taking a sip of tea, Lu Chen sighed lightly.

During this period of time, he has traveled many places in the surrounding villages of mankind, Tianpu Tower, City of Exile, Demon Race, Dragon Tomb, and City of Maple Leaves, and his feelings for Sanzhongtian have become more profound.

Lu Chen looked at Qingshan, "I fought against many different races, and I also fought against strong humans. The advantage of human beings is not to fight alone. The personal strength of many races in different races is much stronger than that of humans of the same level."

Qingshan nodded. There is no doubt about this. Many races have racial characteristics, which are also reflected in the game.

The flesh of the monsters, the spiritual power of the monsters, the agility of the demons... the human beings actually lost at the starting line.

"Little brother, we all know what you said. Human beings are not rivals of foreign races among the same level. This has been proven countless times."

Lu Chen nodded, "So, here, human beings have no advantage."

"Under such circumstances, human beings still don't know how to unite against the enemy and engage in hierarchical privileges. It is really meaningless."

"No matter how strong the race is, if it can't unite, it will eventually be extinct!" Lu Chen thought of the ancient dragon clan. Their individual strength made him feel a headache, and it turned into the words on the stone tablet.

Qingshan suddenly stunned in the same place, this kid's thoughts were exactly the same as he used to be!

In some cities with wild areas, you need to pay a fee to clear the wild, and not everyone can clear the wild.

But the wild area of ​​Maple Leaf City has only one requirement, as long as you line up, you can enter! Whether it was Maple Leaf City or not, they are open to everyone.

From this point of view, Maple Leaf City is fairly fair.

And this also reflects the desire of the Maple Leaf Family to improve everyone's strength. Although their city is not a gang, at least they have action.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Some people are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, while some people betray their compatriots for their own benefit."

"The ten forces are all in their own right. In order to compete for the place of the Tongtian Tower, no one really thinks about the whole human race."

Qingshan was a little excited, "Little brother, then, do you have any plans next?"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "You must have the title of Marshal or above to participate in the martial arts competition. However, the five families each have an exemption quota, and others can be exempted from the military rank requirement if they are jointly recommended by several families."

After that, Lu Chen looked at Qingshan, "I hope you can support me in participating in the martial arts competition!"

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