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"Lunatic, many people are sneaking at you..." Li Bashan whispered beside Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled slightly. He was used to this scene a long time ago, "It doesn't matter."

Everyone set up a bonfire, and a group of people sat around the bonfire.

Lu Chen didn't know when there was a fluffy little guy in his hand. Lu Chen touched the head of the little hairy ball.

"Little guy, come and try Yunyun's barbecue. I don't know if you like it cooked."

The little hair ball is not polite at all, it is delicious.

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Since the last time he was seriously injured, the little guy has almost recovered.

Tomorrow’s battle, I don’t know if Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan, as well as his orange beast nucleus, have almost been wiped out. If the guy who has just evolved has a chance to play...

Everyone once again introduced the rules of the Xia ten thousand races in detail. Lu Chen's absent-minded appearance always makes people feel uneasy and must be confirmed.

The competition of the ten thousand races involves the territory of various races, which is the core interest of each race, so the rules of the competition are completely different from the general competition.

At the beginning of the game, all contestants are on the field!

On the battlefield of the Beast God Battlefield, a scaled-down version of the triple heaven map has been drawn, and each player representing his own race stands within his own territory.

When everyone is in place, they enter the process of free competition.

You can launch challenges, attack other players, and grab the opponent's territory. Each time you grab, you can get up to 1% of the opponent's territory.

In addition to territorial encroachment, martial arts can also make other requirements, such as asking the other party to pay tribute to specific resources, turn in a certain piece of equipment, or even a certain person.

If the attacked party agrees to the other party's request, there is no need to fight, and if it refuses, the decision is based on the result of the fight.

Many races have more than one contestant. Based on the analysis of the strength of the enemy and ours, they may cede other people's territory while ceding their territory. Since each contest has an upper limit on the area to be robbed, a certain balance can be maintained.

"There are many powerful races in the Triple Heavens. In fact, there is a check and balance between them. They don't want to see a certain race territory is too large. When a race with superior strength attacks other races, they must also consider that they are equally powerful. The competitor sneak attack from behind, so the balance of the three heavens is a dynamic balance."

Lu Chen has always had a little question, "Then there are many races that have not participated in the competition, are they not taking advantage? Just like the human race, others cannot invade our territory through competition."

King Bei Xue Ling shook his head, "Brother Du Kuang, what you said is too simple. Ever since we gave up the Ten Thousand Race Tournament, our territory has been eroded, and those who have been eroded can no longer be eroded! Now the remaining territory It is already the last bargaining chip in our hands. They also know that if we want to swallow the last piece, it means to exterminate the human race, and we will encounter our desperate resistance. Any race that can exist in the triple heavens, who has no background? , To completely annihilate a race, you have to pay a painful price."

"The race battle is more complicated than imagined. It is not just a territorial battle. Although this is the only thing left in our territory, we still have hundreds of millions of people! The battle of life and death is a trifling matter? Some big races It is indeed capable of annihilating the human race, but one's own vitality will inevitably suffer. When the time comes, other strong people will take advantage of it, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

Qiufeng also said, "So, instead of taking the risk to annihilate the human race, they should collect resources from us. In fact, we have to attack a large amount of materials against the major races every year."

"Yeah, the contest is lost. There is still a limit to the territory ceding, and the tribute resources are also acceptable. But if you don't participate in the contest, you can do whatever they ask you to do."

"As far as our remaining territory is usually occupied, we only dare to defend, not to counterattack."

Lu Chen nodded, and only now did he understand why the monster beasts dared to cross the border to attack the territories of the human race blatantly, but the strong human races did not dare to do anything.

One is because it is weak, and the other is because it did not participate in the martial arts competition, Human Race has no right to resist!

"This is a frog boiled in warm water..." Lu Chen shook his head.

"We know, it's just... that's no way. We can't afford the loss of genius every time we fight... Now they finally found an excuse to unite and annihilate the human race." Dunian sighed.

"Alright, okay, don't put pressure on brothers alone, brothers alone, I'm afraid you will continue to fight in the first battle tomorrow, you have taken a way today, you have a good rest, let's watch."

Lu Chen was indeed a little tired, and he was not welcome in the battle tomorrow, and fell asleep.

Glancing at the starry sky above his head, Lu Chen repeatedly saw the two figures who had left him and his sister ruthlessly, drifting away until they disappeared into the starry sky.

Tomorrow will be a so-called battle that will affect reality. My sister is next door. Should I go offline to see her?

Forget it, generally don't see your family before the decisive battle, just as in the movie and TV series, it is the same reason that you must not take out the family's photos before the war... Once you take it out, the *** is gone.


Early the next morning, the relaxed atmosphere suddenly changed.

Not long after, Lu Chen received a reminder that the contestants entered the "Triple Sky World Simulated Map".

"Mad, are you going to start?"

Lu Chen nodded.

"Brother Dolly, come on!" Li Bashan stood up and looked around, looking restless.

"Smelly boy!" Min Weng pulled Lu Chen's palms, already sweating, he could see that he had a lot to say, but he couldn't say it.

Perhaps some people care about the territories of the human race, but some people are more worried about the safety of Lu Chen.

These people were more nervous than himself, and Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I'm leaving!"

From the various camps, dignified figures walked out, and together they walked towards the central area of ​​the demon **** battlefield, where a simulation map had already been arranged on the ground with a certain formation.

When Lu Chen walked past, he didn't know how many eyes were staring at him.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and there seemed to be a lot of people hitting his attention.

He didn't care, and walked to the simulated territory of Human Race as instructed.

The simulated territories of the major races are large and small, and several large people standing in it still appear empty, like a football field! The small one can move around freely with a few people, and it still looks empty.

Only here is Lu Chen, probably standing on two feet, there is no place for wealth.

It happened to be such a big place, and the surrounding area bordered on the territory of several races. Lu Chen stood there like a nail on the map.

"Hahahaha, boy, your human race actually came to participate in the martial arts competition, do you want to fight to the death?" The surrounding monster race contestants laughed loudly.

"The next person who can actually stand, I think they have enlarged the territories of the human race." Another demon beast race also said, their demon beast race is dozens of times that of the human race...

"Such a palm-sized place can actually squeeze hundreds of millions of you? You humans are really ants-like things, quickly disappear." A Titan clan expert beside him said coldly.

"Your human race will become extinct sooner or later, but before you become extinct, leave the things on your body first!" The Demon Race said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, we will treat you well in a while, so that you won't be so uncomfortable."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Human Race welcomes you, don't be polite for a while."

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