Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 526: Supreme elder token

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"I almost succeeded for you!" Mufu Hongyu sneered. "The last ticket is in my hand. I said no, I just can't!"

Lu Chen frowned and looked at Mufu Hongyu, Cangsheng, Lao Ma, and Zhen Guo Yanran all told his family about themselves, why didn't Mufu Jiu'er, who are most closely related to him, ever mention himself?

Maybe they are practicing outside and must not contact people in the family.

"I declare that I am the only one who is not qualified..."

"That...Hongyu, are you sure you want to oppose?" Lu Chen looked at Mufu Hongyu.

"Of course I am against it. This is not a question of a game, it is a major matter related to the survival of the human race! If you take you down, we can negotiate terms with the ten thousand race!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Trust me, you won't object."

"Hahahaha, I'm the only one who is crazy, you are too confident, even if you are very strong, do you think that with just a word of you, my Mufu Hongyu will change my position?! It's idiotic to say..."

Before the last word "dream" was spoken, Lu Chen took out an antique wooden sign from his backpack.

This brand has been around for some years, the color of the wood has changed a bit, and the writing on it has been a little flattened, requiring careful identification.

However, when he saw this token, Mufu Hongyu was shocked.

Nine ambiguous words above.

Mufu Supreme Elder Token!

At this moment, the shock on Mufu Hongyu's face could no longer be added, his whole body stiffened, but his eyes kept blinking, as if he was afraid of dazzling.

"You, you, how can you have his old man's token!" Mufu Hongyu's eyes were already mad, his voice choked.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, with a heavy tone, "He and I are a year-long acquaintance! He has taught me a lot. In order to let me pass the ninth floor of the Heavenly Punishment Tower, he solved it by himself and gave me this token."

Thinking of Mu Xuan, Lu Chen felt stunned.

"Everyone, the reason why I came to participate in the competition is not to be the first, nor to go to the Tongtian Tower and leave here."

"Although I don't know you, you are not my compatriots, but you also have my friends in the third heaven."

"In the mouth of a foreign race, we have the same name, human!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that after today's World War I hope you will let me participate in the Ten Thousand Race Tournament!" Lu Chen walked to the ring and looked at everyone.

"We humans have been humbled for too long and have been oppressed for too long, and even because I have obtained a treasure that they coveted, they are about to exterminate my human race!"

"Everyone at the scene, you seem to have forgotten that you were once strong! Countless people are looking up to watch you leave the Second Heaven Realm. Many people regard you as idols, the goal of hard work, and there are more people going forward. Work hard to enter the Triple Heaven!"

"However, have you ever thought that when they came to the Third Heaven, they would have to linger in such a humble manner and survive hard!"

"Among those people are your relatives, friends, and people you care about. The reason why you are pushed to a desperate situation and are still struggling to support them, isn't it them?"

"Although I am the only one who is not a good person, I also have people I care about. I don't allow them to come to the third heaven and become the target of others' bullying!"

"I don't care how many years the rules of the triple heaven lasted. No one broke the rules here before, so I will break them!"

There were tens of thousands of people in the audience, but they were quiet and silent!

It turned out that the only thing I was thinking about was not a human race tournament, or even a siege of ten thousand races, he came to break the rules of the triple heaven!

In the triple universe, the human race was defeated, but now, one person has come forward!

He is not controlled by the so-called five big families, he ignores the rank and rank, he despises the rules!

Min Weng suddenly choked up a bit, this kid, when he got serious, really made people excited.

"Smelly boy, follow you all the way... I have no regrets on this trip!"

Qing Shan took a deep breath. This is why he was willing to bankrupt his family and was anxious to help the soloists. This guy said what everyone said in their hearts, and said what they didn't dare to think.

He will use his own power to challenge all races and the rules!

Qingshan's eyes were wet and red, and he was under tremendous pressure these days. At this moment, he was finally released.

Look at the people who were still vacillating before. They once questioned themselves and said they were too stupid, but at this time, everyone had shut up!

"Brother Du Kuang, well said! It's not in vain that my Qingshan follow suit!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he turned to look at Mufu Hongyu. He didn't want to embarrass Mufu Hongyu. He was Mu Xuan's family, and Lu Chen could give them more tolerance.

"Brother Hongyu, I know you have your considerations, and I don't want to force you, I ask you to let me participate in the competition!"

When the word "request" was uttered, Mu Fu Hongyu suddenly trembled and his hands trembled.

Just the token in my hand, not to mention making a decision for Mufu, even if he changed his Patriarch, but I was not doing so.

The face he gave to Mufu was so heavy that he could not afford it.

"Brother Du Kuang, I...request the word that my Mu Mansion will never dare to be... From now on, Brother Du Kuang...well, no, if there are any needs from Du Kuang seniors, my Mu Mansion will do my best to help, nothing else!" Mufu Hongyu clasped his fists in both hands and bowed deeply.

Everyone in the Mu Palace knelt down on one knee.

Lu Chen is Mu Xuan's year-end acquaintance. According to seniority, Lu Chen is definitely the senior of everyone in the Mu Mansion, and it is estimated that there will be more than one generation, and he definitely deserves this kneel.

However, Lu Chen didn't like this form. "Hey, hey, what are you doing... Don't talk about your seniority. Speaking of which younger generations of you and I are still called brothers, get up, get up..."

Lu Chen hurriedly helped up Mufu Hongyu.

Mufu Hongyu was ashamed, "Senior, don’t say that. It’s because the juniors don’t understand the rules. I don’t know that you and the Taishang elders have a new year's friendship. The status of the Taishang elders in my Mufu clan is very important. "

"Hey, don't talk about these red tapes. If the old man knows that I take advantage of his juniors, he probably won't spare me. Everyone talks about each other. According to the grade, I call you old brother is already considered an advantage."

"Dare not dare..."

"Then, the battle..."

"Ashamed, I, I didn't know that the person entrusted by the Supreme Elder was you, so... Then there is no need to say more now, we naturally agree."

Lu Chen smiled and nodded. Sure enough, there are many friends and many roads, and many friends have been made along the way, but he did not expect to qualify for the competition smoothly in Sanchong Tian.

It's always easier to move your mouth than to fight.

Everyone finally stepped down, and the ring was back in the hands of Lu Chen and Bei Xue Gufei.

"Are you going to participate in a martial arts competition? There are ten matches and nine deaths." Gu Fei looked at Lu Chen lightly.

"Thanks for reminding, I know."

"Before, people from Lizhou and Bailie Corps said that you used to be a student of the Second Heaven Refining Academy?"

"Well, I stayed there for a while."

Gu Fei nodded, "Red fashion, super strength, I think I know who Shuang'er is talking about, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Shuang'er?" Lu Chen blinked his eyes, as if there was no such name in his impression.

Gu Fei smiled slightly, "When you meet in the future, you should know you. I'm the only one who is crazy. You are someone who can make me feel admired. It stands to reason that I shouldn't be embarrassed by Shuang'er's friend, but the battlefield of ten thousand races It's not as simple as you think. For your safety, I must look at your strength."

"In this battle, I will do my best. If you lose, I will give up your plan!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he hadn't paid attention to this person. Now standing in front of Bei Xue Gu Fei, he seemed to feel a little bit of feeling.

This Lone Fei is a master!

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