Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 547: I can save it

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Even Lu Chen's closest friends don't know how many cards Lu Chen has. His style is that he can never show it in advance without a trick.

While practicing the Six Changes of Gods and Demons, Lu Chen discovered that the Promise Sword of Gods and Demons had activated new special effects, the symbiosis of Gods and Demons!

It’s a pity that no one can force him to use this trick to coexist with gods and demons. No one thought that he could easily pass through the Tongtian Pagoda. In such a battle that no one else knew, the man in white could Force Lu Chen to use this trick!

The black and white two-color sword body of the God and Demon Promise Sword merges into one body, the black and white two-color are like two living blue dragons, interspersed and swimming, you are in me and you in me.

Lu Chen had double horns on his head, and layers of golden light burst out of his whole body, a pair of pupils, one gold and one dark green, like a half **** and half demon, slowly rising into the air.

The white-clothed man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and just by virtue of the aftermath of his transformation, he had already broken his Heavenly Sword and shook him back. There is no doubt that the symbiosis of gods and demons is definitely the strongest skill of the madman.

"Very good!" The white-clothed man raised his mouth, his eyes showed enthusiasm, and then he drew a long whip from the void!

"It's not just you who have exclusive weapons!"

"Your six transformations of the gods and demons are incomplete after all, and their power is limited, and my seven deadly sins have been cultivated to the extreme. I don't believe in my extremes that cannot defeat your symbiosis of the gods and demons!"

"You are also qualified to see my trick."

The complexion on the white-clothed man's body surging quickly, and the long whip in his hand shines brightly, "Exclusive skill! Seven deadly sins and seven sins!"

Seven sins are punished together, symbiosis with gods and demons!

Outside the Tongtian Tower, the troops of various ethnic groups stationed in the distance suddenly felt their feet shake violently.

"What happened, the earthquake?"

"No, it came from the Tongtian Tower. Someone is rushing to the Tongtian Tower?"

"Isn't it possible? Even if someone breaks into the tower, it is impossible to cause a hundred miles of vibration around it. Is it possible that the Tongtian Tower has changed?"

"Ma upload the order, go to Tongtian Tower to check!"

Just at this moment, a pneumatic force swept across in an instant, all the surrounding trees were cut off, and Qi Jin directly overturned countless people.

Qi Jin centered on the Tongtian Tower, swaying in a ring shape, sweeping the audience!

The guardian of the Tianmo clan blocked the air ring with a spiritual shield in time, and the air ring swept away in a flash. However, the low-level soldiers behind him were affected one after another, and the camp was in a mess.

He looked back in the direction of Tongtian Tower, the demon's eyes widened, "It doesn't hurt, but it can cause such terrible damage... This is the aftermath of the strike!"

"My God, in the end, who is going to break through the pass in the Tongtian Pagoda, the aftermath of a trick is so terrifying!"

His subordinates are also masters, avoiding the energies, and said in a deep voice, "Marshal Tianmin, I just asked, there is no news of fighting around Tongtian Tower, I don't know who easily broke through all the defense lines."

This name came astonishingly the marshal of the demon who had fought against Lu Chen.

Tianming took a deep breath, "It's not impossible to break through the line of defense. It's just strange that the Heavenly Domain BOSS of Tongtian Tower should be the source of the seven sins. Although the strength is strong, it is not so strong..."

"I collided with the tower-breaker's moves, and the remaining power spread to ten thousand meters. I really can't think of the extent to which the two moves collide with such a powerful force."

After thinking for a moment, he tentatively said, "Is it the only one who is going through the barrier?"

"Impossible, the only madman is still in the territory of the human race, currently living in Mufu City, people from all races are watching."


In the Tongtian Pagoda, the symbiosis of gods and demons and the simultaneous punishment of the seven sins blasted out at the same time. In these two major moves, no one suppressed the other, and no one restrained the other, and directly impacted.

The collision of two super-powerful skills produced amazing power that even exceeded Lu Chen's expectations!

The two flew upside down at the same time, both of them broke and broke the unknown stone pillars and hit the edge of the wall heavily!

If it weren't for the Tongtian Tower, I'm afraid the two would directly smash through the wall and fly out.

Lu Chen vomited blood violently, and died directly.

Not only is the health bar gone, there is even worse news.

[Your physical body has been severely injured, with 98.3% of the injuries. 】

After a while, Lu Chen was reborn from the flames. In the full state, Lu Chen's life limit reached 27 million, but now after his resurrection, his life value is only 460,000!

This is not the key, all his skills have been blocked, and his body cannot move!

98.3% of the physical injuries were equivalent to Lu Chen's death this time!

This was the first time that Lu Chen sat on the ground and couldn't move as soon as he was resurrected. The physical damage was really terrifying, and his resurrection skills were perfectly restrained.

He struggled to do it, panting to look at his opponent in the distance.

His opponent was also leaning against the wall, motionless, reckless.

"Is this dead..." Lu Chen stood up hard and moved step by step.

The guy leaned in the corner, his head drooping, as if he was not breathing.

Lu Chen raised the Promise Sword and was about to stab it down. Suddenly, the guy on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and drew a whip with his backhand.

Lu Chen now has all his skills disabled, and it is a miracle to be able to walk over, and it is impossible to avoid this blow.

Even if Xiao Min can help him withstand this blow, his physical body can no longer withstand any blow. I am afraid that the character will leave a trace of blood by then, but Lu Chen is really going to die.

At this moment, a group of white shadows sprang out, and the body swelled at the moment it flew out, blocking the blow.

"You big yin, fortunately I was prepared, Xiao Maotuan, hand it to you..." After all, Lu Chen finally couldn't support it anymore and fell on his back...


I don't know how long it took. When Lu Chen woke up, he found that Xiao Mao Tuan was using his small head for his palm.

"Little hair ball, is he dead?"

"Squeak, squeak."

"Why didn't you let you come out earlier?" Lu Chen heard Xiao Mao Tuan blaming him, and smiled reluctantly, "That guy is too strong, you are not his opponent now, I must confirm that he has been seriously injured. To get you out."

Hearing that the boss was thinking about his own safety, he insisted on checking the enemy's situation. Little Mao Tuan sadly ran to the side of Lu Chen's face, and shrank Lu Chen's face gently.

"I really didn't expect that the Celestial Boss, who had never been in my eyes, almost killed me."

"What a big surprise... This nine-day road is really sloppy at all."

The appearance of the white-clothed man seems to be because of his special identity. As long as he does not compromise for one day, the road ahead may be more difficult.

"I want Laozi to compromise and dream! Ouch, it hurts..." Lu Chen's face was deformed due to the pain.

"Little Green..." Lu Chen summoned Little Green.

"Boss, you are badly hurt..." Lu Yiyi's eyes were tearful, and his hands trembled to check Lu Chen's condition.

"I know, that, take a look quickly, I think I can still save it..." After saying "last wish", Lu Chen fainted again.

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