Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 525: Five major families vote

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If Beixue is arrogant and lonely, then I am so arrogant. He didn't even see who his opponent was, and directly announced the result of the game...

When the words "Only I'm Crazy" came out of his mouth, the whole venue exploded in an instant.

"Only I am crazy! He, he is really here? He dare to come on stage!"

"Wanted by all servers and dare to participate in the competition, this person is crazy!"

"Not to mention whether he was crazy or not, he just ignored Beixue Gufei? This is too deceptive."

On the rostrum, a group of bigwigs rushed to the ring and surrounded Lu Chen.

"It turned out to be the only one! You are so brave, you dare to come to the competition site!"

"It's really nowhere to look for it through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. You actually delivered it yourself! As long as you catch you, we will have the capital to negotiate with the Allied Forces."

"Be careful, everyone, this guy is strong and extremely cunning, don't let him run away!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly as he watched these big bosses. The helms of the five major forces had all come off in person. The Dongfang Xiong of the Dongfang family, and the masters of the major families, had already surrounded himself.

"What are you doing in such a hurry, I didn't say you want to run." Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I said that I was here to participate in the competition. The competition didn't say that wanted criminals could not participate. It's impossible for your families to have powerful rights. So, can the human race's long-standing tradition be changed arbitrarily?"

Lu Chen's threat worked.

With such a big hat, even the five major forces would not dare to accept it. Today, there are almost all three-star or higher forces gathered here.

It is true that the five big families of Humans speak very much, but they don't want to be called dictatorial.

Master Shunian frowned. As the host of this tournament, he must indicate his position.

"Only I am crazy. You are too cunning. You ran away outside the Heaven Punishment Tower. Do you think we really believe you?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I said, this master, please use your brain. I didn't catch you. I came on stage by myself. If it wasn't for the game, what would I do?"

Everyone looked at each other, this is true.

"Participate in the tournament? I'm the only one who is crazy. Don't think we don't know that you are not eligible to participate in the tournament. If I remember well, your rank should be a militia!" The Lord of the Palace of Death said muffled.

"What's wrong with the militia, the militia is also a soldier! Don't worry, since I'm here, I will abide by your rules!" Lu Chen finished speaking and looked at the audience, "I have a referee!"

"Brother Qingshan!"

The crowd turned their heads, looking for the Patriarch of Maple Leaf Mansion.

Qing Shan took a deep breath, looked at the colleagues beside him, everyone nodded and jumped onto the ring one after another.

"That's right, we jointly recommend Sole to take part in the competition, he doesn't need to meet the rank requirements!"

"You guys!" Bu Nian looked at these two-star power leaders in surprise, "You have already colluded with the wanted criminals!"

"I don't want to read the master, but I'm the only madman who is wanted because he got the Heavenly Punishment Tower Supreme Treasure? Did he do something damaging to heaven and reason? Is there any problem in our relationship with him?" Qingshan also gave up. , Anyway, it has come to this point, nothing terrible.

"Confused!" Mufu Hongyu yelled, "The foreigners wanted him because of the treasure, and we wanted him because he was pregnant with the treasure, but he did not want to work for the human race!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Working for Humans? Sorry, I just don't want to work for your five major forces!"

Zhen Guo Qiufeng slightly looked at the madman alone. Is this guy the madman Yan Ran said?


The Lord of the Palace of Wangsheng squinted his eyes slightly, "Sure enough! Our five forces escorted the winners to the Tongtian Pagoda every time, and they do their best to command the army of the human race against the ten thousand races in such adversity. In the place of survival, you are unwilling to serve for my five major forces, so what face do you want us to **** you to the Tongtian Pagoda?!"

Mufu Hongyu suddenly said, "No, you only have eight two-star forces here. According to the rules, at least ten two-star forces must be jointly recommended to be effective. I am the only one who is crazy. You still have no qualifications to participate in the contest. Get ready to fight!"

Qingshan suddenly became speechless. He walked to the ring and asked loudly, "I am the only mad who is here to change the status of the human race. Please also invite people of insight to help the mad **** and jointly recommend him to participate in the martial arts competition!"

The situation on the stage was tense. People in the audience looked around, some shook their heads, some chose to wait and see the changes, some were struggling.

"Qingshan, you said he can change the status of the human race, is there any evidence?"

"Yeah, we can't just support someone we don't understand with just a word of you."

At this moment, two more people jumped onto the ring.

The two men walked directly in front of Lu Chen.

"Your Excellency is a student of the Erzhong Tianyu Academy of Refining Heart? Have you ever accepted the token of our distinguished guest (gatekeeper)?"

Lu Chen looked at the two. One was the patriarch of the "Lizhou Prefecture" and the other was the "Hundred Lie Corps."

"Two, do you know the Dean of the Disabled Life and the Teacher of the Old Horse?"

The two smiled slightly, and they seemed to be right.

"The letter has already been passed from Can Sheng, and we have all heard of your past."

"It's not easy to kill the black dragon with the power of one person, and the old horse said that he only has the doorman token in his hand, but with special care, we must befriend that little brother!"

People who can meet old friends, Lu Chen feels very good, "Where are Can Sheng and Lao Ma? Haven't they come back yet?"

"Counting days, the term of office is coming soon, if you have the opportunity, please come to our house for a talk."

The letter from Can Sheng and Lao Ma to the family probably did not simply explain the situation. They could stand up to support Lu Chen at this time. Obviously, they must have said something serious in the email that made the family pay more attention to Lu Chen.

Of course, it is also related to the siege of all races. At this time, for many people, it is no longer possible to consider things that are too long.

But in any case, it was time for the two to appear. After the two two-star power leaders joined, the number of powers who recommended Lu Chen reached ten!

"Okay, there are now ten. I am the only one who is always eligible to participate in the competition." Qing Shan said with a lot of confidence.

Mu Fu Hongyu sneered, "You guys who have gathered together just want to participate in the competition? Have you forgotten that our five major forces have the right to veto?"

Mufu Hongyu looked at the other four, "Four, let's vote, and if the majority agrees, the recommendation is valid, otherwise the ten recommendations will still not be eligible for the competition!"

Qingshan suddenly panicked! He forgot about the right to vote!

In the past, the five big families never used voting rights. As a result, when I arrived at Lu Chen this time, all the voting rights that were not used for thousands of years came out!

"I'm against!" The Lord of the Palace of Death was the first to express his position, "Grab this guy, otherwise how to solve the crisis of the siege of ten thousand races!"

"I'm also against it, no matter whether we make friends or not, but if the ten thousand races know that we have not made friends, but instead send him to the Tongtian Pagoda, the human race will die!" Bu Nian said immediately.

At this moment, a young voice spoke, "Our Beixue family, support!"

It was Beixue Lonely Fei who was speaking. After being left alone for so long, this genius finally had a chance to speak, "I want to see, how strong is the legendary soloist!"

Mufu Hongyu looked at Beixue Lingjun, and Ling Jun shrugged, "Gu Fei wants to fight, I have no opinion." It can be seen that Ling Jun values ​​Gu Fei extremely.

"I think, just hit it." Zhen Guo Qiufeng looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "There is a junior in my clan who says you are very different, really?"

Lu Chen frowned. It seemed that Zhen Guo Yanran was the only junior in the Zhen Guo Army he knew.

Is this her evaluation of herself? Very different? That's it!

"I don't know what she said is different." Lu Chen spread his hands, "When will the girl come up? She said she is going to catch up with me. I have waited for more than two months, and I will be leaving soon. what."

Zhen Guo Qiufeng couldn't help smiling, "You are really arrogant. I can tell you that she is only practicing. If you fight again in the future, you may not be her opponent."

"Come on!" Lu Chen said seriously, "Aunt Qiufeng, thank you very much."

"Ah, auntie... if you believe it or not, if you call me that again, I will change my mind immediately!" Qiu Feng, who was smiling just now, suddenly became fierce!

"Uh... slip of the tongue, Sister Qiufeng..."

"Call Miss Sister!"

Mufu Hongyu's face was unbelievable. There were so many variables in the original ironclad thing! The five major forces are now 2 to 2!

Fortunately, I still have a ticket! In the end, there will only be a surprise win.

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