Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 522: Three years of retreat

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"Huh? No, it's cleared? Well, how many more times can I do it?" Lu Chen hurriedly asked, "I have other ways to beat the guy at the first level! I will do a few hundred. What kind of gods and demons are needed for the gods, blood, and demons.

Faced with such a non-discriminatory request, that consciousness ignored him...

Lu Chen also knew that his request was a bit too much, and he should have ignored him.

"Hey, do you know where the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons are located?"

This time the other party finally reacted.

"From the fourth heaven to the ninth heaven, any level is possible. Nine changes of gods and demons. Only by gathering the nine changes can they exert their true power."

"Damn, it's the same as I didn't say..."

In any case, the middle volume of the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons has finally been found. The Mirror World also provides a place for cultivation. Of course, Lu Chen will not waste this opportunity.

Of course, although three years inside the world equals ten days outside the world, for Lu Chen, it is definitely a painful thing to stay in seclusion for three years.

"Forget it, just stick to it..." Lu Chen reluctantly entered the world in the mirror.

The world in the mirror is a copy of the world in the mirror...It's a bit awkward to speak, it's like a lake, walking on it without sinking.

There are two luminous objects floating in the air, they are the blood of the gods, and there is nothing else.

Lu Chen put away the blood and demon seed, sat cross-legged on the lake, and began a three-year retreat...


In three years, Lu Chen was absolutely safe here, but he didn't dare to go offline. It might take a few months to get off the line in the mirror world...

This time Lu Chen finally felt what it means to "live like years". The only thing that can record his progress in cultivation is the progress of the fourth to sixth levels of the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons, which is slowly increasing!

It is strange to say that in the mirror world, Lu Chen does not feel hungry, but when he feels tired, he recovers after sleeping in the mirror world.

Without spring and autumn, the flowers are blooming, but in Lu Chen's consciousness, three years have passed, and it has come to an end.

"Finally I'm fully trained!" Lu Chen let out a long sigh of relief, "It's so boring!"

"It seems that it hasn't been three years yet, so I have refined the blood of the gods and demons together."

After devouring the blood and demon seed, Lu Chen's innate power increased again.

Shenwei has been upgraded from "primary immortal body magical power" to "intermediate immortal body magical power".

The magic power has been upgraded from the "primary magic soldier magic power" to the "intermediate magic soldier magic power".

Fengtian Divine Might and Heaven Defying Demon Might, the attribute increase upper limit reaches 800,000! At the same time, the time of weakness is halved.

The reason why Lu Chen seldom used these two innate power skills was the weakening time.

For example, in the Heavenly Punishment Pagoda, he used these two great powers on any level, and he couldn't beat 100% in the next level, even at the ninth level. According to the situation at the time, if he was in a weak state, he might have been hit now. Killed the treasure, beat the Jackal in the first day.

He didn't even dare to use it outside, just use it once, for a few days of weakness, it could not support him to cause trouble everywhere, and he must have been killed long ago.

"When the weak time can be completely eliminated, then my two skills will be awesome." Lu Chenxin said.

"Forget it, I can't be too greedy. I level up slowly. Maybe there will be no time for weakness. Now the greatest function of innate power is not to be suppressed by others, and at the same time it can raise the upper limit of the level." Lu Chen stood up, feeling his legs Some numbness.

"I can finally go out!" Stretching, Lu Chen walked out of the mirror world!

As soon as he walked out of the mirror world, Lu Chen found that he had a lot of voice prompts.

It was the news from Min Weng.

"Boy, how come you haven't come out yet, and the voice transmission can't receive it?"

"Smelly boy, it's been seven days, what are you doing in there? Let me reply."

"The people from the Jinguang Temple are squatting on you outside the dungeon. They set up a five-element prisoner bull formation. The formation is extremely trapped, and you can't run away once you come out."

Lu Chen frowned slightly. It seemed that the change in the copy had attracted the attention of Jinguang Temple, but he didn't expect them to know that they were still in the copy.

He looked in the mirror in front of him, "Hey, are you still there?"

"I am always here."

"Do you have any other exits here? Someone is blocking me at the door, and now I don't want to be found."

"Yes, I can teleport you to another exit, in the territory of the natural elves."

"Huh? Your other exit is so far away? How soon can you come back?"

"At your walking speed, you can come back in about four months."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. Four months is definitely not enough. There are still more than ten days before the Human Race Tournament will begin.

"What if riding on Nine Wings?"

"20 days."

"Then, should I use displacement?"

"Ten days."

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, "Well, please help me send it to the exit of the natural elves."


Outside the dungeon, hundreds of people have been surrounded by this time. The people of Jinguang Temple have been waiting here for several days, and now the people surrounding the dungeon have actually changed wave after wave.

"Are you sure there are still people inside? It's been ten days, some people are coming out too."

"We have repeatedly checked the list, and indeed no one has come out."

"Has the old man caught it?"

"I have searched the whole city several times, but I still haven't found it..."

Xiao Weng finally realized that "the most dangerous place is the safest place". He was on a certain tree under the high platform, but at this time he was almost integrated with the trunk.

Looking at the branches and leaves tangled in his body, Xiao Weng looked unlovable, "This kid, I haven't come out after ten days? Is it past or not? It can't be so long, right."

When everyone had become a bit numb, ripples appeared on the surface of the huge mirror.

Everyone is up to the point.

"The copy has reacted! Attention everyone, he may be coming out!"

"Has the formation been set up?"

"It's set up, as long as he comes for the first time, he will definitely not escape the imprisonment!"

However, the entrance of the mirror copy only swayed like a lake for a moment, and then calm was restored.

[The Mirror World copy is reopened. 】

"Huh? What's the matter? The copy is back to normal, but why is no one coming out?"

Xiao Weng also looked confused, whether the kid came out.

At this moment, he received a voice transmission, "Old man, I am on the side of the natural elves, and I am now coming to the Golden Temple City...Oh, wait, I seem to have encountered something here, I will talk about it later."


The natural elves, because they have a very high affinity with animals and plants, they are good at elemental attacks as the natural type, which can be regarded as a special "wood type" elemental attack.

The territory of the natural elves has always been known as the most difficult territory to infiltrate. For the invaders, here, it is definitely a "vegetable army"!

As a rare intruder, Lu Chen felt this kind of treatment.

Worse, he teleported to a city!

When Lu Chen first appeared, the elves around him looked at the unexpected guest in shock.

Others did not even dare to enter the border of the natural elves, and as a result, this person was so bold that he ran into the city of the natural elves!

"I'll go, the world in this mirror is not shallow, because Mao didn't say that the teleportation point is in the city!" Lu Chen smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, me, me, me, cough cough cough... It's just passing by, there really is no other meaning."

"An enemy sneaked in!" The whole city warned!

"The earth is bound!"

"Song of the Forest!"

"The tree of life!" Faced with countless wildly growing plants and vines, Lu Chen took a breath, "Sorry, I was wrong! Seven stars chasing the moon!"

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