Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 548: The first four heavens

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In the evening, Lu Chen woke up again. After several hours of care by Lu Yiyi, Lu Chen's injury improved, and his physical injury reached 44%.

"Boss, I have used several pills for you. If you use them again, the effect will be very small, and resistance will be produced." Lu Yiyi helped Lu Chen stand up, "Should we rest here for a few more days?"

"Let’s talk about it later, I just looked at it. The system told me to leave the copy, otherwise I failed to break the tower." Lu Chen looked around, "Huh? Where's that guy's corpse? Little Mao Tuan?"

Little Mao Tuan squeaked a few times, which shocked Lu Chen.

"Huh? I ran away after eating half of it?" A picture flashed in Lu Chen's mind. A man who was chewed on by a small hair ball so that only half of his body was left ran away...

"This... did you nibble horizontally or vertically?"


Xiao Maotuan said that he doesn't pay attention to food when he eats.

Lu Chen shook his head. In short, the picture must be terrifying.

"That guy can run like that...what the **** is it!" Lu Chen thought about it but didn't think of anything. "Forget it, he is not a real heavenly boss anyway, we can go to the Fourth Heaven. Up."

He walked to the body of the source of the seven sins and picked up the items.

[Obtain the immortal battle armor "Guild King Robe", obtain the flash gold weapon "Seven Star Fire Orb" (firearm), obtain the flash gold item "Tai Shuo" (mountain magic weapon), obtain dark gold...]

This guy was killed by the man in white, so Lu Chen didn't get the upgrade materials, and he wouldn't trigger the "greedy" special effects.

"Madan, don't let me meet that guy again next time, or he must make up for the loss!" Lu Chen directly swallowed the equipment to the Promise Sword, leaving only the mount-like magic weapon.

Tai Shuo didn't have any of Lu Chen's attributes, nor was it like Nine Wings that could stun other mounts, and sometimes it could provide good group attack capabilities.

However, as a mount of the same level, Tai Shuo's speed is much faster than Jiu Yi.

At the same time, the only characteristic of Tai Suo made Lu Chen speechless for a long time in surprise.

[Item category: items that can be withdrawn]

"I...I rely on!" Lu Chen exclaimed, "Item withdrawal? If I bring this thing to reality, wouldn't it be a sensation in the world?"

However, although Taisuo can withdraw cash, it did not say how to withdraw cash and what materials are needed.

In the first three heavens, apart from the 100-point attribute withdrawal coupon, there are no items related to "withdrawal".

"May have to go to the Fourth Genius...Let's see what it looks like first."

When Tai Shuo was summoned, a huge shuttle-shaped object was suspended in the air, somewhat similar to a tetrahedral weapon, which was five or six meters in length, not very large.

"The streamlined design...there is no cockpit or anything, can this thing really be used after cashing out?"

Overall, Tai Shuo is a lot worse than Jiu Wing, but perhaps because of the withdrawal of attributes, it has also become a flash gold-level mount.

Putting Tai Shuo away, Lu Chen walked towards the fourth floor.

"I'm going to the Quadruple Cosmos..." Lu Chen took a deep breath, one cosmos and one cosmos. He didn't know what the Quadruple Cosmos was like.

"Let's go!" After that, Lu Chen stepped into the entrance.


In Mufu City, "Lu Chen" stayed in his house all day and rarely went out.

Occasionally, Xiao Weng would come to see him, and every time he came in, he would definitely close the door.

"Xiaoyuan, do you want to make a copy with me? You are too boring to be here alone, right." Min Weng patted Xiao Yuan on the shoulder, saying, this so-called madman is really no different from the deity, it It can even become so-called mad six, magic six state.

Xiao Yuan has never been able to speak, and has little self-awareness. In fact, it is just a special puppet.

However, what Meng Weng did not expect was that he was only here to make sure that Xiao Yuan was in good condition. After all, all the major races now consider it to be solipsism. It is precisely because of this that no one dares to act rashly.

However, Xiao Yuan, who had never spoken, even spoke today.

"Uh, h, okay..." Xiao Yuan was very struggling when speaking, he couldn't speak clearly, and he stammered.

But these few simple words still made Xiao Weng's eyes widened, and he looked at Xiao Yuan in shock, "Xiao Yuan, you, did you speak? Is it the only one who spoke through you?"

Xiao Yuan shook his head, "Xiao, Xiao Yuan, think, want to become stronger, Xiao, Xiao Yuan think, think, Xiao Mao Tuan... find, find the boss..."

Xiao Weng fell silent suddenly.

In order to stabilize the situation, the stinky boy kept Xiao Yuan, after all, Xiao Yuan could be transformed into a solo madness, which would not make people doubt.

However, Xiaoyuan actually spoke today.

It wants the little hairball, and it wants to continue with Lu Chen. After it gets stronger, it goes to the Fourth Heaven to find them!

Xiao Weng patted Xiao Yuan on the shoulder, "Xiao Yuan, you have always been strong, but we have ignored your strength and your feelings. I believe your boss will not leave you if he is not forced to do so. ."


Xiao Weng nodded, "It's rare for you to be so sensible. Well, old man, although I am old, I am not sure if I can take you to the Fourth Heaven, but...I will try my best!"

"We will all become stronger!"


After a moment of dizziness, Lu Chen finally set foot on the territory of the Four Heavens.

He raised his head blankly and looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a desert, no other newcomers were born, and there is no team like Libashan waiting to the side, surrounded by wind and sand, only him!

"Under what circumstances, don't Xinshou Village bother to get one?" Lu Chen shook his head, "Is there any hint, the system won't speak!"

He still has injuries on his body and is not in good condition, and Xiaolu needs materials to refine the pill. Looking at the barren surroundings, it doesn't seem like a place where medicinal materials can be collected.

"Rhubarb!" Lu Chen called out rhubarb, "Do you know this place?"

Rhubarb shook his head, "Wow!"

"Is there a city ahead?" Lu Chen frowned, "Okay, go to the city to avoid the wind and sand. The dust storm is so fierce that you can't open your eyes."

In the squally wind and sand, Lu Chen trudged against the wind alone, one dog.

After walking for an hour, the sky dimmed and Lu Chen was already a little tired. There was a ruin just in front of him. The broken brick and broken horizontal line could block some wind and sand. Lu Chen took the rhubarb and went in to rest.

"The first three heavens are green mountains and green waters, but how do they look like birds in the fourth heaven?" Lu Chen hid behind the half-cut wall, leaning against the rhubarb.

"It's cold and hungry..." Lu Chen shivered. "I never felt cold before, but now I feel so strong."

Lu Chen took out two pieces of barbecue and gave them one piece of rhubarb.

This is what Chaiyun prepared for him, and now he can cushion his hunger.

After eating something, I feel a little better.

Lu Chen looked up and saw that the sky was gray, with wild sand covering the sky.

Rhubarb turned around for a few times, then came back and barked at Lu Chen.

"What, this is that city?" Lu Chen's eyes widened. He thought it was the kind of city that was overcrowded. As a result... the city had become ruins? !

"I'm going, what the **** is the Fourth Heaven!" Lu Chen shook his head in doubt.

"Can there be living people in this place?!"

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