Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 534: What about being targeted?

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When Lu Chen entered the area where all ethnic groups gathered, he first settled in a team of 200 people.

The area here is very large, but when the human race came here, it still became the focus of other races.

"Huh? I'm not mistaken, is that human?"

"It's the human race. I didn't expect that those wastes would also participate in the ten thousand races? Did you die a thousand miles?"

"It's estimated that the dog jumped the wall in a hurry. Seeing that we were besieged by us, I knew that I was in danger. I want to make a desperate move. Humph, it's a pity that the human race is too rubbish. It will only accelerate their demise!"

Hearing the surrounding discussion, Lu Chen frowned slightly, stood up straight, and was about to speak when he was stopped by Mufu Hongyu.

"Ignore them, no fighting is allowed outside, otherwise it will be regarded as abstention."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Aren't they the same as us, so why are they jerky?"

"You, don't be impulsive, low-key, low-key, you are already noticeable enough, and if you argue with them, it's easy to be targeted."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Brother Hongyu, when have I been afraid of being targeted? Besides, in my capacity, even if I don't say a word, I will be targeted."

After all, Lu Chen ignored the opposition of others and came to the people who chewed his tongue just now.

These guys didn't know what race they were. At least they looked strange to Lu Chen, with a lot of wrinkles on their faces and pointed ears.

After checking the translation software, the translation is a string of meaningless names, which seems to be the result of transliteration.

Lu Chen frowned, "Then what Balkhlabir Siqi...I'll go, this name is like a foot-wrapped cloth, forget it, you bunch of rubbish, if you are squeaky and crooked, don't blame me for being polite!"

"How old are you, a human dare to say that we are rubbish, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

Lu Chen glared at the man, looked around, there were no monsters patrolling, and then walked over...Suddenly, Lu Chen's figure was in a trance, and the next second, the guy in front of him disappeared!

Everyone was stunned. Even if a big living person was killed, it could not be so gone.

Lu Chen touched his mouth, as if he had just eaten something, and he burped.

Seeing this detail, Xiao Weng was shocked, and this scene seemed familiar... He suddenly knew where that poor person was.

Thinking of that possibility, Xiao Weng couldn't help but shudder, "This kid is too courageous, he actually swallowed, swallowed..."

Not long after, someone from there hurriedly called for the monster patrol team.

"It's him, he, he is here to do it, our companion was here just now, but suddenly it was gone!"

The leader of the monster patrol team is a leopard-headed guy. He frowned and looked at Lu Chen and the others. "Human?"

However, as the head of the patrol team that maintains order here, he knew in advance that the human race will participate. His main responsibility is to maintain order. No matter who the trouble is, he must maintain order. Once the order is broken, the final result will be unthinkable. of.

"Hey, human boy, where did you get their companions?"

Lu Chen looked confused, "Ah? What? What does their disappearance have to do with me? I'm still wondering, how come that guy was talking to me just now, but suddenly it disappeared. I thought he used it. What displacement skills?"

The leopard frowned, judging from the human's astonished expression, it seemed that he was not lying.

Besides, is there any exercise that can kill a big living person? Maybe there is, but the Triple Heaven does not seem to exist yet.

He turned to look at the informant, "Although I hate Human Race, but what you said seems unlikely."

"Really, what I said is absolutely true. We are a coalition army. How could I lie to you? That kid killed our people alive! You see, there is no corpse, even physical destruction is impossible. Is it so!"

Lu Chen looked deeply thinking, "That is to say, you said I didn't make it, so how did I make it? It's not allowed to do it here, because our human strength is inherently weak, so how dare you choose something. The people who came here were at least the title Marshal, or even the Marshal of Destiny. How could I have been alive, and if I didn’t kill him, I would lose it. Besides, even if I kill him, how could I not even have a dead body? Is this kind of exercise?"

When Lu Chen's words came to a point, the leopard's head became more and more correct.

Although he usually looks down on Human Race, at least in this matter, the Human Race kid is right.

"You, you, you are so shameless, I have never seen a person with a thick skin like you! You...well, don't you admit it, brother Leopard, you can ask other people!"

Leopard head asked a few people from the victim's family. Although they were all emphasizing that it was the human who had taken away their companions, they all had obvious hesitation on their faces.

However, on the Human Race side, everyone denied it almost immediately without hesitation.

"I don't know if there is any, but I promise I never saw our people do it!"

"This is not magic. Can a title marshal disappear out of thin air? Think about it, they planted it."

"It must be that person who moved away on his own. I haven't heard of someone who can kill people directly. If you really have this skill, what else would you do?"

Leopard's head is more reasonable...

Ask the people of the surrounding races, there were witnesses who saw a dispute here, but no one saw Lu Chen act.

After a round of investigation, Leopard said angrily to the reporter, "I am very busy now, don't bother me with this kind of thing in the future! Let's go!"

After the patrol team left, Lu Chen blinked at the opponent, full of provocation, as if, besides, it was my ghost who had the ability to hit me.

Those who are very popular, but suffer from no evidence.

Lu Chen sneered and returned to his companion.

"Hey, madman, did you do it?" Li Bashan asked Lu Chen in a low voice.

Lu Chen blinked at him.

Xiao Weng looked at Lu Chen's stomach, "Boy, are you going to let him out?"

"I don't want him to be rotten in it." Lu Chen smiled, "They are not the point, but the ten thousand clan competition is the root."

Xiao Weng breathed a sigh of relief, "You are so cruel, I suddenly sympathize with that kid."

After this incident, not many people around were talking about Human Race, but they were all talking about the weird thing just now.

Settling things here, Lu Chen, Min Weng, Mu Fu Hongyu and others entered the battlefield of monsters and gods.

Those who can enter here are the core figures of all races. When Lu Chen appeared here in that red suit, the strong men of all races who were resting around stood up.

"That guy is here! I didn't expect the solo madness to really come!"

"He is the only man wanted by the whole server? The two treasures of the Heaven Punishment Tower and the Dragon Tomb of the Demon Race?"

"Isn't that killing him, it's really fame and fortune?"

"Hmph, this time the Ten Thousand Races Conference, I suddenly became interested."

Among them, there were a few extremely focused gazes, staring at Lu Chen.

Demons, demons, and natural elves.

"It was he who sneaked into our natural elf city and escaped from tens of thousands of people? Huh, I want to see if he can escape the palm of my old lady!"

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