Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 523: Human Race Tournament begins

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The natural elves are definitely not easy to provoke, Lu Chen directly started the Three Demon Changes, and escaped without cooling down!

However, after discovering an intruder had invaded, the whole family of natural elves were alarmed, and the whole family were soldiers. There were hard-to-detect natural formations everywhere.

This caused Lu Chen a headache.

"I have to go back in 10 days, but now..." Lu Chen, who was recovering his pure aura, just stopped, and the trees behind him suddenly deformed. Lu Chen didn't have time to regain his aura and continued to escape with a triple door...

Damn, it might be too late!


More and more people flock to Golden Light City, and now the human race is now the enemy, this martial arts competition has become even more eye-catching.

The only madness has not been caught, how will the human race face the massacre of the ten thousand races two months later? It is very possible that this competition may have an answer.

With the reopening of the Mirror World, after squatting for 20 days, the people of Jinguang Temple on the one hand also slack off, on the other hand, it is rare for outsiders to come to the Mirror World to try it.

Considering that this is a large amount of military merit, and the guy in the copy is probably no longer there, in the end the Five Elements Prisoner Bull Array was removed from the Jinguang Temple and the Mirror World reopened.

Xiao Weng is finally free again!

He hurriedly took off his mask and mixed in with the people coming in and out.

"Why did that kid run into the realm of natural elves? The competition will begin if he doesn't come back again. No, I have to talk to Qingshan about the situation first!"

After Qing Shan learned of the so-called madness, he became anxious and fidgeted.

"Old Meng, this, at this time, how can Brother Crazy be away! I have contacted sixteen power leaders and have already agreed to jointly recommend him. You know how determined to recommend All Servers Wanted, I, I have managed a lot...this is the second thing. The key is that if he does not come this time, people will think that he is an unbelieving person, and I am afraid that he will not be recommended in the future."

Yin Weng frowned. He could imagine Qingshan's difficulty, and said, "Patriarch Qingshan, don't worry for now, this is also an accident. That kid is on his way back!"

Qingshan tried to calm himself down and nodded, "Okay, I believe Brother Mad will not let us down, then I will not notify others for the time being. Until the last minute, everything will follow the plan!"

Three days later, the contest within the human race officially opened!

The rules of the Terran Tournament are very simple. There are two ways to register. One is to register for the title of Marshal, and the other is family recommendation.

Each of the five major powers has a recommended quota. For the other one-star forces, an average of three forces can recommend a quota, while the two-star forces require 10 forces to jointly recommend a quota.

The total recommended quota is about twelve or three people.

In fact, it is also difficult for the title Marshal to pass the Tongtian Pagoda, but all levels of the Tongtian Pagoda often require multiple challenges to pass.

The Terran is humble in strength in the Triple Heavens. Every attempt requires a large number of military escorts, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. The meaning of the Terran internal martial arts competition is to leave the opportunity to try the Tongtian Tower to the capable people.

The Golden Light City has been overwhelmed and has begun to implement a restricted entry policy. Each force has set the number of people entering the city according to its own level...

In Qingshan's room, more than a dozen leaders of the major forces were asking about the situation of the madman.

"Brother Qingshan, the game will start today, but I'm the only one who hasn't appeared yet. How do we recommend him!"

"That's right, you said how he was righteous, but as a result, no one has appeared until now. I have serious doubts about his character."

"Brother Qingshan, we are the only one recommended by me. A nomination alone is enough to make us be held accountable by the big powers. But we put all our wealth on him, but he..."

Qingshan comforted, "Everyone, stay calm, I have received news from my side that Brother Kuang is desperately rushing here, and I will definitely be there today.

"The reason why I asked you at the beginning is because we still haven't given up hope in our hearts. We don't want to hold on to this small place and dare not cross the border for half a step. Besides, the human race is under siege, and the ten thousand races are still gathering in human territory. , They are like annihilating our human race, this time they just found an excuse, we actually have no way out!"

"Brother Kuang is willing to come forward at this time, dare to ask everyone, can we find a second person to take on this important task?"

"Since ancient times, a major event has been the front line of life and death. Haven't you all been psychologically prepared?"

However, Qingshan touched some people, but couldn't touch everyone.

"Let me put the safety of the Bashu family on this person, sorry, brother Qingshan, it is not my temporary demolition of the tower, it is really...I am frank, he can't afford it! My Bashu family quit!"

"Until now, no one has appeared, Qingshan, I also quit."

"Has he not thought about how much risk we recommend him to take? Forget it, you know him well, but I have nothing to do with him, and I can't trust him so much. Qingshan, I, Li, quit."

Emotions are also contagious, and those who are vacillating, have withdrawn from this matter.

Seeing the forces retreating, Qingshan was heartbroken. Counting the remaining people, there were only eight forces!

"Qingshan, there are only eight left. Our recommendation is no longer useful." The Alihuo Patriarch shook his head helplessly.

Qingshan frowned, "No, it may not be useless, I only know you, but I believe there are others who think like us! If not, at least let others know that not everyone is willing to be insulted by all races! "

The patriarch of the alien fire nodded, "If this is not done, the human race will not escape the fate of destruction in the end, what is the difference!"

At ten o'clock in the morning, the competition had begun.

The competition adopts the elimination system, and the rules adopt the method of self-initiated. After victory, you can decide whether to rest.

The number of contestants is small, 17 or 8 people, most of them are recommended by the forces. These famous figures are knowledgeable, and there is no situation that they will be on stage until the end.

If you linger on stage, you are likely to be easily defeated in front of 10,000 people when you meet a super strong, and for these people, it will be even more faceless.

The first game was the young "Ming Chen" recommended by the host Jinguang Temple and the "Purple Moon" of the Palace of Death.

Both of them are currently marshals in the ranks of marshals, and they are both close combat fighters. They are of equal strength, and both sides dared not reserve any shots. The scene was extremely fierce.

In the end, the host, Ming Chen, had a better skill and won the first victory.

On the rostrum, the Master of the Temple of Wangsheng had a ghost face and could not see any expressions. He only heard a slightly far-fetched laughter under the mask. , It is even more powerful."

Master Shunian smiled slightly, "His Royal Highness praised, Ming Chen and Ziyue can only be regarded as first-in-class. Ziyue's attack is sharp, her posture is agile, and the destructive power of the immortal and martial swords in her hand is not to be seen."

Zhen Guo Qiufeng laughed and said nothing. The two seemed to compliment each other, but they were actually emphasizing each other's Xianwu, as if the outcome was due to Xianwu.

She has listened too much to this kind of conversation, and her ears are calluses.


A hundred miles outside the Golden Light City, a red figure was running fast.

"Nima, I can circumnavigate the earth so far! The race has already started, go! Infinite triple doors!"

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